February Featured Designer Part 1 – Aimee Harrison Designs

So crazy to believe February is more than half over. Have you been collecting the daily downloads from our featured designers this month?

Today I have Part 1 of my Q & A session with our designers. Today we’ll chat with Aimee Harrison Designs.

How long have you been designing?

I have been designing since July 2009.

What made you decide to design?

I had just started scrapbooking digitally, from paper, and decided that I wanted to create my own kits after a few weeks of scrapping. It really spoke to me.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Adobe Photoshop.

Describe your design workplace.

I have a big desk in my bedroom with a printer/scanner, a second computer and an aquarium for my two frogs next to me.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Telling stories is what motivates me. Color inspires me. History, Geography do too.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

I really love the soft morning colors of my latest kit, I Love Mornings. Morning is my favorite time of day and to me it really inspires me to want to create.

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oh, that’s hard, LOL! One thing I absolutely love is my boyfriends steak taco’s. I also love avocado and egg toast. I could eat both of those daily.

What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

I love high school and college wrestling. Not WWF. But real, Roman Greco style wrestling. I was the wrestling manager while in high school and the sport still is the most exciting for me to watch.

What did you want to be when you were small?

I wanted to be either and Archaeologist or an artist. I feel that I fulfilled my dreams. I majored in Anthropology in College and spent a lot of time doing Archaeology as well as being a designer!

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

I cannot go without coffee. I don’t even drink it to stay awake, I drink it for the delicious taste!

Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

I think that Winona Rider would be a good fit. Sort of quirky and fun. A bit off balance but in a good way, LOL!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Warning: needs sleep and lots of it

What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

I would meet Jane Goodall. She is one in a million.

Thanks Aimee!!

Make sure to check out her GS Store, her FB Fan Page, and her blog.

Also make sure you are grabbing pieces of this great kit each day. If you have missed any, the full kit will be available in the store in March.

Make sure to stop back in on Saturday for Part 2 and my interview with Tami Miller Designs.

~~January Featured Designers~~

I know – it’s almost the end of January and I’m just now getting this posted. I don’t know about anyone else, but work has been absolutely crazy. I’ve worked enough hours the last two weeks to take a full week off. If only it worked that way.

I had the pleasure to have The Cherry on Top and Key Lime Digi Designs answer my questions. Let’s see what they have to say.

How long have you been designing?

TCOT: I’ve been designing around 5 years.

KLDD: Summer 2013

What made you decide to design?

TCOT: I’ve always loved being creative on all kinds of medium since I was kid. I went from a full time professional to a stay at home to take care of my handicapped sons and I needed some other fun outlet to feel whole.

KLDD: I was on many Creative Teams and Store Team at a large digi site starting beginning around 2007 I think….After a while I picked up enough knowledge and increased my skill set to want to try the next step.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

TCOT: I use PSE/PS/Procreate/a sketch book.

KLDD: I am still using the out of the box software from right before Adobe moved to subscription. As the saying goes, If it ain’t broke…

Describe your design workplace.

TCOT: Disgustingly neat and tidy. I cannot concentrate in a mess. A glass of wine or tea is as reckless as I get!

KLDD: Organized chaos. I am absolutely terrible at putting away and organizing. I constantly make “digital” post it notes to remind me to do something and then forget about it. I have 3 EHDs that I promise myself will be THE ONE that gets organized. As for my work space, I have from the beginning, and probably will always remain a desktop gal. I can’t do laptop.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

TCOT: Absolutely everything! Beauty is everywhere. In a cloud formation. The way the sun reflects on a gently flowing river. The cat napping in just the right position…

KLDD: I love good color harmony, so when I see it on a blouse at a store I will snapshot it or at least make a note of the colors that were in it and run home to make a palette of it.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

TCOT: Awe, man! It’s just cruel to make me choose! My favorite template pack, (I assume you mean our own and not another designers?) would be the Planner series. I really dig those realistic, mock up types of pages, currently.

