Archives for October 8, 2016

From the Archives Vol. 7

Hello scrappers! Are you fully recovered from DSD and ready to scrap?! I pray that all our scrappy family members that are and have been in the path of Hurricane Matthew are safe-and-sound!

I am here today to help you with just that! We are going to take a look back in the store and look at some oldies…but goodies! What archives? Well, we are going to show you some digital scrapbooking supplies that are in the store that are at least a year old. Usually older than that.  Some of us may be new to digital scrapbooking or new to GingerScraps. Some people don’t check the store every week. Basically, things can and do get lost in the weekly shuffle of the store. With that in mind, we are going to go back and look at some great products. Our hope is that you find some great things you might have been looking for; or find something that you didn’t know you needed but totally do now that you see it! 🙂

This month’s From the Archives, we are going to take a look at Doodles. Doodles are a great addition to any digital scrapbooking layout. Usually they have the hand-drawn (or actually are hand-drawn) look to them. Some doodles have paint look to them; and some doodles have little elements with them. You can check out all the Doodles in the store HERE. Here are just a few of them from back in the Archives. Images are linked to the store.