Pinspiration | Big Titles


Happy Saturday scrappers! Are you over your iNSD hang over by now? Time to scrap all those goodies you got during the sale! I was perusing around Pinterest today looking for ideas. I stumbled upon a lovely layout (will show you below) with a big title. That got my scrappy gears moving in my brain. So, I thought I would share that inspiration with you.

So often we allow the photos or a great paper to be the focal point of our layout. We plop a title on at the very end of it all (if we do at all). Personally, I struggle with coming up with a great title. Really, as I scrap mostly my son, I feel like slapping “Isaiah” on every page. lol. I searched “scrapbook big title” on Pinterest & was inspired! Here are some great examples of making the title your focal point. Making a statement with a big title.


The Pin | The Original Source

I really like the idea of the large number that signifies something. It works at the title as well as a great backdrop. The choice of alpha allows for the large number to blend perfectly to the layout & not over power it. Who doesn’t have a number that is significant to them. A person’s age, an anniversary, or a reunion. The next time you are scrapping a memory that has a significant number marker, think about making that your focal point. Scrap it with a big title!



The Pin | The Original Source

This really is the focal point of the layout. I really like how the paper is cut around the title. I feel like when it is time for me to go to the beach, I want to yell it to everyone. Just go around yelling, “BEACH!” lol. This large titled layout really brings all the pretty and fun beach photos together. Your eyes are drawn to the large title to start with. At the same time, it is bringing your eyes to the photos around it. This would make a great title page to a vacation book too!



The Pin | The Original Source

Does this title not grab your attention?! It really gets the whole theme of the layout across. Cutting the photos to go under it and frame around it really makes it all work together. You cannot help but read the title and take in the amazing photos at the same time. A great statement layout. Not one element on this layout. It isn’t needed! The great photos and the big title is all this layout needs. Could you scrap a layout without ellies? I love to cluster. It would be a struggle for me. I think I am going to give it a try though. Take this years vacation photos and scrap nothing but a big, catch your attention title, and my photos.



The Pin | The Original Source

This only came last because I saw it last in looking around pinterest. It is Actually my favorite of the bunch & I am going to take this idea and scrap it. I’ve been known to tuck and hide little I’s around my layouts with my son in them. Just one letter. You could dress a layout up so much with just one letter. How would you do it?!

Are your creative juices flowing yet?!You know that GingerScraps has an entire section dedicated to just alphas, right? Here are just a few of what I came across in looking for the right alpha for my big titled layouts. (images linked)


I would love to see your take on the big title. Make sure you link me up!




That’s right folks! There is a day set aside just for those Star War fans….ready for it?!
Get it?! So, for you Star War fans (my son!), I went searching around the store and gallery for some inspiration to scrap those fanatical photos. I’ve said it before. There is pretty much a kit out there for whatever you are wanting to scrap. GingScraps is one of the best place to find those kits. I took the search work out for you. Come join the dark side and check these out!

Use The Force Collab by Blue Heart Scraps and Pretty in Green


To The Moon And Beyond by Magical Scraps Galore!


Galactic Geek by Clever Monkey Graphics

Rocket Man Sparkle Stamps by Kathryn Estry

Some are geared specifically for Star Wars and others for space in general. You can scrap all those fun Star Wars and space layouts though! Want some inspiration? Here are some fun layouts I found in our gallery.
stars wars night by jbdolfin


Star Wars Training by marinapj


Star Wars Nerd by zombienerd

Star Wars Weekends by shellbyj

So, May the 4th be with you and happy scrapping! Remember, upload your layouts to our gallery. If you have a Star War or Space layout you would like some loving on, link us up! We always love to see what you all are creating with GingerScraps’ items!




Did you know the 22nd is Earth Day? What is Earth Day you ask?  It is a day in which events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year. Numerous communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. (via wikipedia)

There is a digital scrapbooking kit for just about every holiday imaginable. I took the search work out of it for you! Here are some great Earth Day inpsired digital scrapbooking kits I found in our store.

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE: Complete Kit by Inspired Designs


Here Today Back Tomorrow by Clever Monkey Graphics


Monthly Mix: One Planet


Going Green by Wimpychompers

So, get to recycling, love some nature, and save some paper! You know, I think digital scrapbooking is a great way to get that started! Make sure to upload your layouts to our gallery. Come back here and link us up to your Earth Day layouts! We would love to see what you created!


