Whew… where did January go?? Between me being crazy busy and some gremlin activity with my laptop, Misty almost didn’t get her moment in the Spotlight, but there’s still a tiny bit of month left so let’s sit down with her and get to know her a little better.
J: How long have you been designing?
M: Ten years this month! [Congratulations!!]
J: What’s your design process?
M: I’m a full-time student, mom and manager, so my design process lately is sit down and make a day of it. Plan papers, elements and knock it out.
J: What do you use to create your designs?
M: I use PSCC some, but my favorite is PSE 7. SEVEN, lol!
J: Describe your design workspace.
M: Right now my mom is living with us and taking my office space, so I’m currently at a small desk in the middle of the dining room. At least I have snacks when I design!
J: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?
M: It’s my creative outlet. I have a very mundane real life job; this allows me to be artsy and creative.
J: What kit currently available in your GingerScraps store is your favourite? Why?
M: My favorite is “My Tribe”. I feel like most people can relate to having that ‘tribe’ of people that help them in everyday life. Kids, work, LIFE!
[psst…. it’s on SALE!!]
J: Do you craft outside the digital world?
M: I crochet blankets. I can crochet and relax in front of the tv for maybe ten minutes a day. Everyone gets baby blankets for their new littles.
J: What is the last book you read?
M: I am currently reading Present Over Perfect. It’s sooo insightful.
J: Tea or coffee?
M: Coffee through the day but a hot cup of tea before bed.
J: Do you have a guilty pleasure?
M: I like a good casino. Eek. I do like to go and splurge $40 or so and sometimes even win!
J: If time travel were possible, where would you go and why?
M: I would have to go to the future. I’m not much of a history person. There isn’t a specific time that intrigues me.
J: What’s your favourite thing about GingerScraps?
M: The team and the community! There isn’t ever any bickering, or drama. We truly do have a fantastic group of people.
J: If you could have any super power, what would it be?
M: I would love to be able to be in more than one place at a time. Multiplicity. I am a mom, a full time Sales Manager, and full time student. I need more of me to get it all done. I’d have one more that is just sleeping all the time.
Thanks for chatting with me, Misty!