Scrapcrazy Creations with Robyn
The second half of the year has begun. Anybody a little alarmed at how fast time’s flying, other than me?
I had the chance to chat with Robyn, Scrapcrazy Creations‘ creative arm. As usual, we started off with the mundane stuff… How long have you been designing?
R: This year I will have been designing for 6 years.
J: That’s a good long time. What made you decide to try your hand at it?
R: I was on 25 Creative Teams and decided that I would give designing a try.
J: Whoa!!! 25?! I had enough trouble with two. I can’t even imagine. What are your go-to tools for designing?
R: I use PSE11 (Photoshop Elements 11) to create and PSCC (Photoshop Creative Cloud) to quality check my designs.
J: I’d find that confusing, moving back and forth from two different platforms. Kudos! Where do you do your creating?
R: My design space is anywhere I can sit with my laptop. A comfy arm chair, desk and sometimes the beach.
J: That sounds sublime. I work in front of our floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the mountains. Or like today, the clouds. Do you have anyone or anything that provides you with inspiration?
R: My children and their activities and photos that need scrapping inspire me to design.
J: I hear that a lot. 😉 Now, do you have a favourite kit in the GingerScraps store? What makes it your favourite?
R: I have many favourite kits but my current favourite is Flamingo Road because of the pretty pinks and I made some of the papers myself from scratch.
J: Ooh, paper-making sounds like a lot of fun! Is pink your preference? What colours do you prefer? Are there any you don’t love?
R: My favourite colour is purple and my least favourite colour is yellow. Give me anything purple and I am happy. Purple speaks to my soul. I love wearing purple tops, dresses and scarves. I also like receiving cut flowers and planting purple flowers like irises, roses, salvia, clematis, lavender and wisteria.
I do NOT wear yellow. As a child if I was given anything yellow I would pull a face and find it hard to say thank-you as I hate the colour yellow. As an adult I find that I do wear mustard but not bright yellow.
J: Same!! My garden is full of purples, blues and some pink and white. I didn’t plant the yellow Stella d’Oro daylilies, the developer did. [shudder] As for wearing yellow… gross. Working in an ICU, I wore a lot of isolation gowns. Guess what colour they are. So, before I completely ruin our appetites, if you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
R: Roast lamb with roast pumpkin, sweet potato and onion and homemade lemon meringue pie.
J: You lost me with the lamb. I worked briefly in a nursing home kitchen. Pureed lamb smells so awful there’s no chance I’m putting lamb anything in my mouth. But the rest sounds scrumptious. Maybe I could substitute a nice prime rib? Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not exist without?
R: My Moconna freeze-dried coffee.
J: Hmm. I’ve never heard of that. Lemme look it up real quick. BRB… Ooh that’s quite the assortment of flavours! I’ve never developed a taste for instant coffee; I’ll stick to my Tim Hortons with a bit of Splenda. If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
R: BEWARE! Bites before morning coffee!
J: Got it! Well, thanks for chatting with me today. GingerScrappers, remember that Robyn is also hosting this month’s Daily Download (and the kit is awesome, y’all!) in addition to the Designer Spotlight Challenge. And… drumroll please… she has a coupon code for 30% off for almost everything in her store for the month of July.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have laundry to fold! See you all again on Tuesday.