~October Featured Designer – Studio Jx2~

Happy (Northern Hemisphere) Fall!!! It’s finally cooling down where I am and I’m so happy. It was becoming ridiculous.

This month we have a treat. Our featured designer is Studio Jx2, which is a collaboration of the lovely Jennifer (Luv Ewe Designs) and JoyLynn (Blue Heart Scraps). I asked them both the same questions and thought I would do this Q & A session a little differently. Let’s see what they had to say.

How long have you been designing?

Jennifer: 11 years.

JoyLynn: Just over 8 years — holy moly!

What made you decide to design?

Jen: I started making siggies on Cafemom years ago and found out about digi scrapping. I used it in making tags. Then I created some stuff myself to go with the orders of the requester. I designed before I made my first layout actually.

JL: I enjoy being able to share a bit of my personality with others through things I create. It’s like therapy, in a way. When I’m sad or down, my products are darker in color and more reserved in theme — when I’m feeling the smiles or love or celebration, everything’s brighter and bolder.

What led you to decide to design together?

Jen: JoyLynn and I did a collab many moons ago. We loved how our designs meshed well (and so did our CTs) so we decided to take on a separate name just for our collabs. We have done too many to count over the years.

JL: We’ve collaborated on projects together a ton of times over the years, and always enjoyed how our styles blended together. Opening a new store for just our collaborations was a way to showcase them separately, because we LOVE them all!

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Jen: Photoshop Creative Cloud and starting on Illustrator.

JL: Adobe Photoshop (still using CS5, because it’s not broken and I’m too lazy to figure out a newer version, lol), Illustrator, Wacom Tablet.

Describe your design workplace.

Jen: My area is a table given to me by my grandma. She used it when she did her homework. There are still ink stains on it that give it character. And my desktops sits on that. Not really fancy.

JL: Lately, I’ve been horrible, and worked a LOT in my bed, lol! I have a wooden lap table that holds my laptop, a huge tile that holds my mouse and tablet, and then the rest of my garbage (pencils and paper for 4839248302483209 To Do lists each week, drink, remotes, everything else) is scattered on the bed or on a side table. It’s been too hot for my craft table in the garage (thank you 100 degrees in October!), the kids take up too much room on the kitchen table, and I haven’t replaced the desk table I got rid of over the summer. It’s…an adventure, lol.

What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Jen: Many things. Might be a picture and I love the colors in it. It might be a song I have stuck in my head. You just never know.

JL: Enjoying the process, seeing all of the beautiful creations people make with our products. It’s very humbling to be a part of how they choose to remember their lives.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Jen: Be Balanced. I love the colors and we all need to be more balanced in our lives. We are all so crazy, busy and need to slow down.


JL: Though I honestly love all of our collabs, my current favorite may be the Be (Im)Perfect Kit. The colors are gorgeous, I LOVE the idea behind it that nothing is perfect, but we can still find beauty in the imperfections


What was your first job?

Jen: Sonic Carhop

JL: Cashier at FoodWorld

Have you ever met anyone famous?

Jen: I did get to meet the Pioneer Woman’s boys when I was at her restaurant.

JL: We’ve had a few college/professional football players from our small town area…but that’s about it. Boring, I know.

What are you reading right now?

Jen: Well I am not much of a reader, so nothing at this time.

JL: Hallowed by Cynthia Hand (the 2nd book in the Unearthly series)

What is your favorite quote?

Jen: You can do anything, but not everything.

JL: Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth “You owe me.” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. ~ Hafiz

What is something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before?

Jen: Hope to go to NYC next year for the Thanksgiving Day parade. Have wanted to go for years.

JL: Actually KEEP a New Year Resolution? lol

You have your own latenight talk show, who do you invite as your first guest?

Jen: Ellen DeGeneres. Absolutely love her. She has a kind heart, is giving and is funny.

JL: P!nk.

If you had to delete all but 3 apps from your smartphone, which ones would you keep?

Jen: Jobulator (my full time job), Facebook and Instagram.

JL: My ereader app (because I try to read a LOT), Photomath (I CAN work out the multi-step Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 homework problems by boys have, but if I can save a little time on homework checks, I’m all about it!), and Facebook — because as draining as social media feels sometimes, it’s the easiest way for my not-always-social self to keep up with those I care about.

If you could have someone follow you around all the time, like a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Jen: Make lists for me and tried to have them keep me organized.

JL: Talk to people for me?! I’m horrible with my words when it comes to using them verbally (written? I’ve got that down pat!). I get nervous and tongue tied and lose my train of thought.

Would you rather travel back in time to meet your ancestors or to the future to meet your descendants?

Jen: In the past and learn more about my family history.

JL: Future

What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?

Jen: Like a good neighbor State Farm is there. Not sure why lol.

JL: I try to avoid commercials like the plague — that’s what DVR and the fast forward button is for 😉

If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would you pick?

Jen: Dr. Pepper…yummy.

JL: Sweet Tea. 😉

Thank you ladies so much for “chatting” with me.

Make sure to check out their GingerScraps Store for their beautiful kits. They each also have a Facebook Group and there is always fun things going on there.

Jennifer – Luv Ewe Designs Fan Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LuvEweDesignsFanGroup/

JoyLynn – Blue Heart Scraps Fan Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/BlueHeartScrapsFanGroup/

Have you been grabbing the Daily Download? I love the sentiment of this:

Have a great rest of the month!!