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | Deanna

Hello scrappers! It is another happy scrappy Saturday! Today I thought we would get a little inspiration from one of the talented Gingerbread Girls. I enjoy looking through the gallery and finding inspiration. The GingerBread Girls are some of the most talented scrappers out there! Let us take a look (and get some inspiration!) from team member Deanna.

I might be a little biased when it comes to enjoying Deanna’s layouts. I’ve been scrapping on teams with her and digi-friends for a few years. I enjoy watching her grandchildren growing up via her layouts. To me, Deanna is a traditional scrapper but doing it digi-style. She scraps the everyday, her history, and those fun moments. Her title work on her layouts are something I wish I could do. They are well done and grab-your-attention titles! So, without more of me talking, here are some of Deanna’s latest layouts that inspired me.


Cute Froggy

Love you

Boy Explorer

Define “Play”

What did I tell you?! Great inspiration, right? Where as I struggle at title work, Deanna knocks it out of the park. She does so much more with her layouts that make them stand out. From the subject matter, the journaling, and the sweet sentiments to the page. I get inspiration from Deanna’s gallery. I hope you do too! On the look out for more inspiration, check out her gallery HERE!


Pinspiration | The Movies


Happy Scrappy Saturday everyone!! Do you ever need a bit of inspiration to get those creative scrappy juices flowing? Let me tell you, I sure do! A lot of the times looking around the gallery helps. So does Pinterest. I was looking for a bit of inspiration and searched for “scrapbooking ideas“.

Scrolling down I found this really cool traditional layout with movie ticket stubs! How cool is that? I got to thinking how that could be taken and turned into a digital scrapbooking layout. Here is the pin that got those ideas flowing.

original source


I looked around a bit more and found some more ticket stub layouts:

original source


original source 


original source


original source


How would you turn these into digital layouts? Easy! You can get everything you need to scrap any of these examples. Digital pockets, digital washi, or even go hybrid! Scrap everything you need and leave a place for an tangible pocket. Stick it in your layout book and add the ticket stubs. You can also scan those ticket stubs in and use them digitally. You know, cameras are so good now days that you can just snap a photo of the ticket stub if you do not have access to a scanner. Here are some products I found around the store to get those movie and ticket stub layouts going.
Magical Hollywood by Magical Scraps Galore!


Movie Night by Wimpychompers


Let’s Get Reel by Blue Heart Scraps


Now Showing by LuvEwe Designs


Plastic Pockets by Magical Scraps Galore!

His and Hers Frames by Kathryn Estry


Those are just a few of the items to get those layouts started. You can also scrap by the theme of the movie! Don’t forget concert tickets either. I cannot wait to scrap my movie tickets. I am going to save them up this summer and scrap the movies of our 2015 summer.

We would love to see your movie and ticket stub layouts! Make sure to load them up to the GingerScrap’s gallery and then come back here and link us up!


Creative Style | Triangles


Good Monday morning scrappers! Today we are going to talk about another creative style of digital scrapbooking. Something I, personally, wouldn’t have really thought about using. Triangles! To me, when I think of how I am going to cut my paper or photo, my brain goes to circle, square, or rectangle. Original, right?! That is why I am the scrapper and not the designer. Never would I have thought of cutting a photo or paper into a triangle.

That being said, I kept seeing triangles pop up more in designs and layouts in the gallery. They looked so cool! That different cut of photo/paper, really made those layouts jump out of the gallery. So, I am going to show you some great examples that I found in the galleries and then some products to help you get started on your layouts with triangles. Here are some of the layouts that grabbed my attention in the galleries.

Sunny Days ahead by DigitalMcScrapper

This is the 1st layout that grabbed my attention. Look at all those triangles!! Such a great way to show off some lovely papers in the kit she chose. Not to mention it is a great backdrop for those adorable photos!

Sunny Days by lhansen148

Another beautiful example of lots of triangles for a backdrop. Really making the layout pop and showcasing the great papers! I really like how she used minimal elements and the photo and paper really stands out.

Arches by weaselwatchr

Your triangles do not have to be the focal point of your layout either. They can be just the right touches to add to it. This is a great example of that. These stitched triangles really add to the southwest feel of the layout. They go along great with the geometric shapes on the paper as well.


Be-You-tiful by Chili

Here is one for you white space scrappers. Just two elements and a word art. The triangles really draw your eyes to that adorable photo! Not to mention the white background really makes the triangles pop!

So, you can use triangles as a big part of your layout, complimentary additions to your layout, or to draw your eyes to something important on your layout. Don’t limit yourself to that though. If you never thought about using triangles in your scrapping, now is the time! Don’t know where to start? Below are some great products I found in the store to get those layouts started!

