Well, let’s not actually celebrate it. Being sick stinks! I had the flu this past week. Man-oh-man! I am 34 years old and never had the flu before. I am usually a trooper when sick. Do all the mom things! No extra sleep! Take some pills and keep moving! Not with the flu. I was out of commission for days!! That did get me to thinking though. Sometimes even those yucky and sick moments need to be scrapped. Our designers here at GingerScraps has just what you need to scrap them too!

Little ones always seem to have boo-boos and owies. I wanted a kit that had child friendly colors, reflecting how the children’s hospitals work hard to make it as pleasant as possible for the children who have to be there.

Doctor Visit is a collaboration between Tracey Monette and Alissa Jones. Together we’ve created for you a great kit to cover everything from boo boo’s that Dr. Mom kisses and makes better to visits to the doctor or even the emergency room & hospital!

Angels Among Us is in honor of all the men and women, doctors and nurses, who help us (and our loved ones) each and every day. They are never given nearly as much credit as they are due. They are truly .. “angels among us”.

We all experience sick days from time to time. This kit is for layouts that capture your loved ones during these stressful times. Whether it be a simple cold, chicken pox, a broken bone or an ongoing condition.

This medical-themed kit is filled with everything you could need for all sorts of health projects. From injuries and emergencies to sickness and surgeries, this kit has you covered. It’s also perfect for celebrating the doctors, nurses and veterinarians in your life. And even better, it includes animal-themed elements as well! The color palette includes white, rose red, mustard yellow, blue, green, orange and tan.

Everyone at some point in time, has those not feeling great days, and this Under The Weather Kit is a super choice to scrap pages of a few of those moments. Whether it is an “oopsy” accident that can be cured with lots of hugs and kisses (and maybe an ice pack or band-aid), or something more serious that requires a trip to the emergency room or a hospital stay, this kit will have you covered.

It is great for your sick little ones, whether it be a scrape on the knee or a lengthy stay at the hospital. It’s full of fun unique elements for just such occasions.

Been sick? Been hurt? Helped heal someone? Then this is the collection for you! DOCTOR ON CALL is for all of your medical photos – and if you’re like me, you totally have photos for this!
Well, that is about all my post flu self can handle. I am going to snuggle back up in bed. Happy Scrapping!