Link to all of the Planned templates: https://store.gingerscraps.net/search.php?mode=search&page=1&keep_https=yes

KLDD: I Belong to the Sea. When I was making it, I was in my element. I live in a coastal area, actually on an island chain, so I guess while making it was like being home. Bonus factoid: That collection began with the colors in the Little Sailor Boy Tin element. A close second though, has to be Indigo Serenade..I mean you gotta check out the CT Layouts on that one. They make me swoon.

What was your first job?

TCOT: I worked at AARP everyday after school, weekends and summers. I started at 13.

KLDD: Counter girl at a deli…hated it and never did food service again…LOL!

Have you ever met anyone famous?

TCOT: The list is very long. I lived in Florida where many famous people can be found and I also worked as a bartender in a huge, popular club not too far from NYC. I guess the biggest names might be John Cougar, John McEnroe, Dawn Wells, Green Day, The Ramones, Hootie and the Blow Fish…

KLDD: I would say quite a few, especially because they are here to relax. The latest one was Norbert Leo Butz. He played the middle son in Netflix’s Bloodline (filmed here in the Keys) and was in original cast of Wicked. He joined the local guys at a jam one night about 3 years ago. He can sing! It was great to be in a small audience of 15 or so people.

What are you reading right now?

TCOT: I’m a super geek. I usually ready between 3-5 books at one time. Half fiction, the other half…dork material. Currently, on my nightstand and in the John is Outlander (#4), The 4th of July, The Great Cholesterol Myth and Marijuana Horticulture.

KLDD: I have been reading a series on the kindle- The Peridale Cafe Mysteries by Agatha Frost. They are easy to do in small bursts and am awaiting Book 20.

What is your favorite quote?

TCOT: “And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” Abraham Lincoln

KLDD: “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

TCOT: I’d love to stop shouting. Next year, any year…I’ve never gone a day without shouting.

KLDD: Become wealthy..haha.

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

TCOT: Ozzy Osborne! He’s a riot!

KLDD: Jason Momoa (Aquaman) would be a fun personality to kick off with.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

TCOT: I’d need a phone with apps first…

KLDD: Email, banking and maybe one game.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

TCOT: Take the darn dog out every time he wants to go outside!

KLDD: I would not as such, but I would welcome a “collaborator”. Life is a learning opportunity meant for sharing.

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

TCOT: Family…I’m an ocean away for a reason…I’d rather just stay right here and deal.

KLDD: BACK-remember the disappointment Marty McFly had seeing his self-centered kids…LOL!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

TCOT: “When it’s time to relax, we’ve got the beer. Miller Beer! If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the beer.”

KLDD: None, really

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

TCOT: Check out last answer…

KLDD: I would not want to take from the sea creatures, so instead how about a kiddie pool of margaritas, like in The Last Man on Earth.

Such fun answers. Thank you ladies so much!!

Want to stalk them? Here are all the details:

The Cherry on Top: GS Store, Facebook Fan Page, Blog

Key Lime Digi Design: GS Store, Facebook Fan Page, Facebook Group

And make sure to grab the Daily Download. I know it’s late in the month. If you have missed the beginning links, you can always grab the full kit in the store next month.

Thanks for hanging out with me tonight!!

~October Featured Designer – Studio Jx2~

Happy (Northern Hemisphere) Fall!!! It’s finally cooling down where I am and I’m so happy. It was becoming ridiculous.

This month we have a treat. Our featured designer is Studio Jx2, which is a collaboration of the lovely Jennifer (Luv Ewe Designs) and JoyLynn (Blue Heart Scraps). I asked them both the same questions and thought I would do this Q & A session a little differently. Let’s see what they had to say.

How long have you been designing?

Jennifer: 11 years.

JoyLynn: Just over 8 years — holy moly!

What made you decide to design?

Jen: I started making siggies on Cafemom years ago and found out about digi scrapping. I used it in making tags. Then I created some stuff myself to go with the orders of the requester. I designed before I made my first layout actually.

JL: I enjoy being able to share a bit of my personality with others through things I create. It’s like therapy, in a way. When I’m sad or down, my products are darker in color and more reserved in theme — when I’m feeling the smiles or love or celebration, everything’s brighter and bolder.

What led you to decide to design together?

Jen: JoyLynn and I did a collab many moons ago. We loved how our designs meshed well (and so did our CTs) so we decided to take on a separate name just for our collabs. We have done too many to count over the years.

