Designer Spotlight – June 2021


First, I want to apologise to Marina (the creative mind behind Magical Scraps Galore). We were supposed to do this chat over coffee a couple of days ago but I got knocked off schedule. So without further ado…

J: Thanks for agreeing to share a little bit about yourself and your creative process with our faithful GingerScrappers. Let’s start wit how long you’ve been designing.

M: I’m celebrating my 10th anniversary this year!

J: Wow! That’s a long time. You clearly have a passion for it! How did you get into designing?

M: I started creating my own digital papers and embellishments for scrapping our second trip to Disney World, since the digital offerings were very limited back then. It didn’t take long to realize that scrapbook design was my passion, and I started participating in the design challenges hosted by MouseScrappers. I opened my first shop in 2013 and I’ve been part of the wonderful GingerScraps family since 2014.

J: Well, that explains how you named your shop, doesn’t it? I came to GS in 2013 and quickly found it to be the friendliest digiscrapping site on the Web. What tools do you use to create your designs?

M: I use Photoshop, Illustrator, and Procreate.

J: You must be very proficient, using three different platforms. That must mean you have a dedicated design workshop. Can you tell us about it?

M: I design in my studio at home, with my two cats sleeping by my computer or on my lap. Sometimes they like to sleep ON my computer and they mess with my designs, LOL! I have to be very careful!

J: I’m not a cat person but have two dogs. One of them likes to “help” me too, by flipping my elbow up when she thinks her input is needed. She’s one of my favourite subjects though; my inspiration for scrapping comes from a lot of places. What provides your design inspiration?

M: My main motivation and inspiration are my kids and my trips around the world.

J: Do you have a favourite kit in your store? I know, it’s an unfair question.

M: It’s hard to pick just one, that’s mean, it’s like choosing your favorite child, LOL … I have several kits that I love, especially my travel collection, but one of my favorite kits is Magical Memories, it’s all about my happy place and it’s a reminder of all the magical moments I spent there with my family.

J: I’ve been to Disneyland twice, but a long time ago. The memories we made on both visits are definitely magical. On a somewhat related note, if you could have a superpower, which one would you want?

M: Teleportation, so I can travel anywhere in no time and with no jet lag!

J: YES! That would be amazing!! I used to wish I could teleport home from the hospital after a long day at work. It would be even more valuable for travel. With all the globetrotting you’ve done, have you ever met anyone famous?

M: Yes, I met Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films)

J: Interesting! The famous people I’ve met haven’t been that kind of famous. Did you ever want to be famous when you were growing up? What did you want to be?

M: I wanted to be a flight attendant or a rock star

J: Ah! So fame was in there! You might have met more rock stars as a flight attendant though. I once met a songwriter on a flight from Chicago to Edmonton, Alberta. His SONGS are famous, but not many people know who HE is. So, last question: If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

M: Warning: Crazy cat lady!! LOL! I’m a huge cat lover, and if my family would let me, I’d have 10 cats or more!

J: I should have seen that coming! Thank you so much for the visit. I think our readers know you a bit better now. But ladies, don’t forget, Marina has the Daily Download throne this month as well as being in the Designer Spotlight. She’s created a beautiful summer-fun kit and oh wait!! Stop the presses!!! She’s also got an add-on bundle for even more amazingness!! Look at this sneak peak…

Cats and flamingos!! Before I forget, Marina also has a coupon for y’all. Check it out!

Thanks again, Marina! I love bringing good news to the GingerScraps world!

Designer Spotlight: April 2021

The Cherry on Top!

Lisa, the designer also known as The Cherry on Top, didn’t have time to sit for an interview so she instead sent me a little bio. Here she is in her own words:

