Challenge Spotlight – Buffet Challenge

Good morning, ladies and HAPPY OCTOBER! I can’t believe we’re already 9 months down and three to go before 2013–that is just plain craziness! But we’re finally heading into my favorite month: FALL! And I do use the term fall loosely since I was over 90 degrees here in Texas this past week–ugh! But right now it is a cool(ish) 76 and I’m hoping it’s all breezy days and chilly nights from here on out! 🙂

Speaking of fall, have you seen the new GingerScraps buffet? It’s called Fall Festival and it’s pretty darn gorgeous! Given that, this week I’ve decided to spotlight the October Buffet Challenge hosted by Kathy of Kathy Winters Designs! If you haven’t seen the new buffet (which just came out yesterday and is on sale right now!), take a look at a few of the beautiful minis to get an idea of just how awesome this month’s buffet is!

I know, I know: you totally love it. So do I! 🙂 Just looking at the warm oranges and browns make me want to throw on a hoodie and go to a pumpkin patch! So for this challenge, all you have to do is scrap a lovely page using some of the items from the fall-abulous buffet! (That was kind of a reach, but I know you feel me.)  Pretty easy, right? Create a page, post it in the buffet challenge section of the gallery and the thread and tally your point! Want some inspiration? Even though the new month just started, there are already some superb layouts in the gallery! Take a look!

By MommyScrapper

By brenian4ever

By victoriansoup

WOW. I am seriously impressed; I really love all of these pages! LoveloveLOVE Amy’s title work, Bren’s fall-ish floral clusters and victoriansoup’s pretty polka dot background. 🙂 Now, let’s see your pretty fall layouts! I’m anxious for fall to actually get here so I can take some pretty pumpkin pics and scrap them! 🙂 All you have to do is: scrap, post, tally your points! Get those points jotted down in the October Challenge Points Tracking thread to start earning your way to awesome rewards! 🙂

Alright gals, that’s it for me. You all have a wonderful week and get to scrapping! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #2

Hey ladies and happy Tuesday! Is everyone having a good week? As we get more into the school year, I am getting
busier and busier! I’ve got so much to do this week for my classes; I sure wish I could take a day off work to
catch up! SO, this will be a short and sweet blog so I can get back to my new best friend: my sociology textbook! (Hehe!)

DON’T FORGET this is the last week to complete your challenges and get your total in to count towards a buffet item or store gift certificate for September! This week I am spotlight the second template challenge hosted by Ryan of Roseytoes Designs and she’s got a cute little template for us to create with:

Thanks for hosting and supplying a great template for us, Ryan! The layouts are pouring in from the forum ladies! Check some out here for some inspiration:

By nikkiecole71

By jbdolfin

By ofpinksandfairytales

Great job, gals, I love what you all did with this template! Everything is so pretty, it was hard to choose just 3 to highlight! 🙂

As promished, short and sweet! I’ll remind you all again this is *the last week* to get your challenges completed and tallied up in the September Challenge Points Tracking thread.  You’ll want to get as many challenges in as you can to snag some awesome prizes! As usual, any questions about this or any of our other monthly challenges can be directed to the Cookie Jar where some smart cookie will get you an answer asap. 🙂

That’s it for this blog! Hope everyone has a great rest of your week and end of September. See y’all next month! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Scraplift Challenge

Good morning, all; how’s your week starting out? Mine is a little hectic, but I’m just waiting for the weekend already! The weather here in Dallas is finally starting to cool off a little and every week that passes gets better and better. Enough blathering, you’re all here for the challenge spotlight! This week I am spotlighting the scraplift challenge hosted by Jennifer of Luv Ewe Designs!  She has picked out a really great layout for us to scraplift this month, nothing to difficult but a versatile leaping off point. Here’s the page we’re scraplifting this month:

By mamaape

I love April’s use of white space here and I’m always a sucker for scatters galore. The simplicity of this page makes for an easy lift with lots of options to change it up and personalize. Here are some of the great lifts already done by the very talented ladies of the GingerScraps forums…

By missdamsel

By sladd79054

By SweetLittleNothingness

I adore Missi’s cute little banner to go with those precious photos, the way Lisa kept to the theme with the little camera element and the fun frames and paper shapes Mish used on her layout. Beautiful lifts from a great page, all unique with personal touches! Sounds easy enough…now it’s your turn!