JL: We’ve collaborated on projects together a ton of times over the years, and always enjoyed how our styles blended together. Opening a new store for just our collaborations was a way to showcase them separately, because we LOVE them all!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Jen: Photoshop Creative Cloud and starting on Illustrator.

JL: Adobe Photoshop (still using CS5, because it’s not broken and I’m too lazy to figure out a newer version, lol), Illustrator, Wacom Tablet.

Describe your design workplace.

Jen: My area is a table given to me by my grandma. She used it when she did her homework. There are still ink stains on it that give it character. And my desktops sits on that. Not really fancy.

JL: Lately, I’ve been horrible, and worked a LOT in my bed, lol! I have a wooden lap table that holds my laptop, a huge tile that holds my mouse and tablet, and then the rest of my garbage (pencils and paper for 4839248302483209 To Do lists each week, drink, remotes, everything else) is scattered on the bed or on a side table. It’s been too hot for my craft table in the garage (thank you 100 degrees in October!), the kids take up too much room on the kitchen table, and I haven’t replaced the desk table I got rid of over the summer. It’s…an adventure, lol.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Jen: Many things. Might be a picture and I love the colors in it. It might be a song I have stuck in my head. You just never know.

JL: Enjoying the process, seeing all of the beautiful creations people make with our products. It’s very humbling to be a part of how they choose to remember their lives.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Jen: Be Balanced. I love the colors and we all need to be more balanced in our lives. We are all so crazy, busy and need to slow down.


JL: Though I honestly love all of our collabs, my current favorite may be the Be (Im)Perfect Kit. The colors are gorgeous, I LOVE the idea behind it that nothing is perfect, but we can still find beauty in the imperfections


What was your first job?

Jen: Sonic Carhop

JL: Cashier at FoodWorld

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Jen: I did get to meet the Pioneer Woman’s boys when I was at her restaurant.

JL: We’ve had a few college/professional football players from our small town area…but that’s about it. Boring, I know.

What are you reading right now?

Jen: Well I am not much of a reader, so nothing at this time.

JL: Hallowed by Cynthia Hand (the 2nd book in the Unearthly series)

What is your favorite quote?

Jen: You can do anything, but not everything.

JL: Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. ~ Hafiz

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Jen: Hope to go to NYC next year for the Thanksgiving Day parade. Have wanted to go for years.

JL: Actually KEEP a New Year Resolution? lol

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Jen: Ellen DeGeneres. Absolutely love her. She has a kind heart, is giving and is funny.

JL: P!nk.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Jen: Jobulator (my full time job), Facebook and Instagram.

JL: My ereader app (because I try to read a LOT), Photomath (I CAN work out the multi-step Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 homework problems by boys have, but if I can save a little time on homework checks, I’m all about it!), and Facebook — because as draining as social media feels sometimes, it’s the easiest way for my not-always-social self to keep up with those I care about.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Jen: Make lists for me and tried to have them keep me organized.

JL: Talk to people for me?! I’m horrible with my words when it comes to using them verbally (written? I’ve got that down pat!). I get nervous and tongue tied and lose my train of thought.

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Jen: In the past and learn more about my family history.

JL: Future

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?

Jen: Like a good neighbor State Farm is there. Not sure why lol.

JL: I try to avoid commercials like the plague — that’s what DVR and the fast forward button is for 😉

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Jen: Dr. Pepper…yummy.

JL: Sweet Tea. 😉

Thank you ladies so much for “chatting” with me.

Make sure to check out their GingerScraps Store for their beautiful kits. They each also have a Facebook Group and there is always fun things going on there.

Jennifer – Luv Ewe Designs Fan Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LuvEweDesignsFanGroup/

JoyLynn – Blue Heart Scraps Fan Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/BlueHeartScrapsFanGroup/

Have you been grabbing the Daily Download? I love the sentiment of this:

Have a great rest of the month!!

~September Featured Designer: Mags Graphics~

Wow – halfway through September. I admit, I’m really looking forward to fall temperatures here in the northern hemisphere. I had the joy of “chatting” with Maggie from Mags Graphics. She is our GS Feature Designer for September. And I love that she gave me this awesome graphic to use. Under it, you’ll find some scrapbooking and fun questions for her.