Lisa-Lisa here, from The Cherry On Top.
I grew up State side, where I worked as a teacher.  What a wonderful job to have.  I often found myself underwhelmed by the typical curriculum and so I created a lot of my own, more visually appealing activity sheets and encouraged the kids to also show more creativity in their work. History can be pretty boring for most. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that even teenagers liked to construct scrapbooks to show off their knowledge of historical events.  I didn’t realize, at the time, that I was actually “designing” digitally.  I had next to no program or computer experience.  I even struggled learning how to do e-mail.  Ha!
I originally started scrapbooking traditionally and took those skills with me, over the pond, to Belgium, where I presently reside.  I wanted to make something that I couldn’t find anywhere in paper format.  So, I scoured the internet looking for images and “pieced” together exactly what I needed.  Funnily enough, I thought I invented digital scrapbooking, until I stumbled across the digital scrapbooking world.
I dove in the deep end!  After a couple of months, I was on a praise team at Scrap Take Out where I met a lot of fantastic designers like Fran B and Amanda from A-Manda Creation.  Slowly, I worked myself on to Creative Teams.  At one point, I was on 28 teams.  Talk about a junky! Ironically, I despised templates.  I still cannot get over the grudge I had against them.  Until I realized what a wonderful starting point or catalyst they can be.  Especially, when your mojo is low or the inspiration just isn’t there.  Now, they are my passion.
I find ideas for templates, everywhere.  In an advertisement, greeting card, sketch, nature…I’m always coming up with new ideas, techniques and I make designing unique, easy to use templates my main objective.  They truly are a wonderful tool and certainly an excellent way to learn how to digital scrapbook.  They save so much time, too.
I started off using PowerPoint to scrapbook.  I know, right?!  Then I moved to My Memories for a few years and then Photoshop Elements.  I still mostly use Elements.  It is incredibly user friendly and perfect for designing templates, for the most part.  Occasionally, I jump over to PS when PSE doesn’t offer a particular function I need and I’m pretty sure, that one of these days I’ll morph over to PS, but I still have so much to learn in PSE.
I do design a lot of other products besides templates, but templates are still my favorite.
Thanks for letting us get a peek into your creative process Lisa! Ladies, don’t forget that Lisa‘s also presenting the Daily Download this month. And she has a $2 coupon for her GingerScraps store (linked above in pink): the code is tcotspotlight.
See you again soon!

Designer Spotlight: March 2021

North Meets South Studios!

Well, February sure flew by at our house, and March is upon us. This month’s Designer Spotlight is shining on the creative minds behind North Meets South Studios: Connie Prince and Tracy Anderson, aka Trixie Scraps. Their design styles blend so flawlessly, which only serves to reflect on their very long, strong friendship. Let’s get to know them a bit better. Ladies, get ready!

J: How long have you been designing?

T: I’ll celebrate my 13th year in business this October

C: I began designing digital scrapbooking products in 2004-2005ish, but officially selling in 2006.

J: Ah, so you both came to designing around the same time! Connie, what made you decide to start designing?

C: At the time the offerings were so limited, I was a paper scrapper and want to add unique elements to my layouts which I began to make digitally and print. It didn’t take long to realize I could do the whole thing digitally so much easier!

J: I think that’s fairly common, and it’s definitely part of my motivation to learn digital scrapbooking. What other craft let’s you have your cake (your digi supplies) and eat it too (use the same things over and over!)? Connie, what do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

C: I use Photoshop CC, Illustrator. I also have a scanner that I use pretty often to scan things to extract.

J: I have 2 scanners and I don’t think I could live without them. Describe your design workplace for us?

C: It’s pretty minimalistic. I have a double monitor setup, that’s the most exciting thing about it lol.

J: I work on a laptop in my living room, about as minimalist as you can get! So, what motivates and inspires you as a designer?

C: I enjoy the process, coming up with an idea and creating it. The most rewarding part is seeing someone else use something that I’ve created to preserve their own memories.

J: That’s how I feel about my tutorials. I love browsing the Gallery and seeing layouts using some technique I’ve written about. Tracy, you’ve been awfully quiet… so it’s your turn! What’s your favourite kit currently in the GS shop, and why?

T: My recent “She Shall Not Be Moved” is my favorite because it speaks to my faith. And I love the colors!

J: What would your perfect vacation look like?

T: Sitting on a beach somewhere next to Connie with our guys. And preferably with some of the “mommy juice” she makes in my tumbler.

J: Hmm, that sounds… interesting! Maybe we need a recipe for that! Tracy, are you more likely to sing, or to dance in the shower?

T: Sing… I love to sing and serve on the praise team at my church monthly.

J: I love music. It’s a big part of my every day. I’m listening to folk music right now in fact! Let’s talk about another favourite of mine… food! If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

C: Chicken wings, hands down I am obsessed! However, if I could only eat at one restaurant the rest of my life it would be Waffle House.

T: Anything Italian, provided I make it.

