July Feature Designer part 3!

Hello, hello! I’m back a day late but I’ll pretend it’s fashionably so.


The final installment for our July Feature Designer, Rachel of Pretty in Green starts now (If you missed part 1 and 2 find them here and here)! Today we’re going to share a little bit of the present, past and satisfying Rachel’s sweet tooth. I’m also going to stick in a couple of my favorite kits created by Pretty in Green to help if you’re unsure what to use her totally rad awesome coupon on (see end of post for said totally rad awesome coupon).

With Summer in full swing, everyone is out making memories, I asked Rachel to share one of her recent favorite memories in photo form.


Makes me think of one of my favorite Pretty in Green kits, King of the Jungle. A surprisingly versatile kit, I love the thought of using it for zoo trips, for my son’s love of a certain animated lion cub and the warm colors would be just lovely for that time of year when the leaves start to turn.

Moving from the present to the past, I was able to get my hands on a photo of Rachel from years past, High School to be exact! Seriously, her smile, it’s contagious!


You’re smiling right now, you can’t help it.

Thinking back to High School is often a roller coaster of ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times’ for many.  For me personally it was a time when I should have believed more in myself, in my own beauty (and smarts!) and not relied so heavily on what others thought or cared for. Because of that, I’m immediately drawn to Pretty in Green’s I am Beautiful kit. It might just be in my top two as far as favorites from her collection of designs. It’s simple, subtle and the message is clear as day, [You] are beautiful. Don’t forget it.

Time for some more Q&A!

What is the last book you read?

eek! Is it bad to say I don’t read books, I wait for the movie? LOL! I do make time for my kids to read and I read to them, so to answer your question what was the last book, it was Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss.

How do you feed your sweet tooth?

A better question would be, how don’t I feed my sweet tooth?  I don’t eat red meat, but I don’t eat a lot of veggies either, so I jokingly say I’m a sweet-tarian, LOL! I love chocolate but French toast is my all time favorite!


Last and certainly the most important question, 😉

What is your favorite thing about GingerScraps.net?

Gosh what’s not to love? Really, I discovered Ginger Scraps when I discovered Digi Scrap, and I have stuck around since. It’s full of great friendly people, and I get to work with some of the most talented women ever!

Here, here! Now, for that coupon I mentioned at the beginning of the post:

Remember, one per customer and if you need help finding just the right kit I’ll share with you two more of my absolute favorites:

Thank you, Rachel, for letting us get to know you better and as an added bonus, here is a sneak peek of her NEWEST release coming THIS Friday!

Happy scrapping friends!


Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

Good morning, all! Hope everyone had a great weekend; mine was not long enough, as usual! We’re already mid-July (eek!) and it’s time for another challenge spotlight. This week, I am writing about a rad challenge with a freebie: the mini kit challenge hosted by Wendy of Wendy Tunison Designs! Wendy brought her unique style to this month’s mini; check it out:

LOVE. IT. Wendy’s minis are never truly mini, so there’s lots of fun vintage elements here to work with. Not surprising, this challenge has been popular this month with bunches of layouts pouring in! Take a look at a few of my favorites for inspiration…

By Tamie

By ScrappyPenguin

By lhansen148

Absolutely gorgeous. Seriously, I am loving this mini and adoring these layouts. All three of these pages have the same “junky vintage” feel, but are vastly unique. That is the sign of some talented scrappers working with a well-designed kit.  🙂

Remember, the month is now officially half over! Make sure you’re tracking your completed challenges in the July 2013 Challenge Tracking Thread. You’ll want to get all your challenge credits so you can snag yourself an awesome reward once July is over. 🙂

That’s it for this week! Stop by again next week! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – NEW Designer Spotlight Challenge

Good morning, gorgeous scrappy ladies!  🙂  Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start; I really wish it were the weekend already so I could be at home in the A/C, napping and scrapping! 😉

This week I am spotlighting a new challenge here at GS: the designer spotlight challenge! In this new challenge, all you have to do is use 90% products from our spotlight designer (you can use a template from another designer)…that’s it! This is going to be a great way to introduce you to a designer whose products you might not have worked with before and get you going through your stash! 🙂 Our first designer in the spotlight is Rachel of Pretty in Green!