Kit used on above is “Let’s Get Crafty“.

How long have you been designing?

Since 2009

What made you decide to design?

I’ve been scrapbooking in some form or another since I was 15 years old. Once I switched to digital scrapbooking vs. paper, I wanted to make kits for themes that I couldn’t find out there already.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop CC to design. I have also used Paint Shop Pro. And I take some of my own photos for silhouettes and extractions.

Describe your design workplace.

My office is my NERD ROOM! I have over 200 Funko Pops on shelves making a perimeter of the room. I also have other shelves of Buffy and Harry Potter figures and props. Plus, my main organization involves Post-It Notes… so there is a wall of assorted ones right in front of me.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

I like to make kits that look like they were created with paper or real materials, even though they are digital.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Ha! I like Big Stinker! Surely, there is NO OTHER kit like this out there!

What was your first job?

I started babysitting my neighbors when I was 9 years old.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Several at the Cincinnati Comic Con: Henry Winkler, Ian Ziering, Chris Rankin (Percy from Harry Potter), Nicholas Brendan (Xander from Buffy), Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter), and I went to school with Carmen Electra.

What are you reading right now?

I’m re-reading The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan & Brandon Sanderson… one of my all-time favorites!

What is your favorite quote?

“You must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait, the less likely you are to find it at all.” – Dead Poet’s Society.

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Indoor Skydiving

You have your own late night talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Joss Whedon (Creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Waze, PokemonGo, iTrackBites

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

COOK all of our meals!!

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

That’s tough! I’m intrigued by both! I’ll say Future.

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?

None – I skip commercials! 😉

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

My husband’s amazing Bourbon Slush!

Thank you to Maggie for indulging me!! Make sure to check our her GS Store, her Facebook Fan Page, her Facebook Group, and her blog!!

Are you grabbing the Daily Download this month?

And she has these great add-on packs to match:

Plus she has a sale going until the 23rd. All sorts of goodness and fun this month!

~August Feature Designer – Magical Scraps Galore~

Hey there everyone. Just popping in here to talk about our August Feature Designer. This month we are focusing on Marina of Magical Scraps Galore. She was awesome about answering the questions I had for her. Let’s see what she had to say.

How long have you been designing?

I started designing in 2011, so it’s been 8 years now.

What made you decide to design?

I started to make my own digital papers and embellishments for scrapping our second trip to Disney World, which of course were very basic. I had so much fun that I decided that I wanted to learn more about digital scrapbook designing, so I spent hours and hours reading and watching Photoshop tutorials. Then I took park in the design challenges hosted by MouseScrappers, and after that I opened my first shop in 2013.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop, Illustrator, and ArtRage.

Describe your design workplace.

I design in my studio at home, with my two cats sleeping by my computer or on my lap.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

My main motivation and inspiration are my kids and my trips around the world.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Mmmm this is a tough one … I have several kits that I love, especially my travel collection, but one of my favorite kits is Destinations: Road Trip. I love the colors and the retro feel.

What was your first job?

My first job was as a proofreader for a consulting firm.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Yes, I met Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films)

What are you reading right now?

I’m currently reading Book 2 of the Game of Thrones series (A Song of Ice and Fire)

What is your favorite quote?

Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning how to dance in the rain.

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Next year I’m celebrating both my 50th birthday and 20th wedding anniversary with a roadtrip from Mt Rushmore to Las Vegas, making stops in many Utah and Arizona National Parks.

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Jason Momoa

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

I’d keep Spotify, Instagram, and my running app.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

I’d have them cook!

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

To the future, definitely!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

I’d say none, I’ve been watching Netflix only lately.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Red wine!

Thank you so much Marina!!

Make sure to check our her GingerScraps store, her Facebook Fan Page, her Facebook Group, and her webpage (she has some freebies if you sign up for her newseletter).

She’s having a sale all month to celebrate being our Feature Designer. And make sure you are grabbing the Daily Download as well.

Have a great day!!