J: I never used to like wings, and then my friend Patti’s hubby cooked some and I too was hooked. I love Italian food too. While we’re on a favourites roll, Tracy, what are your most and least favourite colours?

T: Least favorite is easy: orange Favorite is harder to choose… I like blue, purple and pink pretty equally.

J: I’m not overly fond of orange either, but yellow… ICK! Connie, what did you want to be when you were small?

C: I can’t really remember wanting to be anything in particular, I played school a lot so maybe a teacher? I did grow up and get a degree in education, but I didn’t really enjoy teaching very much so I retired early 🙂

J: Teachers are so under-appreciated. I think they’re super-heroes! Tracy, if you could have a super power, what would you like it to be?

T: Mind-reading. I am often too trusting and also often unsure of where I stand with people. It would be nice to always know what someone was really thinking!

J: Ooh, I don’t think I’d want that. I tend to think everybody is just tolerating me, and to have that confirmed would be pretty awful. Have you ever met anyone who’s famous?

T: Yes, I’ve met a handful of athletes because my husband owned and operated a sports memorabilia company for over 10 years. Among the list are Joe Frazier, Magic Johnson, Alfonso Soriano, Joe Torre, and Julius Erving. But there were a bunch more, too!

J: Cool! The famous people I’ve met are only famous in narrow circles, but that didn’t stop me from fan-girling all over them. That’s a good segué into this: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

C: Cameron Diaz, she’s just quirky enough!

J: And she looks like you a bit, so that would be believable! Tracy, can you play a musical instrument?

T: When the pandemic started, I began taking piano lessons. I’ve come a long way in the last 10 months or so!

J: I took piano lessons when I was a kid, but we didn’t actually have a piano, so practicing was a problem. Same with learning to drive… While we’re talking about celebrities, what celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee Connie?

C: Dolly Parton, she’s a hoot!

J: She definitely is. I feel like she needs a warning label: Liable to make you laugh and cry in the same moment. If you had a warning label what would it say?

C: I would have a bunch, but definitely: If you leave cookies unattended she will eat them!

J: I’m there with you! Tracy, the last question is yours. Aside from necessities, what’s one thing you couldn’t go a day without?

T: Coffee. I mean, I *could* go without it, but I wouldn’t want to!

J: And why should you have to?? Thanks so much ladies for sitting down and chatting with me. Our GingerScrappers have gotten a glimpse into your worlds and I hope those who aren’t already huge fans are converts now.

Before I sign off for today. I want to make sure you all remember that Connie and Tracy are hosting the Daily Download and the Designer Spotlight Challenge for March. To go along with their month in the spotlight, the North Meets South Studios‘ entire store (bundles excluded) is 40% off the whole month of March!

Designer Spotlight January 2021

Wow… it’s already 2021! I know we’ve all been relieved to see the last of 2020, and are hoping for a much better year ahead. Let’s start it off right with some conversation. I’d like you all to get to know the two amazing women who are in the Designer Spotlight this month: Aimee Harrison and Cheré Kaye. Be sure to read to the end, because these lovely ladies have a little gift for you!

Let’s get comfy and chat, shall we? (I’m not really a Grand Inquisitor, I just play one on TV.)

Jan: How long have you been designing?

Aimee: I have been designing since June of 2009, two weeks after I discovered digital scrapbooking. I knew it was what I wanted to do right away.

Cheré: I’ve been designing since 2007, with a short break in there to bring home my daughter.

Jan: You’ve both been doing this a lot longer than I have! No wonder you’re so good at it! Next question… Cheré, what made you decide to design?

Cheré: When I first started, I was doing paper scrapping, but wanted something specific to print out for my page and couldn’t find it.  I started playing around, and my design career was born.

Jan: I can relate! That’s how I’ve built my tutorial business. Aimee‘s turn… what motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Aimee: My motivation and inspiration is color and my own photos. I love color and it inspires me in so many ways. Color combos, photos that showcase a scheme, Ginger’s spectacular palettes to us each month. They all inspire me completely. I love color and you can probably tell by the bright colors in some of my collections.

Jan: I love the way you use colour; your kits have a definite elegance. Cheré, you’re up! Please describe your design workplace.

Cheré: I have a small corner of our living room.  I love my setup. There are two walls so I have a bulletin board and a calendar, and pictures of my family.  My computer is on a small corner of the desk, and I have bits of paper everywhere because I’m always writing myself a note or sketching something out. It’s perfect for me.

