Challenge Spotlight October 14th

Happy Tuesday! Enjoying cooler temperatures? Counting down the day until DSD? Busy with challenge layouts? This week’s Challenge Spotlight is for the Mix It Up Challenge hosted by Rachel of Seatrout Scraps. Her challenge is to use this quote in a layout:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
Oscar Wilde

And since I love this quote, this is the perfect challenge to highlight this week. This would be perfect to do a page about you, someone you love or maybe art journal the fabulous quote! Look at what some of the other members have done:

Be Yourself


Be Yourself


Each page is linked so be sure to leave these great layouts some love!

Sneak Peeks October 9th

Happy Thursday! Are you ready for the weekend? Hopefully you will have some free time to play with all the goodies coming out from our wonderful designers!

Little Rad Trio has a great new kit:

Dagi’s Temp-tations has a new template pack:

Cornelia Designs has a couple template packs:


Sandy Pie Creations has a calendar set

Created by Jill has a great new bundle:

using new Cornelia Designs template

Lissykay Designs has two template packs coming out:

Hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks! Come back tomorrow to see the full product reveals! Have a great weekend!


Challenge Spotlight October 7th 2014

Happy Tuesday! Have you seen all the new challenges posted for this month? Have you started your tracking thread for October yet? Check out this month’s challenge reward:

Getting the reward is simple. Just scrap 10 challenge layouts by the end of the month and keep track of them. Then you will receive this awesome kit! The kits change every month so make sure you participate in the challenges to grab the free kits!

This week’s spotlight is on a challenge I like to call bonus challenges since you get a great freebie to use for it. Melissa of Lissykay Designs hosted the Mini Kit Challenge and made a great free mini to use for it.

So all you have to do for this challenge is use this awesome mini in a layout and post it to the thread. Check out some of the LOs that have been posted by our members so far!


Who Loves 'ya Baby



Each layout is linked so feel free to leave them some love! Have a great week!

Sneak Peeks October 2nd

Happy Thursday! There’s a lot of great goodies coming out this week from our fabulous designers!

Wimpychompers has a new bundle:

using new template from Aprilisa Designs

Aprilisa Designs has a new template bundle:

New Designer Magical Scraps Galore has a new kit:

using new template from Aprilisa Designs

using new template from Aprilisa Designs

Cornelia Designs has a new template pack:

Craft Tastrophic has a new kit:

using new template from Aprilisa Designs

JB Studios has some new goodies:

using new template from Cornelia Designs

Pixelily Designs has a new bundle:




Have a great first October Weekend!

Sneak Peeks September 30th

I know today is normally a challenge spotlight day but since it is the last day of the month and I am absolutely in love with the colors of tomorrows Buffet, I am going to give you a sneak peek! Next month is Halloween and these colors are perfect for it but our designers also thought up some awesome kits in all sorts of themes! I love how the CT mixes and matches all the kits perfectly!

Tomorrow all the awesome products will be released! I get sooooo excited for the beginning of the month! I love the buffet! Have a wonderful last day of September and enjoy the first week October!

Sneak Peeks September 25th

Happy Thursday! Are you anxious to see all the great goodies coming out tomorrow??

Leaving a Legacy Designs has a couple new kits available:

with new Dagi’s Temp-tations release

Dagi’s Temp-tations has a new template pack:


CathyK has a new bundle:

with new Craft-tastrophic templates

Cornelia Designs has a couple new products:

Little Rad Trio has new goodies:

JB Studios has a new kit:

using new template from Craft-tastrophic

Craft-tastrophic has a new template pack:


There’s a new bundle by Keystone Scraps:

with new Craft-tastrophic template

Queen Wild Scraps has a new template pack:

Pixelily Designs has a new kit:




Connie Prince has a new mega bundle:

Lissykay Designs has two template packs releasing:

And Created by Jill has a new bundle:

All the products will be released tomorrow! Have a great last weekend of September!



Challenge Spotlight September 23rd

Happy First Day of Fall!!! Summer is officially over and hopefully most of us in the US will get a few months of cooler temperatures before the cold really starts. To get into the Fall mood, you should totally created a LO for this month’s Color Challenge! Luv Ewe Designs is hosting and the task is simple, use fall colors! This challenge counts towards your 10 challenge goal to get this awesome collab:

Remember the rewards change every month! Make sure you have your tracking thread updated!

Look at some of the layouts that have been submitted for this month’s Color Challenge:

Fall 2011

More leaves

Got me...First day of Autum

Enjoy your week!


Sneak Peeks September 18th

Happy Thursday!!! Are you ready for the last weekend of Summer? I am looking forward to the cooler temperatures but Fall can stick around awhile. I am not looking forward to snow! Speaking of this weekend, I hear there’s a birthday celebration with lots of goodies and fun coming!

Dagi’s Temp-tations has two new packs coming out:

New Designer Cornelia Designs has several goodies for her opening!

with new template from Queen Wild Scraps

using new template from Lissykay Designs

Queen Wild Scraps has a new kit and several new templates

Little Rad Trio has a new kit:

using new Queen Wild Scraps template

Lissykay Designs has two new template packs:

Leaving A Legacy Designs has two new bundles:

New Kit by Ponytails and template set

using new template from Lissykay Designs

Using new template from Lissykay Designs

Craft-tastrophic has a new template set

Wimpychompers has a new kit:

using new template by Dagi’s Temp-tations

With new Ponytails template

with new Craft-tastrophic template

Connie Prince has a new kit out:

with new Lissykay Designs template

Come by tomorrow to see the full kit reveals! Have a great weekend!

Challenge Spotlight September 16th

Happy Tuesday! Hope the temperatures are treating you well in the last week of summer! Fall is upon us next week! This week’s challenge is perfect to help us get ready for fall! This week’s spotlight is on the Word Art Challenge hosted by Nat of Ponytails Designs. She created a great word art for everyone to grab and use in their page!


Here’s some of the layouts our members have posted for the Word Art Challenge:



There’s 2 weeks left to get your challenge LO’s done for this month’s awesome collab!

Have a great week!


Sneak Peek’s September 11th

Hello! I hope everyone is well on this somber day here in the US. Tomorrow, I hope you are ready for all the awesome releases coming your way! There’s oodles of templates and beautiful kits I know you will be eager to add to your stash!

Lissykay Designs has two amazing new releases!

Queen Wild Scraps has several template packs and kits releasing: new Lissykay template

with new template by Little Rad Trio

Dagi’s Temp-tations has a new template pack:

Craft-tastrophic has a new kit:

with new Sandypie Creations template

using new Little Rad Trio template

SandyPie Creations has a new template pack:

Little Rad Trio has a new template pack:

Leaving A Legacy Designs has two new bundles:

using Little Rad Trio’s new template

using Little Rad Trio’s new kit

using new Queen Wild Scraps Template

using new Little Rad Trio template

Created by Jill has some new templates as well:

JB Studios has a couple new kits:

using new Little Rad Trio template

using new Lissykay Designs template

Connie Prince has a new template bundle:

Check back tomorrow to see all the great new products!