Stop by the scraplift challenge thread, eye the page to lift and get to scrapping! Once your done, submit it to the gallery and make sure you keep track of your completed challenge in the September Challenge Points Tracking thread. If you do, you’ll be eligible for some great rewards at the end of the month (which is almost here–EEP!).  If you have any questions about this or any of the monthly challenges, drop them off in the Cookie Jar and someone fabulous will get back to you asap. That’s it for today! Have a great day and see y’all next week!

Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenge #1

Happy Tuesday everyone, hope your week is off to a good start. This week I am spotlighting the template challenge for the first half of September hosted by Rachel of Pretty in Green. This freebie challenge only runs for credit through September 15 (although you can snag the template all month long and post your scrap), so I wanted to let you all see the lovely little template Rachel made for us in time to get the challenge completed for credit.

I love a unique template; I like the circular and rectangular photo spots here and just the fun general design. I’ve been poking around in the challenge thread and found some great layouts for inspiration for you…

By altimasport

By rdjrneace

By mamaape

I like how Chris used the center photo space for journaling–great idea, Debbie’s geeky cluster and how April framed the reflection. Awesome pages ladies…and so many more gorgeous pages in the template challenge gallery, as well.

Don’t forget, this template challenge has to be completed and tracked by September 15 to count for credit towards your monthly total. Claim your spot in the September Challenge Points Tracking Thread and keep your tally going to earn some cool prizes at the end of the month. If you have any questions about this or any of our other monthly challenges, head over to the Cookie Jar and ask away.

That’s it for today; have a great rest of your week, everyone, and I will see you all next week.

Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

I can’t believe it’s already September–that is just plain insanity! It was just spring…now it’s fall?! Well, it’s sort of fall. It was over 100 here in Texas yesterday so, let’s call it “fall.” 🙂 I spent the long hot holiday weekend inside gets all kinds of scrapping done! I’m gunning for the big prize at the end of this month and I’m already halfway there! Let’s catch you up to speed with this week’s challenge spotlight; I’m talking about Crystal of Inspired Designs’ mini kit challenge! I just love the colors of this min, rich and pretty for fall and so many ellies, can hardly believe this is a freebie! Enough chattering, let’s take a look at what she’s got for us this month!

Absolutely beautiful, Crystal!  What’s even more beautiful are the amazing layouts the ladies of the forum have already been busy at work creating! Seriously, it’s just the 3rd of September and these are already flooding in! I guess everyone’s excited about working with such a cute kit. 🙂 Let’s peek at their pages for some inspiration!

By mamaape

By chigirl

By poki04

Amazing work, as usual! Do I ever expect anything less from all the talent we’ve got pouring out at GingerScraps? Of course not! 😉 I adore April’s journaling and title work, Judy’s use of “patterned white space,” and Poki’s ribbon-y paper strips! All fabulous, gals, I love them!

Now it’s your turn to join in on the fun! The mini kit challenge runs from now until the end of the month, so jump in, grab your freebie mini and scrap us up something pretty to see in the gallery! You’ve got a shot at some awesome prizes–you even get a prize just for doing one challenge! (Just because GingerScraps loves you like that. 😉 )All you have to do is post them to the gallery and keep track of your completed challenges in the September Challenge Points Tracking thread.

That’s it for me this week, I’ve got some schoolwork to do (and some regular work, too!) so I’m off! Hope y’all have a wonderful week and get some scrapping in where you can. See everyone next week! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Mix It Up Challenge

Hi ladies and happy Tuesday! How has everyone’s weeks started off? I tell you, I am already swamped! School started for me yesterday, as I’m sure it did for a lot of your kids, as well! I’m excited to be back and I’m sure y’all are excited to get the kiddos back in school. 🙂

This is the last week in August so before I start my spotlight, I want to remind everyont to TALLY YOUR CHALLENGES and get them recorded in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread. You’ve got to have everything recorded By August 31 if you want those fabulous prizes! 🙂

This week I am spotlight a challenge that I struggled initially with, then it blossomed into one of my favorite layouts this month: the Mix It Up challenge hosted by Rebecca of Twin Mom Scraps! Rebecca has made a nifty little layout recipe for us this month; take a look:

Thanks for the challenge, Rebecca! Sounds so simple, but the scrappers in the forum have been creating some really cool pages from this recipe! Yes, I’ve been running through them and picking out the recipe just to see everyone’s takes on it! Here are some great layouts for you to gain a little inspiration from…