~~March Feature Designer: Designs by Connie Prince~~

Hi everyone!! Boy, March is flying by. Sorry this is a bit later than normal. I’m really not sure where the first half of the month went.

This month we are talking with the fabulous Connie Prince. She took a few minutes out of her busy schedule and birthday celebration to answer a few of my questions.

How long have you been designing?

Since 2006.

What made you decide to design?

When I started designing there weren’t that many digital scrapbook stores or designers. I wanted to be able to create things to use in my own scrapbooks and it just took off from there.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I design in Photoshop & Illustrator.

Describe your design workplace.

I have an office / craft studio where I do my design work.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

I pull inspiration from pretty much everywhere! If I’m ever feeling stuck a visit to the craft or antique stores will usually get me going again.

What was your first job?

Cashier in a family owned grocery store.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Yes, a few – my favorite was Newt Gingrich, I worked for him while in college.

What are you reading right now?

It’s Not Supposed To Be This Way by Lysa Terkeurst

What is your favorite quote?

Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. – Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Visit Alaska!

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Bradley Cooper

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Instagram, Bank App, & Snapchat.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

All of my admin work!

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Past – I don’t know that I could handle knowing the future!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?

State Farm.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Something not sticky!

Thanks Connie!!

Make sure to check out her GS Store, her FB Fan Page, her blog, and her FB Group. And make sure you are picking up the Daily Download this month.

Also – her store is on sale all month.

Have a great week!

December Feature Designer

Happy December!! Can you believe we have less than two weeks until Christmas? This month our Featured Designers are Aprilisa Designs and Pixelily Designs. I was able to chat a bit with Lisa. Let’s see what fun stuff she shared with us.

How long have you been designing?

I started as freebie designer in 2009, and opened my very first store in 2010.

What made you decide to design?

I think I just love creating things. I’ve been doing printable things for my personal use years before I even knew there is this business called Digital Scrapbook, and a friend introduced me to it. And now I cannot stop.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I am designing in Photoshop CC and draw in Corel Draw.

Describe your design workplace.

It is just a small space, small table in my bed room, which is the center of all activities in our home. I use a laptop which is actually allow me to move around the house, but I never move from the table, LOL.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

My CT is my big helps in finding themes. Sometimes I have to work with colors that don’t inspired me at first. That’s when I throw them to my team, and they are the best! It always works really well, every time!

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Best of Summer – Kit, I love the happy colors in it.

What was your first job?

An administration work.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Yes. One that was so memorable is when I met Hanson, when I was very young. I hope you remember them, LOL.

What are you reading right now?

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

What is your favorite quote?

My current motivational quote is : Be Stronger than your Excuses

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Hmm, I haven’t thought about it yet, honestly, LOL.

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Michelle Obama? I just got her book Becoming, and can’t wait to start to read it.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Whatsapp, Instagram, and Uber Eats. LOL

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Doing my house chores? LOL

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Wow, that’s tough. I think to the future to meet my descendants? It’s kinda scary to think, though…

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

None of them, really.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?


Thanks Lisa!! Make sure to check out her GS Store and her FB Fan Page.

Make sure you are grabbing the daily download from the GingerScraps blog. Here’s a sneak peek at the kit she and Pixelily Designs collaborated on.

November Feature Designer – Part 2

Welcome back to the second part of November’s Feature Designer post. Today we’re talking with the wonderful Jo from JoCee Designs. Jo is one of the fabulous designers at Gingerscraps that lives outside of the US. Jo is in Australia and getting ready for summer.

Let’s just jump into it and see how she answered my questions.

How long have you been designing?

Since 2009.

What made you decide to design?

I started out as a Layout Artist at ScrapGirls and just loved it. I am a graphic designer by trade so it was a natural progression to move into designing.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Mainly Photoshop with some Illustrator.

Describe your design workplace.

We have a big room at the back of the house that is my office/cat playroom/tv room. I have my computer, printer and our son’s computer up against one wall and a view to the pool behind us.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Firstly, colour, I LOVE colour and then, depending on the time of year, either a holiday in the month/season or something fun that will be a bit different.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Chocoholic.. because who doesn’t love chocolate! (and I had a lot of fun creating it.)

And the fun ones:

What was your first job?

