Archives for April 2012
Challenge Spotlight – Template Challenges
April 24, 2012 by
Good morning, my lovely ladies! It’s Tuesday and you know what that means–another challenge spotlight!
This is your last full week to get your challenges in for a super nifty store discount coupon or gift certificate! And who doesn’t want that? (Seriously, who? Because I’ll volunteer to take yours if you don’t want it!) The points thread closes on the 1st of May, so get your challenges tallied up and entered!
Since this is the last spotlight of the month, I am going to give you a double dose of awesomeness with two easy challenges that each come with a freebie (isn’t free your favorite price?!): Sugar Kissed Designs’ first April template challenge and Craft-tastrophic’s second April template challenge!
You know how these work: we have one template for the first half of April and another for the second half, but you can still get both right now and knock two challenges out!
First, let’s take a look at Terra’s template for the first half of April!
Gorgeous, right? This one is perfect for showcasing multiple photos to tell a story! Let’s see how our fabulous forum gals did on this one!
Wow, ladies–you’ve really outdone yourselves with this challenge! All the layouts are so unique, it’s hard to believe they’re all from the same template!
Now let’s move onto Ivonne’s template for the second half of April!
I love me some paper stacking, so I of course jumped right on this one! Need some inspiration? Thought you’d never ask! 🙂
Excellent work, as always! (Especially that last one, if I do say so myself, hehe!) This template was really versatile and fun to work with, so speed over to the forum and grab it!
Remember, the month is almost up (can you believe it?), so make sure you swing by the forum and nab both of April’s templates while they’re hot! Get all your challenges in and tally them up in the April Challenge Points Tracking thread before May 1st to get credit. As always, direct any questions you have about our challenges to the Cookie Jar!
Hope you all have a great week; see you next month! 🙂
LOTW Winner!!
April 23, 2012 by
Congratulations to Saar for winning LOTW! I love how the title is incorporated into the LO and how the “O” is used as a frame. She has created such a pretty pink LO!! ! Click the image to leave her some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.
As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.
Weekly Wrap-Up: April 22, 2012
April 22, 2012 by
Well, goodness! It’s the end of the weekend already! Where did it go? This is starting to not be fair! Weekends need to be longer. Who’s with me? I demand longer weekends!!
Okay, I’m only sort of serious. I’m a stay-at-home-parent, so I don’t even get weekends, LOL, unless you count the times the kids are at school. Then, though, I’m doing all my adminly duties for Gingerscraps 😀
So, how’s your weekend been so far? How about your April? 2012, thus far?
Well, let’s jump into the stuff:
Trina got a new puppy 😀
Isn’t it so cute?
What would you suggest to a beginning digi-scrapper, minus having an editing program? There are some really good suggestions, but it never hurts to hear some more!
April is demanding, and yes, I mean demanding, to be interviewed. She interviews all our amazing designers and members, so now she’s gonna find out what it’s like. Go ask!!
Did you make it to last night’s speed scrap? If so, you might have noticed that the Gingerbread Man came out to play! I don’t know what goodies he shared, but maybe someone will share 😀
Once again, it’s been a bit of a quiet week. It’ll hopefully pick up soon! If not, that’s okay. We’re happy with our current activity level, but we’re always open to more!!
See ya next week with more goodies and news!
Team Spotlight: Find Your Bliss Designs
April 21, 2012 by
Good morning scrappers!
…and I thought I was dragging my feet last weekend, but I’ve finally got all my morning self-appointed chores finished and ready to rock and roll!
Let’s all say hello to Maaike – owner of Find Your Bliss Designs!
She’s been our absolutely lovely guest designer this month. If you haven’t see her designs and fallen in love with at least one, check your pulse.
A little bit more about Maaike in her own words.
I live in the Netherlands with my husband and our two teen sons! I love to digiscrap, have cropnights with my paperscrapfriends, I love photography, reading and just having fun with the ones I love!
How did you get your start designing?
I was a paperscrapper working in Scrapstores before and teached workshops and when I turned digi, I felt the need to combine those two and felt the need to design and I am really happy I started designing because I couldn’t live without it anymore!
What inspires your designing?
Everything!! Real life, colors I see,Pinterest, people around me, really, everything!
From your (beautiful) kits in our store, what’s your favorite? What inspired it?
I would have to say Always Strong, because it is such a diverse kit! They are totally different colors from what I normally use, but still the kit is very colorful and you can scrap real fun moments with it, but also very serious subjects and I had someone here on the forum thanking me for making this kit because she needed to scrap a serious moment and was inspired because she could use this kit and I was very honored!
An absolutely beautiful kit! I personally love your Stories kit, the color pallet is totally awesome!
I also love all the little talk/thought bubbles!
While you’re designing these lovely kits, what is the one thing you just can’t do without?
Just one??Wow!! Well, I must answer tea than! (and ofcourse everything you can eat with tea, and the tv or radio on in the meanwhile! Was I cheating with putting this between brackets? )
We’ll allow it. 😉
What’s your advice for aspiring designers?
Think good about what you really want, what your style is and stick to it! And learn your program and how to make good quality products.
Now for some more fun!
If you could time travel to any time, when would you go and why?
I would go back 20 years ago to my parents house to see my dad one more time !
Your most favorite book turned movie?
Right now that would be The Help!
If you could vote any FICTIONAL character into Presidency for 2012 who would it be?
Harry Potter ofcourse!
I’m with you on that! Wands and messenger owls for everyone!
What’s your favorite recipe to make at home?
A lot of mixed veggies in the wok with oriental oil, cajun urbs and sweet and sour sauce, a can of tuna in there and some basmati rice and along with that some backed seasoned tilapia fish on top! Mmmm (cooked in 10 minutes and my favorite meal)
That sounds positively de-lish!
What’s your favorite subject to scrap?
My youngest son Quincy, he’s 11 now!
Lastly, I’ve got to ask, journaling or wordart, which do you favor?
Word Art! I journal sometimes, but it always comes down to loving him so much and I think he will get that without seeing it on every page! 😉
I was able to chat personally with Maaike, and I’ve already thanked her but I would love to do it again! Thank you Maakie for chatting with me, and sharing with us more about you! You’re totally awesome and we love having you here!
You can check out the rest of her store here and definitely check out her blog!
I hope everyone has a super scrapperific day!