 By altimasport

By sladd79054

By DianaB

Stunning layouts, ladies! I just love Chris’ fun title work, Lisa’s beachy clusters and Diana’s snowflake scatter. Do we have some serious talent here at GS, or what? 😉 If you want to see your layout highlighted here next week, make sure you’re jumping in on all the challenges! 🙂

AGAIN, I will remind everyone who’s still conscious through my blathering that this is the LAST WEEK to get your challenges completed, tallied up and recorded in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread to be eligible for either one buffet piece, two buffet pieces or a $5 store gift certificate! I’m already trying to decide which kit I *need* to spend my certificate on… 😀

If you have any questions about this, or any of our monthly challenges, send them over to the Cookie Jar and someone awesome will back to you. 🙂 OK, enough reading–more scrapping! That’s it for me this week…and this month! See y’all in September! 🙂

Weekly Wrap-up!

Happy Sunday  ya’ll!

Where did August go?! I know I say it every month, but that’s because I just can’t believe how fast this year is whizzing by! We’ve got five days left until September begins and the start of a new month is always my favorite, I know I’ve said that too before! With good reason, too, it’s so exciting seeing all of the new challenges, the buffet that the designers work so hard on, new guest designers, new new new- I love all things shiny and new!


…now now now, before we get too excited about the newness of the beginning of a month, let’s not forget the end of this month! You’ve still got a few days left to complete your challenges – I know I need to get a couple done!

One of those on my list to finish is the Technique Challenge, clipping papers (to alpha, but you can clip papers to ANY shape!). The tutorial, by Amy P of Unforgettable Moments, is very good for beginner scrappers, definitely a good trick to know and have on your scrapper belt.

Here is a layout by Lisa from the gallery using this technique,

she blended two papers and clipped to her alpha, creating a fun effect!  Her entire page is beautiful, too.  I’m totally inspired now to get fancy with my alpha!

It’s truly a lazy Sunday here, but I’m gearing up to attend an exercise class (Lord, help me!) this afternoon and I’m terrified! Of course, I intend to scrap about it, maybe even for my technique challenge. 😉 There are a couple GREAT get fit, be healthy, weight loss, life changing kits in the store that I just HAVE to share with you!

Working on Me by Colie’s Corner,

A Work in Progress by Inspired Designs,

 and some great wordart, Getting Fit by Creations by Julie.

Pair all three kits together to make a fun food, exercise diary! You could even use Creations by Julie’s Hybrid planner pages template to create your diary/log. I’m totally inspiring myself right now, so I hope I’m also inspiring you too!

It’s a wee bit quiet the last week of the month, everyone so busy wrapping up, so I haven’t got much more to share with you, but do check out our Fresh Baked from Friday, there are some ridiculously cute kits that came out – that’s not exaggeration. RIDICULOUSLY cute, so go check ’em out!

Have a happy scrappy day my friends!

Challenge Spotlight – Word Art Challenge

Happy Tuesday, y’all! Can you believe it’s already the third week of August?! It’s insanity! School is about to start (woohoo!), summer is fading away (hopefully sooner than later on that one), the new fall lines are out (sorry, I work in fashion)… August is about to be over and here we come, fall! But before I keep rambling and the month ends while you’re reading this, let’s get to the challenge spotlight for this week, shall we? 🙂

This week I am spotlighting the word art challenge hosted by the ever-lovely Kathy of Kathy Winters Designs! Speaking of August, her word art freebie focuses on just that–the month of August! It’s really pretty and great for any layout…enough talk, let’s see it!

I know, right? It’s flipping awesome! I love the mix of fonts here and the WA just lends itself to being the focal point of all kinds of fabulous layouts. Need some examples of it in action? Thought you’d never ask!

By missdamsel

By Ricki

By mary-lynne

WOW–absolutely love these, ladies! I love Missi’s fun yearbook feel, Ricki’s bright and fruity page and Mary Lynne’s use of the WA as a paragraph title. Seriously fabulous–y’all rock! 😀 If you want to see your layout here, make sure you’re challenge’ing it up and maybe you’ll be highlighted here next week!