Working in a costume jewellery store in Sydney.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

The late Princess Diana’s father and sister, Steven Spielberg’s mother

What are you reading right now?

The Seven Sisters set of books by Lucinda Riley.

What is your favorite quote?

Do unto others as you want done unto you.

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Celebrate my 50th birthday 😉

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?


If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

The weather app cos I am a weather freak and need to know what it is going to do each day, WhatsApp, so I can keep in touch with friends and family and the one that keeps track of where my family is.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Give me massages in my neck. My stress lives there and it can be most painful at times.

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

oooh, hard one… ummm.. both but if I really had to choose… future to hopefully see that we did good when raising our kids.

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

When we travel to the USA, we love the crazy adverts on the tv. When we were in LA in 2014 there was an ad that had the catch line… ‘cos pee happens’… we still use it to this day, lol!!

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Nutella spread.

Thanks Jo. It was awesome to get to chat with you. She has some absolutely gorgeous kits in her store. Some of which may be in my stash and on my wish list. 🙂

Make sure to check out her store at Gingerscraps, her Facebook fan page and her Facebook group – JCee Designs Club. You just never know when she’s going to offer a mini kit or other fun things. If you check our her group before the 18th, you’ll find a coupon for 40% off her GS store.

Here is the sneak peek of the kit she and Miss Fish Templates did together.

In case you missed my interview with Juli of Miss Fish Templates, yesterday, here is the link:

November Feature Designer(s) – Part 1

November Feature Designer(s) – Part 1

Happy November to all my scrapping friends. Can you believe it’s this close to the end of the year and to the holiday season?

I’m so excited to bring you TWO Feature Designer interviews for November. One now and another tomorrow. I wanted to give each of these fabulous ladies their own spotlight.

Miss Fish Templates and JoCee Designs have teamed up this month to be our Feature Designers. Today I’ll talk to Juli of Miss Fish Templates. Let’s see her answers to my questions.

How long have you been designing?

2 years

What made you decide to design?

I had been scrapping for 14 years. I wanted a way to make some extra money so I could afford to get my hair professionally colored. My digi friends suggested trying to make templates to make some extra money. I have smart friends!!!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Photoshop CC. I doodle a lot while at meetings at my real life job.

Describe your design workplace.

I work in our family room so I can be with my family and interact with them while I work. I have a gaming lap top hooked up to a double wide monitor that sits in our shelves next to the fireplace. Some times I take it on the road and work at Starbucks or in hotels while we are on vacation.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

I design templates based on what my CT and my customers want. I try to make products that people can use to get their memories scrapped faster, but at the same time offers plenty of room to be creative. I am inspired by other scrappers, trends in fashion and decorating and other designers.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store?

Blended Stories 1

Now for some fun getting to know you questions:

What was your first job?

My first ever job was working in a nursing home at the front desk checking in guests and welcoming people.

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Do Disney characters count? I’ve met lots of those when my girls were younger. We had Disney passes.

What are you reading right now?

I don’t have time to read to be honest. I use all my non-work time to keep up my house and play games on my phone.

What is your favorite quote?

I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Learn Adobe Illustrator. I’d like to learn how to make kits.

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Michelle Obama

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Text messages (I have 2 teen age girls and couldn’t live without it), Starbucks, Target.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Clean my house/car and cook meals for my family

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Back in time to spend more time with my grandparents and my step-dad. Miss them so much!!

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time.

Target – Stuck in the Middle campaign.

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Wine for sure. Thankfully I live near the beach so I could have a few glasses and watch the sun set.

Thanks Juli – those were awesome answers. I’m not ashamed to admit I have a TON of her templates. I absolutely love them. I actually just used the template above last week. I love the blended look.

Make sure to check out her store at Gingerscraps, her Facebook fan page and her Facebook group – The Fish Bowl. You just never know when she’s going to run a cool contest to give away some of her templates. Her store is also on sale for 40% off through November 18th.

Here is the sneak peek of the kit she and JoCee did together.

Make sure to come back tomorrow for my interview with JoCee Designs!!

