July Feature Designer part 3!

Hello, hello! I’m back a day late but I’ll pretend it’s fashionably so.


The final installment for our July Feature Designer, Rachel of Pretty in Green starts now (If you missed part 1 and 2 find them here and here)! Today we’re going to share a little bit of the present, past and satisfying Rachel’s sweet tooth. I’m also going to stick in a couple of my favorite kits created by Pretty in Green to help if you’re unsure what to use her totally rad awesome coupon on (see end of post for said totally rad awesome coupon).

With Summer in full swing, everyone is out making memories, I asked Rachel to share one of her recent favorite memories in photo form.


Makes me think of one of my favorite Pretty in Green kits, King of the Jungle. A surprisingly versatile kit, I love the thought of using it for zoo trips, for my son’s love of a certain animated lion cub and the warm colors would be just lovely for that time of year when the leaves start to turn.

Moving from the present to the past, I was able to get my hands on a photo of Rachel from years past, High School to be exact! Seriously, her smile, it’s contagious!


You’re smiling right now, you can’t help it.

Thinking back to High School is often a roller coaster of ‘it was the best of times, it was the worst of times’ for many.  For me personally it was a time when I should have believed more in myself, in my own beauty (and smarts!) and not relied so heavily on what others thought or cared for. Because of that, I’m immediately drawn to Pretty in Green’s I am Beautiful kit. It might just be in my top two as far as favorites from her collection of designs. It’s simple, subtle and the message is clear as day, [You] are beautiful. Don’t forget it.

Time for some more Q&A!

What is the last book you read?

eek! Is it bad to say I don’t read books, I wait for the movie? LOL! I do make time for my kids to read and I read to them, so to answer your question what was the last book, it was Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? by Dr. Seuss.

How do you feed your sweet tooth?

A better question would be, how don’t I feed my sweet tooth?  I don’t eat red meat, but I don’t eat a lot of veggies either, so I jokingly say I’m a sweet-tarian, LOL! I love chocolate but French toast is my all time favorite!


Last and certainly the most important question, 😉

What is your favorite thing about GingerScraps.net?

Gosh what’s not to love? Really, I discovered Ginger Scraps when I discovered Digi Scrap, and I have stuck around since. It’s full of great friendly people, and I get to work with some of the most talented women ever!

Here, here! Now, for that coupon I mentioned at the beginning of the post:

Remember, one per customer and if you need help finding just the right kit I’ll share with you two more of my absolute favorites:

Thank you, Rachel, for letting us get to know you better and as an added bonus, here is a sneak peek of her NEWEST release coming THIS Friday!

Happy scrapping friends!