Challenge Spotlight – NEW Designer Spotlight Challenge

Good morning, gorgeous scrappy ladies!  🙂  Hope everyone’s week is off to a great start; I really wish it were the weekend already so I could be at home in the A/C, napping and scrapping! 😉

This week I am spotlighting a new challenge here at GS: the designer spotlight challenge! In this new challenge, all you have to do is use 90% products from our spotlight designer (you can use a template from another designer)…that’s it! This is going to be a great way to introduce you to a designer whose products you might not have worked with before and get you going through your stash! 🙂 Our first designer in the spotlight is Rachel of Pretty in Green!

Our rockin’ ad team lead, April, did a great interview with Rachel last week; if you haven’t read it yet, go check it out! Rachel also provided a spiffy coupon for you to grab some of her designs for this challenge. The coupon is in the challenge thread, so scurry over and snag it!

I’m pretty excited about this challenge, ladies.  I love the idea of going through my stash and scrapping with some kits I might have forgotten about. I’ve already got one in mind for PiG…and I’m not the only one! Check out some of these layouts the ladies in the forum have created…

By scrappy_mom

By Lisa

By dillydoodles

I love all of these layouts! Don’t you love the variety of kits used here? Rachel has even more fabulous designs in her GingerScraps shop. There’s something for everyone and some really excellent unique kits you don’t want to be without. My personal favorite kit of Rachel’s is One in a Million:

I just adore the muted colors here and how some of the sentiments look like chalkboard art before chalkboard art was even a trend–so cool! So, you can probably guess which kit I’ll be using for this challenge.  😉  How about you? We’re already a week into July, so make sure you’re got your post up in the July Challenge Tracking Thread. Tally up your completed challenges and at the end of the month, you’ll be in for a rad reward!

That’s it for today’s blog, ladies! Y’all have a wonderful week and I’ll see you back here next Tuesday for another challenge spotlight. 🙂