Jan: I work in my living room too, but I don’t have a setup like that! Just a laptop, a zillion scraps of paper and a good lamp. How about you, Aimee?

Aimee: I work at a big table in front of four big windows in my bedroom. I love this space because it has plenty of room and I can look out over our front yard and watch the birds and squirrels. It’s also lovely to watch the sunrise, which really inspires me.

Jan: I have 4 big windows in my space but I see sunsets. I’m okay with that! Cheré, next question is for you. What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Cheré: My favorite is probably Dear Prudence, shortly followed by Star of Wonder.  I love the muted colors of both sets, and how they really showcase your photos.

Jan: You’re right, they are such soft and versatile kits. (Click on the titles to see the kits!) This one is for both of you. What one word would your friends and family use to describe you?

Aimee: Sleepy, lol! I have narcolepsy and sleepy is how I am 100% of the time. But I try to not let it get me down. One of the reasons I love designing is because I can make my own hours. I need a lot of naps. But I can work at any time that I am awake and that makes a huge difference in my quality of life.

Cheré: Hopefully, it’s kind.  I put a high value on being kind to other people.

Jan: Wow… narcolepsy! I was always sleepy, but it was from shift work. Cheré, I know you’re kind. You’re one of the first people who reached out to me when I came to GingerScraps in those Night Owl chats. So tell me, what would you do if you won the lottery?

Cheré: I’d pay off bills and treat my family to a nice vacation.  (Then go straight back to designing, because I love it!)

Jan: They say that if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. Aimee, this is a weird question, but enquiring minds want to know… If time travel was possible, would you go back in time or ahead? Why?

Aimee: I think I would go back in time. I am not sure if I would go back so many years. I think I would go back in time to where my parents were alive and other family members so I could appreciate them all the more. I may be a huge history buff but I would want to live the life I have been given over any others.

Jan: I think a lot of us would do the same, love the people in our lives more obviously. So let’s give Cheré an odd question now, to keep things fair. Are you more likely to dance or sing in the shower?

Cheré: If I tried to dance, it would end badly.  Haha.  I do love to sing, though.

Jan: I’ll let you know how dancing in my shower works out… Speaking of physical, Aimee… What is your favorite game or sport to watch or play?

Aimee: I love to watch soccer. I wish it were a big sport here in the US as it is all over the rest of the world. It gets me fired up like no other. I love the Spanish team Barcelona and Leo Messi is my favorite player. I also love to watch Greco-Roman wrestling. In high school or college. I was the wrestling manager when I was growing up and have a great love for that sport.

Jan: Nope. Not a fan of either. I worked with a lot of doctors from South America so soccer was always on in the breakroom, and my grandmother loved wrestling so it’s not like I haven’t been exposed. Cheré, I love gardening so do you have a green thumb? What do you grow?

Cheré: I have ONE plant I can keep alive here on my desk.  The rest of them I either kill or my cat eats them.  My mother tried to teach me about plants – she could grow anything – but it must have skipped the generation!

Jan: I’m doing the same with my daughter! Here’s one for both of you. Can you play a musical instrument?

Aimee: I used to play the French Horn. I still think it is the most beautiful instrument there is. When I hear it, it stops my breath.

Cheré: I can play the piano, the guitar, the trombone and the flute.  I also love to sing.

Jan: Such talent! Some of my favourite pieces of music have French horn in the intros. A friend from high school played the flute in our orchestra and me? I can listen to music all day long. Now, what did you want to be when you were small?

Aimee: I wanted to be an archaeologist. I was very passionate. Still am. I pursued that dream well into college and when my narcolepsy became too bad to be able to pursue it any longer I decided to design scrapbooking kits.

Cheré: I wanted to be a musician of some sort.  I did that for a while, and now I just sing for my family.

Jan: Archaeology would be fascinating! But not a great profession if you’re not awake to enjoy it. I sing, sometimes at the top of my lungs, but I don’t have any talent. Now I have one of those dreaded job interview questions. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Cheré: I would lessen my anxiety.  I’m a pretty chill person – I don’t get angry easily at all – but the anxiety thing sometimes drains my energy.

Aimee: I would get rid of narcolepsy. If that was impossible, I would change how easily I get stressed out, lol. I think that is directly related to how tired I can get, though.