Our rockin’ ad team lead, April, did a great interview with Rachel last week; if you haven’t read it yet, go check it out! Rachel also provided a spiffy coupon for you to grab some of her designs for this challenge. The coupon is in the challenge thread, so scurry over and snag it!

I’m pretty excited about this challenge, ladies.  I love the idea of going through my stash and scrapping with some kits I might have forgotten about. I’ve already got one in mind for PiG…and I’m not the only one! Check out some of these layouts the ladies in the forum have created…

By scrappy_mom

By Lisa

By dillydoodles

I love all of these layouts! Don’t you love the variety of kits used here? Rachel has even more fabulous designs in her GingerScraps shop. There’s something for everyone and some really excellent unique kits you don’t want to be without. My personal favorite kit of Rachel’s is One in a Million:

I just adore the muted colors here and how some of the sentiments look like chalkboard art before chalkboard art was even a trend–so cool! So, you can probably guess which kit I’ll be using for this challenge.  😉  How about you? We’re already a week into July, so make sure you’re got your post up in the July Challenge Tracking Thread. Tally up your completed challenges and at the end of the month, you’ll be in for a rad reward!

That’s it for today’s blog, ladies! Y’all have a wonderful week and I’ll see you back here next Tuesday for another challenge spotlight. 🙂

LOTW Winner!!

Congratulations to CindyB for winning LOTW! Her layout uses the template perfectly and her pictures go perfectly with this kit too. I love the title and the repeating text. Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

This layout was creating using Love A Sailor by Simple Girl Scraps

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

July Feature Designer part 2!

feature designer

Welcome back to our Feature Designer spotlight! In case you missed the introduction, Rachel of Pretty in Green is our Feature Designer for July. Last week we talked about Rachel as a designer, today I’ve got some tidbits on Rachel the amateur photographer!

Do you craft outside of the digital world?

Photography and Sewing, sometimes I just need a break from the computer and if its nice outside I grab my kids and my camera and head to the park, if it’s a nasty day I break out my sewing machine and fabric and usually end up sewing up some kind of dress or skirt for my girly.

Right now I’m pretty excited about photography, I recently got myself a new Nikon D5100 and I’ve been taking some super nice pics of my kids and family. I’m not yet sure if I’ll venture in to a photography business yet, but it sure is fun!


While we’re talking gadgets and cameras, what is the most used App on your phone?

I’m kind of new to the smart phone thing, I got an iPhone earlier this year. The only thing I really wanted it for was for taking pictures, that way I’d always have a good camera with me, so I mostly use Instagram and the camera, and I think I pop on to Facebook way too much, LOL!

Speaking of Facebook, check out Pretty in Green’s Facebook page!  She has fabulous fan freebie available when you Like her on Facebook,

and that’s not all, she also has a funtabulous freebie on the GingerScraps Facebook page, perfect for those Fourth of July photos you took this past weekend.


 Wait wait wait, I’m not finished yet..  I know, it’s like mega awesome Pretty in Green BONUS! Rachel has also created this months Daily Download on the GingerScraps blog!

(image not linked, please see Daily Download post on blog for download links)

So much good stuff, and in case you missed it last week, there is a special coupon for all of you too!

(*one time use per customer) 

I’ll be back next week with more about Rachel, including how she satisfies her sweet tooth and my favorite Pretty in Green kits! Happy scrapping friends!

Challenge Spotlight – Buffet Challenge

Welcome to July! Can you believe it’s already here? Seems like it was just the holiday season and now 2013 is half gone. I’ll be packing up summer clothes soon and I haven’t even put my coat away! 😉 This week I am highlighting one of my personal favorite challenges, the buffet challenge, hosted this month by Bekah of Bekah E Designs!

July’s buffet theme is…designer’s choice! Our designer had a palette to work off of with their imagination picking the theme for each of them! We’ve got a fishing kit, a graduation kit and more–don’t miss out on the buffet on sale now; take a look at some of the kits!

