Designer Spotlight: May 2021

Miss Fish and Shepherd Studio!

What a hectic day today is… {inter}National Scrapbook Day, the May Buffet, all the new Challenges and of course, the Designer Spotlight. I’m running behind, as usual, but I’ve got the goods on the two amazing GingerBread Ladies in the Spotlight this month and they’re coming right up! Juli is the oh-so-talented brain behind the Miss Fish template empire and Jenn is the creator of Shepherd Studio.

Welcome to the GingerScraps Blog, ladies. Let’s get to know you both a bit better.


Jan: Can you describe your workspace for us?

Jenn: It desperately wants to be clean, but it’s usually not.

Juli: This year I expanded my workspace to two locations in my house. I have a downstairs workstation in our Family Room so I can design while my husband and I watch TV. I also have a workspace in my work-from-home office space in the sitting area of our master bedroom. This way I can design at lunch and early in the morning. I find it’s nice to be able to move between spaces to get a break throughout the day. I use a laptop and have an external hard drive that I move between stations to keep all my designs.

Jan: I can really relate Jenn! What one word would your family and friends use to describe you?

Juli: Helpful – I always like to help my family and friends.  If you are having a party, I’m your girl.  Invite me over and I’ll cook, help you set up, clean and anything else you need. 

Jenn: Sincere

Jan: I like to think I’m a bit of both. Jenn, what would your perfect vacation look like?

Jenn: Someplace cold with beautiful natural scenery (fingers crossed I get to Antarctica some day!)

Jan: Ooh, have you been to Canada? There are so many places here that are amazing in winter! Juli, this is an oddball question, but a fun one. Are you more likely to sing or dance in the shower?

Juli: Definitely sing.  If I danced in the shower I’d probably fall!

Jan: A year ago my answer to that would be the same as yours. Our new house has a huge walk-in shower and I’ve been known to do a little dancin’ in there! So, now that spring is upon North America, do either of you have a green thumb? I’m going to make the rounds of the garden centres with my daughter next weekend.

Jenn: I do and I used to plant flowers and plants for my grandparents every Spring. They’ve both been gone for many years now and I haven’t planted much of anything since. But our yard blooms every Spring and turns the most beautiful shades of green. I like to think it’s because they’re shining down on us.

Jan: My yard is always a work in progress. I love getting dirty. What did you want to be when you were small? 

Jenn: A paleontologist – I still have a deep love for all things dinosaur.

Juli: I wanted to be a teacher.  Part of my full-time job is teaching doctors and people on my team – so my dream kind of came true.

Jan: I never really saw myself in a teaching role, but here I am… Nursing involves a LOT of teaching and I like to think I’m pretty good at it. Tell me, Juli… What’s your dream car?

Juli: An Audi R8 convertible in red.

Jan: That would be a sweet ride for sure! Jenn, who would you choose to play you if a movie was made about your life?

Jenn: Kate Winslet!

Jan: She’s fabulous. And beautiful! Imagine if you won the lottery. What would you do?

Jenn: Retire and travel the world.

Juli: I would quit my real-life job and start a consulting company.  I’d also buy a house on the water and a boat so my husband and I could spend more time relaxing. 

Jan: Nice!! I’m really jumping around here… thank you for just going with it. Juli, what are your favourite and most hated colours?

Juli: My most favorite colors are blue and yellow.  My least favorite colors are brown and orange.

Jan: I don’t love brown or orange either! Still your turn – What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for coffee?

Juli: President Obama. I’d love to hear what it was like to be the first black president and what his plans are for the future. 

Jan: He’s a fascinating man. That would be an experience for sure! We’re almost done… now for the hard questions. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Jenn: Occasionally spicy!!

Juli: My warning label would say just do what she asks and everything will be just fine.  Otherwise, watch out! 

Jan: Mine would be a mile long! And to close out our chat, the really dreaded question: if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it?

Juli: I would change my weight. I’d love to be back to the size I was in college.  Then exercising and staying fit would be so much easier! 

Jenn: I’d love to be in better health.

Jan: I think you’re both in good company there. Thank you so much for sharing a little peek into your inner selves, and for sharing your talents with us too. Remember GingerScrappers, the Designers in the Spotlight also provide the monthly Daily Download, links found here on the Blog, AND s/he/they host the Designer Spotlight Challenge (linked above) too. Enjoy your Spotlight, ladies! Thanks again!!