Jan: Stress, anxiety – two sides of the same coin, I think. I know them both well. And that’s a great segué into our last topic. Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Aimee: My Kindle. I listen to videos with it while I work and I read it when I’m done. I get so much use out of it that it could have been named after me. I go everywhere with it.

Cheré: Probably my iPad.  It plays music, I can keep up with the people I love, and I do most of my artwork on it.

Jan: You two are more alike than you are different. But your design styles are so different. I’m excited for the Daily Download. It’s going to be epic! Now before we rinse out our mugs and head for home, remember I mentioned Aimee and Cheré had something for you for sticking with this post to the end? Both of them have coupons for 50% off EVERYTHING in their stores for the entire month of January- excluding bundles, of course. Aimee‘s coupon code is: aimeeh-GS-SL-50 and Cheré‘s is CKH-SL-GS21. Their stores are linked at the top of the post by clicking on their names. If you’re not flat broke after the holidays, maybe you should take a look!

See you all right here again at the beginning of February with a brand-new Designer Spotlight.



Designer Spotlight: CathyK Designs

We’re slipping Cathy in just under the wire here! I know we all understand how hectic December is… So settle in for a few minutes and get to know a little bit about CathyK.

J: How long have you been designing?

C: About 12 years.

J: What made you decide to design?

C: I started making some freebies just for fun, then got hooked!

J: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

C: I use Photoshop CS4 and Inkscape, though I am planning to move to Creative Cloud hopefully soon now that I have a new laptop.

J: Describe your design workplace.

C: I have a computer desk with a desktop computer and large display in our family room. My work area tends to be pretty cluttered, plus I always have my paper planner and paper notebook open on the desk to scribble down ideas.

J: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

C: I like seeing an idea come to fruition and then seeing how people use that kit to scrap their precious memories. I get inspiration and ideas from color, everyday life, my sons’ activities and interests, magazines, Pinterest, textures, a song, a good quote, our camping trips. Really, anything can be the inspiration for a product!

J: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

C: It’s so hard to answer that! I guess my current favorite is my Nature Walk Collection. I absolutely love how the collection turned out! The peach and purple looked fantastic against all the neutral greens and browns. I think that nature/outdoor collections are my favorite to design.

J: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

C: Steak with Bourbon Peppercorn Sauce.

J: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

C: I like watching college football, especially Ohio State. Go Buckeyes!

J: What did you want to be when you were small?

C: An architect

J: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

C: Well, if people are included, I’d say my hubby for sure. If not, then I’d say coffee.

J: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

C: Um…maybe Sandra Bullock.

J: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

C: Caution: tends to ramble on!

J: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

C: Tom Hanks

Thanks for sharing with our readers, Cathy! Before I forget, Cathy has generously put her ENTIRE STORE on sale at 30% off for the whole month of December and she has a terrific kit in the Daily Download. Don’t worry if you’re late to the party, because the whole kit will be in the store in January.

Next month the Designer Spotlight will be a little different. There are some fun new questions and our designers get to decide which ones they answer! I’ll be chatting with Cheré Kaye and Aimee Harrison New Year’s Day so be sure to check in.


Designer Spotlight: November 2020


Here we are in November already. 2020 has, in so many ways, definitely been an annus horribilus, to steal from the Queen. Hopefully there are better days ahead!

I’d like to introduce you all to Christina, the creative genius behind Wimpychompers. (I just wish I would have thought to ask her how she came up with that name… I’m sure there’s a story there!) She’s in the Designer Spotlight this month and has gifted all of us with a fabulous Daily Download. Make sure you’re picking up your pieces while they’re available.

J: How long have you been designing?

C: I want to say 10 or 11 years

J: What made you decide to design?

C: I got really interested in making signatures in forums actually. I started messing around with Paint Shop Pro (ha) and ended up writing tutorials for signature making. I swore I would never start digital scrapbooking as I did paper scrapping at the time but soon changed my mind. Once I started figuring out the program I switched to digital, then decided I loved designing.

J: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

C: Mostly Photoshop but I have recently gotten my hands on Procreate so we will see if I add my own drawings to my items

J: Describe your design workplace.

C: My couch. (laughs). I sit on the couch with a lap desk, it’s the most comfortable and especially helpful now that my kids are doing school from home and have taken all of our desks.

J: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

C: I love looking at colors on Pinterest but mostly I am theme driven. I especially love to do kits I know I could use.