Geometric Templates No.1 by Clever Monkey Graphics

Shape Up: To The Point 3 by Dagi’s Temp-Tations

Tri-Umphant by Cornelia Designs

Kaleidoscope by Dagi’s Temp-Tations

Fairy Tale by Cornelia Designs


We would love to see your layouts with triangles! Make sure to upload those layouts to the gallery and come back and link us up! Now, go get your scrapping on…triangle style!


Let’s Celebrate | Easter


Good Monday morning everyone! Can you believe how fast this year is going and how early Easter is this year? I started seeing signs around my town for Easter egg hunts for this weekend. That blew my mind that it is already here. So, with that in mind, I am here to show you some great Easter themed items from the shop.

Did you know that you can shop by “holiday” at GingerScraps?! I searched under the Easter option and here are some goodies I found.
Easter Sunday by Pretty in Green


Egg Hunt Digital Scrapbook Kit by Just So Scrappy


Hoppy Spring by Magical Scraps Galore!


Egg-Cellent Easter by Clever Monkey Graphics


Easter Parade by B2N2 Scraps


Let us not forget the fun extras that you can dress your page up with.

Got Carrots Graffiti by Leaving a Legacy Designs


Easter Fun – Word Art by Connie Prince

So there you have it. Some fun Easter finds in the GingerScraps store. Happy Easter to everyone celebrating it and don’t forget to snap some fun photos during the holidays to scrap later. Make sure you upload them to the store gallery. We love to see your creations and leave love!


Sneak Peek Time!

It is that time of week again. Time to tempt and tease you with what the GingerScrap designers have coming to the store tomorrow. Make sure you stop by the forum and take a look around what is to come in the Sneak Peek section.

First up is a new template set from Seatrout Scraps


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Next up are some beautiful examples of CathyK Designs‘ Rest and Relaxation Collection.

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as well as her Spring Has Sprung – Bundle

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Next up is a sneak peek of Mandy King’s newest kit.



Connie Prince has a grab bag coming out tomorrow. Here is a little peek into that!


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Next up is a little peek at Dandelion Dust Designs‘ new release.



Last, but not least, is Ooh La La Scraps‘ sneak peek to her newest design.



That is it for the sneak peeks. Tomorrow is release day!! Make sure you come back over tomorrow and see all these beautiful and fun creations in all their glory.


GingerBread Girl Inspiration | CindyB



Happy Scrappy Saturday everyone!! I am stopping by this morning to help get those creative juices flowing for you. Nothing beats Saturday scrapping, right?! This morning I am bringing you a look into one of the GingerBread Girl’s gallery. GingerScraps has a talented group of ladies taking those lovely designs and turning them into beautiful digital scrapbooking layouts. Today we are going to showcase CindyB’s gallery.


Let’s get started. I found so much inspiration looking through Cindy’s gallery. As a scrapper who cannot scrap a page with clusters, I first noticed her great clustering! Then my eyes were drawn to her beautiful use of paper. She doesn’t shy away from the patterns and knows just how to use them. Every page has a great photo and she really rocks the blended photo. Here are 5 examples that grabbed my attention.

Great inspiration, right? Make sure to look around the gallery yourself if you need a little bit of help getting that mojo going. Not only are there great creative team member’s layouts, your fellow scrappers are rocking the scrappy goodness too! Don’t forget to upload your layouts in the gallery as well.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Let’s Celebrate | St. Patrick’s Day


Good Monday morning scrappers! Tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. With that comes scrapping fun holiday photos. Let us take a look at what GingerScraps has in store to get those holiday layouts scrapped. You can break down the store by holidays. *Shop by: HOLIDAY. I chose the St. Patrick’s Day section and look at these goodies I found!

Lucky you, Lucky Me by Seatrout Scraps


A Little Irish Lucky by Clever Monkey Graphics


Feelin’ Lucky – Kit by Aprilisa Designs


Lucky, Lucky Me by Ponytail Designs

There is more than just kits to scrap your holiday layouts. Some fun elements too!

Full of Luck {word bits} by Little Rad Trio


Lucky Me Alpha by Aprilisa Designs

Lucky Me Journal Cards by Blue Heart Scraps

So, make sure you are wearing green, don’t get pinched, and take some fun photos. These are just a handful of selections you can choose from to scrap those holiday pages. I saw a few St. Patrick’s Day goodies in the Bake Sale too! Happy Scrapping!!
