Archives for August 12, 2010

Let’s Get Crafty: Old Jeans

OK..Wow, it’s Thursday! What a week! I am not prepared for this at all! LOL! I thought it was Wednesday! Ha Ha! Well, I don’t have a tutorial for you today. But, I’m sitting here thinking, what the heck can I post about. Hmmm…looking at both of my sons sleeping on the couches. I have some pretty cool couches…there is not one person in the world who has my couches.

Well, yes of course, they are “home made” It all started years ago, my Dad, he is funny about jeans. If he get a tiny speck on his jeans he won’t wear them anymore. But, my Mom, being the crafty queen of the family, thinks, I can’t just throw these away, someday we will do something great with all these jeans.

Then there is me, I love denim, my living room is blue and yellow. A few years ago I bought some denim couches. They were pretty cute when I first bought them, but after a while I realize, this is not very good fabric they used on these couches. It’s like the cheapest, thinnest denim. If you spill, it stains…not good for a house full of kids. Bummer…I was about to have my 4th baby. Company coming to stay, and these couches look like crap. me! My Mom, she is amazing. She can make something beautiful out of nothing. So, we start thinking, I really love the idea of my denim couches, but these need help. “Hey, Julie dear daughter, I have a huge box a your Dad’s jeans I have been saving for years, lets remake your couch with them!” So, we cut and pinned and stapled and sewed. Well, Mom did most of the work and I sat there huge as a house 9 months pregnent braiding the trim for the arms. 🙂

I love my Jean couches, there are even pockets on them. My little boys love to put their cars in the pockets. The cover zips off so I can throw them in the wash. They are indestructible…and that is saying a lot in my house!

So, I will stop babbling and show you….

Pretty funky aren’t they! I love them! We have a new coffee table and new desk, repainted the living room since we made these couches. But the couches live on! It’s like your favorite pair of comfy jeans…only bigger.

So, I hope this inspires you to reuse something you thought you might throw or give away in to something fabulous!

Of course, you can always start of with something simple like a purse.

Yes, even after making a whole couch, we still had enought jeans left over to make a few tote bags.