J: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

C: Can I say all of them? (ha). I would say the entire When I Grow Up series, it’s not technically one kit but that one took a lot of time and makes me smile, each kit being so different.

J: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

C: Ooh, dangerous. Cinnamon rolls probably although my waistline may not appreciate that one

J: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

C: I don’t watch sports but I love playing Lego video games with my kids, it can be therapeutic to smash everything in the game.

J: What did you want to be when you were small?

C: A children’s book author, a teacher, and a ballerina

J: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

C: Hugs from my kids, they are teens so it’s not as often anymore and I take them when I can!

J: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

C: I’ve never considered this one. Maybe someone like Kristin Bell

J: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

C: Caution: Can go off on a tangent with no warning!

J: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

C: Maybe Reese Witherspoon

Before we say thanks and see ya to Christina, I think I should tell you that she’s put everything in her store on sale at 30% off for the WHOLE MONTH of November!! That’s really generous, and I bet it boosts her sales pretty nicely, just in time for Black Friday and Christmas. I’m going to check it out right now!

Designer Spotlight

Dandelion Dust Designs!

Greetings all you GingerScrappers! Are you ready for a fantastic Digital Scrapbooking Day bash?! I’m heading to the shop as soon as I’m done introducing y’all to Ginger, the sweetheart who creates the delightful Dandelion Dust Designs goodies. I asked her the usual questions and she very promptly sent me her replies.

J: How long have you been designing?

G: Just over 11 years. 

J: What made you decide to design?

G: I was a paper scrapper back in the day and never loved my pages (especially not being able to change them since everything was glued down.) I stopped paper scrapping for many years, and in 2009 I picked up a copy of PS Elements and there was a bonus CD included on how to digitally scrapbook. I made 2 pages and was hooked. 3 months later I started designing kits. 

J: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

G: I create and design in PS CC on an HP laptop. 

J: Describe your design workplace.

G: I have a dedicated office in my home that is super clean, everything in its place, over the top organized with my laptop on my desk looking out a window at a mountain in the distance.

J: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

G: I always start with beautiful photos that inspire or motivate me in some way, and create custom color palettes for each Dandelion Dust Designs’ Collection off the photos. I have to LOVE the color palette to be able to work and design with it. 

J: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

G: Oh boy….each collection is so special for a variety of reasons to me as a designer, but if I had to pick only one, I really love Joy of the Season. It was one of those kits that came together magically from the photo inspiration, to the color palette, to the papers and elements and reminds me of the holidays growing up. 

J: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

G: Oh wow…I don’t think I can narrow this one down, as I love making so many different types of meals. 

J: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

G: I was born and raised in Nebraska, so even though I haven’t lived there in 30 years, the Nebraska Cornhusker Football team, will always be special to me. I watch every game they play. 

J: What did you want to be when you were small?

G: I thought I would be an architect, as I loved drawing house floorplans (on graph paper of course, because the lines had to be straight…LOL), when I was like 9 or 10 years old. My degree is in Business Administration and Management, but I still love looking at floorplans and doing interior design! My main career is as a REALTOR®, so that is as close to architecture as I came. 

J: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

G: Besides my family, probably internet service, as all of my careers require being able to access multiple websites and resources each day. 

J: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

G: Julia Roberts

J: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

G: Procrastinators…you have been warned. 

J: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

G: Jennifer Garner

Ginger, I’d love it if you’d come over and organize my workspace for me! I think as a REALTOR® you’re right where you’d be happiest. You have the insight to help people see themselves in the space and that’s a real gift.

Ginger would like you all to know she has put her entire store on sale for the whole month of October. How very generous! Don’t forget to pick up the Daily Download too!

Dandelion Dust Designs Store will be 50% off during the DSD Sale October 2-8 and then will be 30% off October 9-31

Designer Spotlight

Meet ADB Designs!

This month we have two designers in the Spotlight, Karen Schulz (formerly known as Snickerdoodle Designs) and ADB Designs. It was my pleasure to chat with Diane of ADB Designs and learn all about her creative process. She’s one of my very favourite designers EVER!

J: How long have you been designing?

D: Since 2001

J: What made you decide to design?

D: Working for my husband in his professional photography studio after retirement

J: What led you to decide to design together?

D: We have been digi friends for a very long time and are very comfortable with each other, our design styles, and work ethic. I admire Karen’s talent!

