Archives for August 4, 2010

Let’s Get Crafty: Gone Hybrid!

Who is ready to get Crafty! It’s Thursday! Yea!

So, you all see all these awesome Hybrid project in the galleries. You are thinking, man I really want to try that. But…it’s got to be so expensive. i don’t have the money to buy all those fancy supplies. Well, I am the queen of cheap! LOL! I love making Hybrid projects…but I don’t have a bottomless wallet! So, lets chat! How can you get started in Hybrid with out breaking the bank.

Some basic supplies…

*Scissors, small sharp ones work best, but I have even used my kids scissors when mine go missing…which happens a lot! lol

*Adhesive of some sort, there are 100’s of different adhesives out there, but really to get started all you need is a trusty old glue stick. My fave is the Pioneer Extra Strong Glue Stick. I get it at Wal Mart for like $1.50 or so. And we all have glue guns laying around. Mod Podge is great. It cost a little more that you might want..but it lasts forever. I have had the same bottle for years. And that 3D double sided tape is great. But, you don’t have to pay a lot for it. I get mine at the dollar store!

*Speaking of the Dollar Store, I love to find things at the Dollar Store to Embellish. I got these frames at the Dollar Store…gave them a little Hybrid love and what a great gift! The wooden letters came form the craft store but they were only like $5.00 for a huge pack of all different letters. I’ve been using them forever.

The flowers on this frame are not from the store. They are digi flowers from the kit I used, I just cut them out and inked the edges! Fold them a little on the edges. They look great!

*I get frames at the Thrift Store too! I even find craft supplies like ribbon, embroidery floss, buttons,  glitter etc at Thrift Stores! You just have to look! Yard Sales are great too!

*Another great thing to have is distress ink. Start out with one color like black or brown. It’s only about $3.00. I actually only have those 2 colors and use them on almost all my hybrid projects.

*Distressing the edges on your projects really gives a nice finished look. You can go to the craft store and buy special “Distressing Tools” but, why not just go grab a piece of sandpaper out of the garage, a nail file works great too.  You just need something that will “rough up” your edges a bit.

*A lot of times if you want to make a card or use one of the nifty “Hybrid Template” you will need to “Crease before folding.” Your fold will turn out way nicer id you crease them first. But, of course you don’t need any fancy tools for this either. You can use a magazine for a mat, an envelope or book for a straight edge if you don’t have a ruler, and even a butter knife or credit card will work as a “bone folder.”

*Now of course you will need a printer, ink and paper. My favorite paper is Epson Matte Photo Paper, but you can use cardstock too.

Now just get creative! Think of things in a different way. If you see a project that calls for “Chipboard” use a cereal box instead.

Like I used on this project….

How about these…I made them from coasters. Yes, those coasters they give you at Restaurants. Check these out….

So, come on! Do some Hybrid! You know you want to! 🙂 How about starting with GingerScraps “Sweet Cards” Challenge! Greeting cards are a super great way to get started in Hybrid!