Be Pinspired – Back to School

Earlier we talked about some great back to school items from the store along with some inspirational layouts from the gallery. Today we are going to take a look over at Pinterest to get some more inspirational ideas for back to school. (images are linked!)

Most all of these seem to be done the traditional way, glue and paper. You can take most any craft and put a digital scrapbooking twist on it. All you need is a bit of inspiration, your imagination, and a printer! I chose all these ideas with that in mind! They could all easily be turned to a digital scrapbooking craft.


Think about all those lovely papers you have in your digital scrapbooking stash! Think about how standout and amazing this hand-print flower would be with those papers!


This is more of just and idea for a photo. You know, so you can scrap it! I love love love this idea!!


This one is my favorite of today’s pins. You can do every single bit of the paperwork on this via digital scrapbooking. You just need to pick your size, decorate, print and laminate. My son loves to read and loves finding fun bookmarks. This is on my to-do list!


These are super cute and look like they would be pretty easy as well. Especially since you can do most of the paper-working via digital scrapbooking!


Here is another great idea for the 1st day of school photo. That sheet would be super easy to make in photoshop with your lovely digital scrapbooking goodies as well!

I know this isn’t the longest blog post ever. I hope you got some ideas from it and found some inspiration for your back to school projects!

Let’s Celebrate Back to School

It is that time of here again, here in the states! It is time for Back to School!! In fact, my child started back on the 3rd. Just crazy! Today we are going to take a look at some great digital scrapbooking supplies to scrap those back to school photos.

Did you know there was a section here at GingerScraps dedicated to just those back-to-school items? Well there is! You can head over to that part of the store and see all those great items. I am going to showcase just a few of them here. As usual, all images are linked!

Through the Years Bundle by Dear Friends Designs


Rock The School - Kit by Aprilisa Designs


School Supplies - Kit by Connie Prince


Study Buddies by Blue Heart Scraps & WimpyChompers


School Rules by BoomersGirl Designs


Bookworm KIT by MAGS Graphics


You Might Be a Homeschooler by Neverland Scraps


Read-Return-Repeat Page Kit by Across The Pond


Teacher's Pet Digital Scrapbooking Kit



That isn’t all that I am going to leave you with today. Here are some amazing layouts bound to give you loads of inspiration. I found these guys over in the gallery.

Dayson School by Lmsandt


by pinklily


Kindergarten by ScrappyMara


Open House by craftyjac

I hope these items leave you with inspiration to scrap those back-to-school photos! Make sure you upload them to the gallery. Link us back up here in the comments. We would love to see your creations!

In the Spotlight –

GingerScraps has the best praise team! There is never a layout without love in the gallery. Not just that, the love they leave is more than just a few passing “beautiful” and “love it!” comments. They take the time to leave thoughtful comments on the layouts. They have even been known to read journaling too!

With that in mind, we are going to take a look at and give love to the much deserved praise team! We are going to start out with non-other than the Lead Sugar Cookie herself.  Lydia…aka scrappinbella!

Lydia is one of the nicest ladies you will meet around scrappy town. She is also a talented scrapper! I am going to showcase (and leave love that the praise team would be proud of!) some of her layouts for you.

What a cute photo!!! I just want to give that puppy a hug. I really like the great balance this layout has with the clusters on each side. Great layering and paper choices as well!


I am a sucker for a blended photo layout. Especially when they are as well done as this one! What a cute photo; and great choice in making it black in white. It really allows for the color photo and the reds and greens to really pop!


Wow! That is so cool that he got to go there. Great photo of him on the course as well. I like that she chose to make the photo the focal point of the layout.


Another great golfing layout. Great example of taking a kit and scrapping outside the theme of it! I really like Lydia’s choice of paper on this layout. Fantastic use of the paper as well with all that great layering!


This layout grabbed my attention in the gallery. Such beautiful orange throughout and lovely photos! I like who the pretty flowers are the focus of the layout. With great title work and nice cluster at the bottom!

Not only is Lydia one of the sweetest ladies you will meet in the scrapping world, her gallery has some amazing inspiration! These are just a drop in the water. Go check out her GALLERY and look around. If you find yourself scraplifting and finding something that speaks to you in inspiration, let us know! Come back and link up your layout. We would love to see it. Happy Scrapping!

Be Pinspired – Summer Crafts

Summer is in full swing here in the states. I don’t know about you, but I am ready for school to start back. With that in mind, we are going to get some inspiration from Pinterest today. Today’s post isn’t strictly about digital scrapbooking. However, I think you could use just about any of these ideas with your digital scrapbooking stash.

So let us get started! All images are linked. To start out with we are going to take a look at a fun list of scrapbook layout titles. I am awful at titling a page. Here are some great examples to help out!


To go right along with these titles, here are some fun fonts to use on your digital scrapbooking layouts about summer (or any layout really!) The “Sunshine” using the Janda Stylish font is awesome and totally going to be on one of my next layouts!