The colors have a nice masculine look while still being bright and summery. I’m liking the broad spectrum of themes here, too! For the buffet challenge, all you have to do is create a layout using some pieces from this month’s buffet–easy peasy! Take a look at some of the pages the ladies in the forum have already hammered out!

By Ambelleina

By sladd79054

By wtunison

Loving the colors even more after checking out some of the pages you ladies have come up with! I love that the kits can be used for really specific photos or just general ones with a certain theme. This is truly a versatile buffet you need to add to your stash! 😉

If you haven’t started your post in the July 2013 Challenge Tracking Thread, you should go save your place! You’ll definitely want to check out the rewards you can earn just by playing along with us this month. Get some scrapping done AND get rewarded for it–win win! 🙂

That’s it for me for this week. I’ll see y’all next Tuesday!

July Feature Designer!

feature designer

Happy July everyone!  It’s been said before, but I truly cannot believe how time just whizzes by. I’m excited to bring to you a new feature we have at GingerScraps starting this month: The Designer Spotlight!

Each month we’ll be spotlighting a GingerScraps Designer and to kick things off for July, say hello to Rachel, known as Pretty in Green!


Rachel has been a designer at GingerScraps since 2009. In a perfect world, I would have been able to sit down over a cup of tea and chatter away with Rachel about what inspires her as a designer, her family and her hobbies outside of digital scrapping. Instead the Internet brings us together, gotta’ love technology!

Today it’s all about designing, Rachel as Pretty in Green.

What is your design process? 

Once I am inspired I look for just the right colors, or if the colors have inspired me I look at my digi stash and see where I can start, and then I pick out a cardstock overlay and start with solid colors and then patterned papers then the elements, and then sometimes I add just a few more patterned papers.

What software do you use as a designer?

I’m a Photoshop girl.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

My kids, my husband, family day to day.  I usually create kits that I need to scrap my life, but sometimes colors really speak to me and I go from there, that usually ends up being the really fancy kits.  I have found through designing that I’m a girly girl who really likes damask prints, LOL!

Describe your design workplace

My dinning room table, or my living room. During the summer months I sit in the dinning room which is more comfortable. During the winter I move  to the living room coffee table because it’s warmer in there, but I sit on the floor and that is not so comfortable.

PiG Workspace

What is your favorite kit you’ve designed?

Oh man, this is always a hard one, there is something I love about each one of my kits, but if I have to choose, then I’d have to say Courageous because it’s a kit inspired by the Pixar’s Brave.  It’s a kit with forest greens and cool blues and touches of warm red, I love the way that kit scraps, it has a lot of ME in it.

Courageous is available in Rachel’s GingerScraps store:

It’s also currently 30% OFF, BONUS!

Next week, make sure to check back for more about Rachel as we dive into her hobbies outside of digital designing! Until then, hop into the forum and take a look at our new monthly challenge featuring our Spotlight Designer!

Rachel has also generously provided us all with a SUPER coupon during the month of July!

*One time use per customer

Happy scrapping and see you next week!

LOTW Winner!!

Congratulations to lwentkie for winning LOTW!I love the series of photos in the and the cute water elements. Great title too. Very fun layout! Click on the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire GingerScraps Gallery.

This LO was created using Sunshine and Sprinkles by Connie Prince Designs and Twin Scraps Mom.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Good morning, lovely ladies! This week I am spotlighting a popular challenge that comes with a freebie: the second template challenge hosted by Connie Prince! This challenge runs from the 15th through the 30th and can earn you another point towards a rad reward at the end of the month, which is coming up soon! Take a look at the template Connie has created for this challenge:

This is a great temp to scrap a series of photos you don’t want to forget! Make sure you snag it and jump in on the challenge fun before the month is over. 🙂 Here’s a look at what the ladies in the forum have been creating…

LOTW Winner!!

Congratulations to gigichet for winning LOTW!I love the big title and the black and white photo! Great cluster and color choices. Click on the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire GingerScraps Gallery.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.