Scrappin’ Serenity (aka Christie)
How can it be the end of the year already? But here we are… getting to know Christie, whose business name is Scrappin’ Serenity and trying to slow down the clock. We recently chatted about what she’d like you all to know about her, and as usual we started with the essential stuff. Here’s a transcript of our conversation.
J: So tell us Christie, how long have you been designing?
C: I started out doing Freebies in 2009 and opened my first shop in March 2010! Wow! I can’t believe it’s actually been that long already!
J: That IS a long time! It’s about when I started giving digital scrapbooking a serious look. Time sure flies! What made you decide to design?
C: I loved making Scrapbook pages, so I decided to dabble in design. And then it became a self supported hobby!
J: It’s always a good thing when your hobby pays for itself. What does your design workplace look like?
C: Currently my workspace is on my laptop, wherever the puppy is. It’s all eyes and hands on deck with her! lol.
J: Oh boy, don’t I know exactly what you mean! They’re cute and cuddly… and can’t be trusted for a second. That segués nicely into asking you to describe your perfect vacation.
C: Anywhere there is a large body of water, my husband, and not a lot of people!
J: Have you found such a place? It sounds exactly like my son-in-law;s happy place. He’s been known to swim in the Atlantic Ocean in April. Is that what would you’d do if you won the lottery?
C: First I would pay off our house, cars, camper, and any other debt. Put money aside for my kids to go to college and start their adult lives. Sell my house, and live a nomad life in my camper. 🙂
J: On an isolate beach somewhere! Are you more likely to dance or sing in the shower?
C: Definitely Singing! lol.
J: Whenever I ask that question I flash back to myself doing both at the same time. I have a Bluetooth speaker in my bathroom that I play my favourite music with and there really is room in the shower enclosure for me to dance! If I remember correctly, the last time was to Walker Hayes’ song AA. But back to you! If time travel was possible, would you go back in time or ahead? Why?
C: I would go back in time and visit with my Grandma and tell her all that she’s missed.
J: I think most of us would love to have the chance to see people we really miss. What are your most favorite and least favorite colors?
C: I LOVE Purples, Teals, and Black. I always tend to shy away from Yellows and Oranges.
J: I don’t love yellow or orange at all, so I’m with you! What would your dream car be?
C: We actually bought my dream car a couple years ago. A 1967 Mustang…just need to get her fixed up, and running, and a new paint job!
J: No kidding?!! That’s incredible. I drove my sister’s boyfriend’s ’67 Mustang convertible once. Such a cool car. If you had a warning label, what would yours say?
C: Runs on Coffee, Chaos, and is Fluent in Sarcasm!
Thank you for sharing these glimpses into your life, Christie! I’m going to remind our readers that Christie is providing the December Daily Download this month, in addition to hosting the Designer Spotlight Challenge and her usual monthly Font Challenge. AND… she’s got a coupon at the same time that her entire store is on sale at HALF PRICE for the entire month!! Check it out… there are some gems in there.
See you all in January for the next installment of Designer Spotlight!