Tomorrow is Grandparent’s Day here in the state. Let’s be honest though…they deserve celebrating more than just the one day! I can personally say that a lot of who I am today is thanks to the amazing grandmother I had in my life. She is one of my most favorite things to scrap. Which got me to thinking. With that holiday just around the corner, we should showcase some of the great items we have in the store here at GingerScraps to do just that…celebrate our grandparents.
There isn’t a specific section dedicated to just this in the store. However, there is a section for family inspired digital scrapbooking items. That is where I found most of these items. You can view that section HERE if you like. All the images below are linked to their counterpart in the store.
Here are some items that are specifically for grandparents:
Here are a few more items that are not totally for grandparents. However they all are wonderful for scrapping the Grands in our lives (and more!):
A lot of these items above are geared toward women and Grandmothers. Don’t get me wrong. I am surrounded by males in my life; and they get scrapped surrounded by the typical female colors often! That being said, here are a few items geared towards the men and Grandpa’s!