Archives for September 2011

September Daily Download #14

Hello all!

Well…I didn’t end up getting a layout done yesterday.  🙁  Hopefully it is coming… I did feel a bit inspired by the excitement of Scrapping Survivor but the timing just didn’t work out.  The boys kept me busy most of the day.  We are quite enjoying this weather as we transition into fall.  Highs in the 70’s make for great times outside.  🙂

Okay – they are hounding me already to get moving… so I’m off for the morning to have a little quality family time with them and my parents.  Don’t forget to check out the 1st Scrapping Survivor challenge that was posted this morning.

Here’s day #14:

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Hope y’all have a fabulous day!!!!

September Daily Download #13

Hi there!

Thanks so much for all the tips on getting out of my scrapping funk!  I do hope to scrap ‘something’ today to hopefully kick me into gear for Scrapping Survivor that starts tomorrow.  🙂  If I get something done today – I’ll share it with y’all tomorrow.  🙂  Wish me luck!

Alrighty… here’s today’s part:

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Have a great day!!!

September Daily Download #12

Hello all!  Happy Monday!

Hope you are ready for an amazing week!  I know I am!  Scrapping Survivor starts on Wednesday.  I’m a little nervous and a lot excited.  =D    I can’t wait to see what all is involved in this competition.  Most of all – I’m just hoping it will give me some incentive to get scrapping again.  I do kind of miss it – but when I sit down with my pictures and a kit… nothing creative comes to my mind.  It stinks.  Do you have any tips for re-booting your scrapping mojo?  I’d love for you to share them!  At this point I’m willing to try anything.  🙂

Okay – enough from me on this Monday morning…

Here’s day #12 to this fun kit from Scrappy Cocoa.  So glad y’all are enjoying it!

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Have a fabulous day!!!!

September Daily Download #11

Hello all!

I hope you have a fabulous day today.  🙂  We have a little stroll around the lake planned this morning… and then its football day!!!!  I’m so glad NFL is back in full swing.  Of course today is also the 10 year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks – definitely a day for reflection as well.  I wrote a little bit on my blog – if you’d like to check it out just click on my nametag down below.

Don’t forget to grab this weeks Fresh Baked Goodies  – today is the last day they are on sale.

Enjoy this next part to this fun kit from Scrappy Cocoa:

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Have a great day!!!

September Daily Download #10

Just a friendly reminder that today is the last day to sign up for Scrapping Survivor #3 – Grandma’s Attic.  The fun is starting on Wednesday and I can’t wait to see what Ginger has in store for us!!!

And now here’s today’s gift for you:

Day #10

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September Daily Download #9

Day #9


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Two weeks of LOTW winners!

I am running SO far behind and I aplogize to the LOTW winners for not getting this posted earlier. It seems like the month of August flew by and now we are already up to September 9th! Where is the time going? I just can’t keep up lately. I need a vacation from my 9-5 job to do all the things I want to do.

 On to the news…an extra special congratulations to modgee for winning LOTW for the week of August 20th and Mother Bear for winning LOTW for the week of August 27th. Fabulous LO’s ladies!

Click on the image to leave modgee some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

Here is the winning LO by Mother Bear. Click on the LO to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps gallery.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Fresh Baked! 9/9

 Hi Everyone!  I’m finally back.  What a nightmare that was.  The hurricane came last Sunday and we lost power at 6:30am that morning.  We are on well water which means when we lose electricity we also lose water.  I did fill my tub up with water Saturday night, and I’m glad I did.  That lasted us 1 day.  On Monday I went to buy bottled water.  Talk about  flushing water down the drain.  Things got crazy when my husband and kids went into our woods looking for the stream that was there.  They filled up tons of empty containers with stream water just so I could flush.  Eight days later the eletricity finally came back on.  What was the first thing we did?  Flush toilets…then shower.  CRAZY!

We were very lucky nothing serious happened.  Things could have been so much worse.  We have a CT girl whose town is on fire.  Makes me worry about all of you.  I hope you are all safe!

Let’s talk about some good news though!  We have lots of new releases!  (By the way did you see that Valarie Ostrom is back and exclusive?  Make sure you check out her store.  You have no idea how excited we are she is back!).

Remember too that you get this free grab bag by Unforgettable Moments when you spend $10!












September Daily Download #8

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Daily Download #7

Hi there!  Happy Wednesday!  🙂

Have you been to the forum lately?  There’s a call going on for one of our newest Exclusive Designers – Sugar Pie Scraps.  She’s looking for a few new layout artists, freebie makers, and bloggers.  Check it out HERE and get those apps in!

And now onto day #7:

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Day #7


Enjoy!  Have a great day!