If you haven’t snagged this freebie and started your layout yet…what are you waiting for?! 🙂 Make sure you’re keeping track of all your completed challenge layouts in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread. You can also read up on the rewards system if this is your first month joining in on the challenge fun. And as always, any questions about this or any of the monthly challenges should be directed to the Cookie Jar where a superawesome GS gal will get back to you faster than you can blink! Well…maybe not that fast, but pretty quickly. 😉

The month is more than halfway over, so make sure you get plenty of challenges done in time to get some awesome prizes! That’s it for today–y’all have a great week and I’ll see you back here next week for the last spotlight of the month!–EEP! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Daily Download Challenge

Hello ladies and happy Tuesday! How’s your week going? I’m still in vacation mode, a week later! The week already seems so long and we’re only two days into it–ugh! All I want to do is sit in the AC and scrap all my vacation photos. Luckily, I can do that while racking up points towards some awesome rewards with the monthly challenges! 🙂 Today, I am spotlighting a challenge I just finished this week: the daily download challenge hosted by JoyLynn of Blue Heart Scraps!

Last month’s daily download kit was the gorgeous Chill kit by Sugar Kissed Designs. It’s proven to be super popular as I’ve seen so many awesome layouts made with this kit in the gallery! If you didn’t snag the kit when it was last month’s daily download, you can buy it in the store today! Take a look at the beautiful palette:

I love the teal and light blue paired with the pretty green here. It’s soft, but bright and colorful. Definitely one to add to your stash for some awesome spring and summer layouts! I am just loving this kit and the wonderful works of art the forum ladies are making with it. Here’s some inspiration for you!

By sparkysgirl

By missdamsel

By Ambelleina

Awesome LOs, ladies! Especially that last one! hehe (Just kidding!) This kit is seriously pretty and by making a layout with it, you can start earning points towards a free buffet item of your choosing OR a store gift certificate for those of us who can never have too many kits from the GingerScraps shop! 😉

Now it’s time to start scrapping up your points! Make sure you’re tallying them up in the August Challenge Points Tracking thread. The more points you get, the more rewards you get at the end of the month! I’m personally going for that $5 store gift certificate because my name is Christina and I’m a digihoarder. 😉 If you have any questions about this or any of the other monthly challenges, you can drop them off in the Cookie Jar and we’ll get back to you asap!

See y’all next week with another challenge spotlight! Have a great week! 🙂

Challenge Spotlight – Mini Kit Challenge

Hello and happy August! I am fresh off the plane from a lovely little vacation in Oak Creek, Wisconsin! It was relaxing, but busy and I’m pooped! Pausing for a serious note, I trust you have all heard of the Sikh temple shooting that happened in that same city just yesterday; my thoughts go out to everyone affected in that terrible, sad situation. <3

Now, let’s talk scrapping. How did it get to be August so quickly?! I can’t believe the year is winding to a close. But with a new month comes a new batch of our world-famous (at least that’s what I tell myself) monthly challenges! This week I am spotlighting a challenge with the **freebie**: the August 2012 Mini Kit Challenge hosted by Lily of Pixelily Designs! You’ll absolutely adore the gorgeous little mini she’s whipped up for us this month; check it out!

So flipping cute, Lily! I love the purple and green together! I’m sure we’ve ALL got a summer photo or two that needs scrapping; here’s your chance! The layouts are already coming in from our talented forum ladies; if you want a little inspiration for this mini, look no further! (Well…maybe a little further)  🙂

By sladd79054

By Nickala27

By debdux

Outstanding job so far, gals! I didn’t realize how versatile this kit is until I saw how all the cool different effects these ladies were able to create for their layouts! Love it! Now…it’s your turn to show off your awesome scrappin’ skills! All you have to do is jump over to the August 2012 Mini Kit Challenge thread, pick up the mini and get to scrappin’!

Make sure you stop by the August Challenge Points Tracking thread and claim your spot so you can start tallying up all your points towards some amazing rewards! If you’re a newcomer (well, hi there!) and you’re wondering what fabulous prizes you can win for participating in the GingerScraps monthly challenges, check out the rewards system thread and get all the 411. Of course, if you have any questions about the rewards, this challenge or any of the other monthly challenges, you should most definitely direct them to the Cookie Jar where some smart little cookie will get you an answer just as soon as possible! 🙂  ALSO, if you want to see your layout highlighted here, make sure you participate and post your creations in the correct challenge thread; also good so we can all ooh and ahh over your fabulousness! 😉

That’s it for me today, ladies. Thanks for stopping by and I hope y’all have a rad week! 🙂