Let’s Celebrate Easter!

Easter is tomorrow; and I hope you plan on capturing all the memories! Today we are going to take a look at just a glimpse at what the store has to offer to scrap all those Easter memories. There is an entire section in the store dedicated to this holiday. If you do not see something that grabs your fancy on today’s post, you probably will find it there! There are pages-and-pages of Easter goodies.





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Let’s Celebrate Easter!

Tomorrow is Easter. Are you ready? Make sure you take your camera long for those Easter Egg hunts and fun Easter activities. I wouldn’t suggest pulling your camera out and clicking away while you are at church…but each their own. lol. Today though, I am going to show you some of the great products GingerScraps has in store to get those photos you are going to take tomorrow scrapped.

As usual, there is a section dedicated to this holiday in the store. You can click HERE to view that. I am taking the hard work out of it for you though. I searched the store and that section and going to showcase some of my favorites. Hopefully you will like some of them too! As usual, all images are linked to their counterpart in the store.










This is just a small look at what the store has to offer! If one (or some) of these are not what you are looking for, make sure you run over to the store and take a look around. There are many many more where these came from. You can also take a look at last year’s Celebrate Easter post. There are some great items in that as well! (Some of my favorites in fact!)

For those of you, like me, who are celebrating Easter, I hope it is a great, fun and peaceful holiday. Happy Easter!


Let’s Celebrate | Easter


Good Monday morning everyone! Can you believe how fast this year is going and how early Easter is this year? I started seeing signs around my town for Easter egg hunts for this weekend. That blew my mind that it is already here. So, with that in mind, I am here to show you some great Easter themed items from the shop.

Did you know that you can shop by “holiday” at GingerScraps?! I searched under the Easter option and here are some goodies I found.
Easter Sunday by Pretty in Green


Egg Hunt Digital Scrapbook Kit by Just So Scrappy


Hoppy Spring by Magical Scraps Galore!


Egg-Cellent Easter by Clever Monkey Graphics


Easter Parade by B2N2 Scraps


Let us not forget the fun extras that you can dress your page up with.

Got Carrots Graffiti by Leaving a Legacy Designs


Easter Fun – Word Art by Connie Prince

So there you have it. Some fun Easter finds in the GingerScraps store. Happy Easter to everyone celebrating it and don’t forget to snap some fun photos during the holidays to scrap later. Make sure you upload them to the store gallery. We love to see your creations and leave love!
