Archives for April 15, 2014

Challenge Spotlight April 15

Happy Tax Day here in the US! Today is the deadline to file taxes and then any of our friends or family who are accountants can breathe a sigh of relief for awhile! This week’s Challenge I am spotlighting is the Mix It Up Challenge. I love this one because every month it is different! This month’s challenge is hosted by Sherry Ferguson and she has challenged us to scrap about food!

Whether it be a family recipe, a yummy dinner out, a party, etc. Pick a photo you have taken showing off food! My Challenge LO featured by husband, his friend and my dad enjoying a cold beer!

Here are a few more Layouts other members have made for this challenge:

This challenge counts towards your 10 Layouts to grab a fabulous Collab kit! Once you complete 10 challenges and record them, you will receive the month’s collab! Check out this months!

Have a great week and happy scrapping!

DD: Apr 15

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.