In my search for fun summer time craft and scrapbook ideas, I found this really cool traditional layout with movie ticket stubs! How cool is that? I got to thinking how that could be taken and turned into a digital scrapbooking layout. Here is the pin that got those ideas flowing.

To round things up, here are some fun paper, paint and glue crafts for the summer. Put your gray matter to work and see how you can flip these to digital scrapbooking crafts. I would love to see how you do it!!



Now, get to scrapping and crafting!

From the Archives Vol. 4 – Alphas

I cannot believe we are already at Volume 4 of looking back in our Archives. Have you found anything you liked yet or added to your collection? I hope that you have.

The reason we are doing this is because our designers have great kits and collections from years ago! Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store.

With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it!

Like I mentioned in last month’s archive post, we are going to pull away from just looking at kits this month. There is so much more to be had in the store!! Today we are going to look back at some of the great Alphas.










Guys, this is just a tiny look at what GingerScraps has to offer in the Alpha category. There are hundreds more where those came from!

We would love to see what you scrapped with these or any of our products. Make sure you upload those layouts to the gallery! If you have used any of these great finds from the past, link us up here!

GingerBread Girls Inspiration – Jen | hclappy

Can you guys believe that we are over half way done with the year already?! Before we know it, the holidays will be amoung us. Seriously?!? While I am trying to wrap my mind around that, let us get some inspiration from one of GingerScraps’ creative team members. If you didn’t know, they have the fun name of being a “GingerBread Girl”. Today we are going to get some inspiration from Jen…aka hclappy 









If you are looking for inspiration on how to fill a page & make it stand out, Jen’s gallery is where you need to be! Her gallery is full of beautiful layouts that are just brimming with photos, papers, and elements. Not a one looks too full or busy. Beautiful composition that really could pass as tangible/glue & scissors layout!

Some great inspiration to be had here! Don’t just take my word for it. All these images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery. You can also check out her full gallery HERE! I hope you got some ideas and  inspiration from Jen…aka hclappy 

Lyrical Scrap – P!nk – Just Like Fire

I have not seen “Alice Through the Looking Glass” yet. I have heard this song though and I love it! I had a layout pop in my mind when I heard this song. I thought, it would be a great song to showcase on this month’s lyrical scrap.

Lyrical scrapping. What is that?! We get inspiration for layouts and more in just about everything in life. One of the main things I get inspiration from is music. I can promise you that our designers do as well! We are going to take a song and see what kind of inspiration we can come up with from it.

Take a look at this month’s lyrical inspiration. The video is below and here are the lyrics themselves.

What kind of digital scrapbooking inspiration can be had from this song? Oh…so much! You could go Disney, Alice in Wonderland, being an individual, owning who you are, being a little mad, being the boss, fire, and so so so much more.

Close your eyes, listen to the song again. What do you see scrapping? I cannot wait to get my layout scrapped. In the mean time, here are some great items that were inspired (to me) by this song.


Let’s Celebrate – Patriotism

With tomorrow being Independence Day here in the states and this past Friday being Canada Day, I thought a look at all things patriotic would be a great way to get our day started today. With that being said, let us celebrate all things patriotism.

Patriotism is an emotional attachment to a nation which an individual recognizes as their homeland. This attachment, also known as national feeling or national pride, can be viewed in terms of different features relating to one’s own nation, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects.

Here at GingerScraps, we have a section dedicated to all things Patriotic. That way if I don’t show you something that strikes your fancy, you can always take a look over there. I am here to do finding for you today though. All images are linked to the store…lets get started!














Did I overload you with all things patriotic? I hope so! Happy Independence Day to you all in the states; and Happy Canada Day (belatedly) to our friends in the north.


Creative Stlye – Waves

Happy Scrappy Saturday folks! Team member La’Shawn here to talk about a creative style. I thought it would be fun to talk about waves. “How is that a style?”, you ask? Well, it isn’t really a style per se. It is just another way to add a fun flair to your water, beach, swimming and summer layouts. What am I talking about when I say “waves”? Let me show you a few examples of layouts using waves.

St. Simon by msbrad


doyle belongs at the beach by shellbyj


Lost at Sea Week 2 by gethane

As you can see, there are a variety of ways you can utilize waves in your layouts. You can use background papers with waves, you can cut out paper in waves shapes, and you can use wave items already in a kit. Those images are linked to their counterpart in the gallery.

Here is some items from our store to help get your wave layouts started.









Now…lets go catch some waves…or scrap ’em. 🙂


GingerBread Girls Inspiration – Danica

Hello fellow scrappers. Team member La’Shawn here to bring you some inspiration from one of our talented creative team members. You may know them by their name of GingerBread Girls. We have some of the most talented, loyal and fun girls around scrappy town! There is tons of inspiration to be had from their galleries.

Today we are going to take a look at and get some great inspriation from Danica. She is known around the scrappy community as weaselwatchr. Let us take a look at some of her fantastic layouts to start out with. (All images are linked, of course!)