Archives for April 18, 2023

Tutorial Tuesday (Individual Style)

Challenge Spotlight: Show Us Your Hobby

Greetings, GingerScrappers! Did you enjoy the March Scrap-a-Thon? The Gallery is brimming with layouts, so I’d say a lot of you got involved. In fact, SEVENTY-SIX people managed to create 20 individual layouts each. Phenomenal!! Today I’m going to show you some layouts created by YOU!! I’m almost at the end of the list of Challenges that lend themselves to this type of analysis, so I’ll soon be starting to revisit Challenges we’ve already covered. But not quite yet… Today our focus is on the April Show Us Your Hobby Challenge, hosted by Trixie Scraps. The only requirement for this Challenge is to create a layout featuring (one of ) your hobbies. Let’s take a look… layouts are presented in the order they were uploaded to the Gallery. Each is linked to the Gallery so you can pop by and offer your praise; just click on the Scrapper‘s user name.

First out of the gate this month is Connie – Gerbera; her hobby is hiking. The colour palette she chose is pulled from her photos, which are ably showcased by a very clean, simple setting.

Next up is jcfdelaware, whose hobby is geocaching. This hobby exercises the entire being. Her layout, with its themed elements and arrowed background, tells the story. Look at her smile!

DianeInOz does escape rooms. Those types of pursuits require a special type of intellect and an ability to think creatively. As her journaling reflects, the first time you do something, you might not get it right.

Whomever dreamt up Little Free Libraries is a genius! I feel like it was a missed opportunity for us, but not for glee! Her layout pops in the Gallery. I particularly love the subtitled banner.

It’s hard to know from msbrad‘s layout which of her many hobbies she’s sharing. Is she writing or illustrating children’s books? Embroidery? We all KNOW she’s a prolific scrapper!

KatL has resumed a hobby she’d let lapse – knitting! Her sweater will be beautiful when it’s finished. She pulled colour from her sweater into her layout, and that yellow doodle frame draws the eye right in.

KatherineWoodin‘s hobby is just to enjoy her life!

KAPOH makes pysanky – Ukrainian Easter eggs. She’s made the photo the focus of her layout, which is as it should be! Art like that needs not be distracted from with fripperies.

Thank you Grace. for sharing your reduced-sugar fudge recipe! Candy-making can be a hobby, an art, more than just work.

MarilynZ is a communicator. Her monthly newsletter keeps her community informed and connected. Many years ago I was responsible for a monthly newletter; it’s a LOT of work, but when it’s done with love, it’s worth it. I like how Marilyn has given us a peek into her April letter.

Photography is mkcdaisy‘s hobby. She’s even gotten a degree in it; that’s dedication! She’s included 3 different cameras as elements in her clusters. But I’d wager she has more than 3 cameras in her collection.

Look at the beautiful embroidery shown off in trinanne‘s grid-style layout! She’s cleverly used a canvas-style paper for her background. I used to do cross-stitch before my eyesight betrayed me, so I saw it right away.

Our last layout is from firstoscartgrouch. I’m not up on all the current pop culture – my grandkids living in another country and all – so at first I wasn’t sure what I was looking at. AH!! Pokemon Go!!!!!! I think of it as a variation on geocaching. Am I wrong?

Before I go see what kind of mess my husband is making trying to be a handy guy, I just want to remind you all of the Challenge Reward for April. Every scrapper who reaches 10 Challenges completed since their last Reward will automatically qualify. This is what it looks like. It’s delightful! (And it aptly describes the April we’re having here!)

See you next week when I have a Quick Trick for you!