April Feature Designer – Dear Friends Designs

I’m back with the second part of our Feature Designer post. This one with one-half of Dear Friends Designs, Trina. She finally slowed down enough to “chat” with me.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

Back in early 2007 (yikes, can’t believe that was 10 years ago!) I was pregnant with my second child and making a wedding slideshow for my SIL of her old photos and her hubby to be’s old photos. Was having fun, then started searching for ways to make it fancier and stumbled upon digital scrapbooking! I used to sell Creative Memories, and was only about 4 pages in PAPER scrapbook for my oldest. I was instantly hooked, shortly after sold my paper supplies and never looked back!

What made you decide to design?

It has always intrigued me, I’ve dabbled with different types of designing, and never seemed to be able to leave a template alone and just use it. Got to the point where Colleen & I were both just making our own templates, so we hemmed and hawed and eventually bit the bullet and asked Ginger what she thought – she was so encouraging and excited for us, now its been 2 years! I so wish we started sooner!!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

I use Adobe Creative Cloud. I have been addicted to Photoshop since high school when I learned to use it for yearbook! I create EVERYTHING in Photoshop, fliers, applications, etc., I mean everything!

Describe your design workplace.

Wherever my laptop happens to be!! When we travel in the car, I make hubby drive so I can design and/or scrap. Sometimes in the chair or on the couch. When my back was bad before surgery I’d be laying on the living room floor! Now most often its on a desk right in my living room.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

That its work, that doesn’t feel like work, and I still get to scrapbook! Getting to know other awesome designers, and working with some pretty amazing CT! Also seeing what others create using our templates is motivation to do more! I love hearing back from our customers about how much they love our templates and how they’re perfect for them and easy to use!!

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Oooh – always tough to choose just one…hmmm….one of my favorites is still our Nifty 50 series! They were so fun to create (and so much work too) but I love all the LOs we get from them. As far as a regular template pack goes – a more recent one would be “My Happy Place” because the name makes me smile, and I love all the banners and different sized photo places!

What was your first job?

Um, good question! Babysitting if that counts, then I worked at a Pet Store, and an Espresso & Eatery, and a cashier at a grocery store, and then in the meat dept of the same grocery store – but I’m not entirely sure on the order of those! heehee!

How many languages do you speak? What are they?

I speak English, and “toddler-ese” (haha, but I’m usually pretty good at deciphering young kid talk!) I know a tiny bit of Spanish, and a tiny bit of sign-language. Wish I could say more!!

What’s your favorite holiday?

All of them! Any time that I can spend time with my family!

What is your favorite family holiday tradition?

Not sure we have too many traditions, we’re almost always in different locations for each holiday, so hard to make traditions…

What three things do you think of most each day?

My 4 kids and everything they need for the day.
My never ending to-do list
What my “photo of the day” is!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Warning: Hates Mornings!

Is there anything you wished would came back into fashion?

Nothing I can think of off the top of my head – not sure I really follow any fashion things anyway – I wouldn’t say I’m trendy like that – I just like to be comfortable! hahaha!

Do you collect anything?

Not really, I have a little collection of rocks from my younger days, oh but I do collect photos! haha! Of my kids and of bugs and wildlife (those are my 3 fave things to photograph!)

If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?

Teleporting, flying & wiggling my nose to get the house to clean itself!

Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

My family? Losing them would be horrible!

How would your friends describe you?

Depends on who you ask! IDK – ask Colleen?!

If you were a fruit or vegetable, which one would you be?

I’d like to think I’m sweet like fruit, but also pretty hardy like a vegetable. Ugh – IDK! Tough choice!

What would you prefer as a second home: Mountain cabin, beach house, or big city condo?

Mountain Cabin – with a lake haha!

What would you do on your dream date?

Funny – we were just talking about this – and I couldn’t come up with one! Depends on the day, week, month, season! I like to dress up and go out “fancy” but also like to take it easy, or rough it and camp, or go hiking, biking or geocaching, so really depends on the time of the year and my mood! haha!

Thanks Trina!!

Make sure to check out Dear Friends Designs GS Store, FB Page, and FB Group!

They have a sale running in their store until the 30th.

And make sure you are grabbing the daily download from this blog to get the special kit they have put together with Neverland Scraps.