J: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

D: Photoshop.

J: Describe your design workplace.

D: I have a messy office in the my home. The cat lives there (hubby allergic) and one of our English setters comes and spends the day with kitty and me.

J. What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

D: My family history-genealogy passion <Jan whispers, “ME TOO!!”>

J: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

D: My all time favorite is Patriots & Loyalists to help scrap Revolutionary War era family history work (though it works for many other pages too)

J: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

D: Oh dear….not sure

J: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play? 

D: prefers not to respond

J: What did you want to be when you were small?

D: A psychologist

J: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

D: Family

J: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

D: Emma Thompson
J: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

D: “Does not suffer fools well”

J: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

D: Kamala Harris

Thank you for sharing this with us! Thank you too for the DISCOUNT COUPON you’re offering for this month. Karen‘s coupon code for 25% off your purchase (bundles excluded – they’re already a phenomenal bargain!) is ks-dd-sept-2020 and Diane‘s code, also for 25% off your purchase, is adb-dd-sept-2020. Both coupons are in effect until 11:59 pm Eastern time on September 30, 2020. Ooh, and don’t forget to grab the Daily Download!! It’s SOOOO stinkin’ cute! (Links are found here on the GingerScraps Blog.)

Designer Spotlight: Down This Road


Whoa… it’s August already! Who saw that coming? New month, new Designer Spotlight… Have you met Angie, the creative mind behind Down This Road Designs? Before we get to the Q&A part of this post, you need to know that Angie‘s ENTIRE STORE is on SALE for 40% off for the WHOLE MONTH of August!! (Guess where I’m going when I’m done here…)

Now let’s get to know Angie.

J: How long have you been designing?

A: I started designing in 2009. I have taken some breaks, but love it so much I couldn’t stay away. 11 years

J: What made you decide to design?

A: I just started playing around in Photoshop. When I saw a design contest in 2009, I entered that and ended up being a finalist, that was it….I was hooked.

J: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

A: I use Photoshop, Illustrator and my iPad.

J: Describe your design workplace.

A: I have a desktop (Windows) with a dual screen. We have an office/ craft area in our home and that is where I spend my time designing.

J: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

A: My life and the things we like to do, my family and my mood are the sources for my kit themes. I like to watch trends of colors too.

J: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

A: I like With Brave Wings. I designed it for my sister and her battle with cancer so it means a lot to me.

J: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

A: Pasta

J: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

A: I would have to say football and soccer only because my kids played those sports. I don’t know if I would really consider myself a spectator of sports in general but a child of mine in the field keeps me very interested.

J: What did you want to be when you were small?

A: Teacher

J: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

A: My family

J: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

A: Reese Witherspoon

J: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

A: Quiet but always watching.

J: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

A: Tabitha Brown

And now we know Angie a wee bit better. But before I forget, make sure to check out Angie‘s Daily Download. It’s AMAZING!! I know you’re gong to love it, so just pop back here to the Blog every day and get your kit.

Designer Spotlight: Miss Fish

Whoops… I apologize – had a brain fart and got sidetracked by planting my containers yesterday. So without further ado, let me introduce you to Juli, the most awesome Miss Fish!


Jan: How long have you been designing?

Juli: It will be 4 years in August.

Jan: What made you decide to design?

Juli: I had been a digital scrapbooker for over 14 years. I needed to make a little extra money to do some fun things for myself, like get pedicures and highlights in my hair. Sometimes I’m extra nice and buy my kids and my husband little gifts too.

Jan: What led you to decide to design together?

Juli: Jennifer and I have been real life friends for years. We have similar personalities and tastes. I love working with her because she makes me laugh and pushes me to be a better designer.

Jan: What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Juli: Adobe Photoshop CC

Jan: Describe your design workplace.

Juli: I do most of my designing from laptop which is located in our family room. I have a double wide monitor I use and this set up allows me to work in our main family space so I’m still with everyone while I’m working.

Jan: What motivates and inspires you as a designer?

Juli: I love patterns and colors and sayings. I’ve always been a creative person and creating templates and kits is so much fun and let’s me create things I would like to work with myself.

Jan: What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Juli: I make many more templates than kits – I love this one: I think it’s an easy pack to theme for any photos and would work with just about any kit. Also, I love that it has so man photo spots!

Jan: If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Juli: Ribeye steak, loaded baked potato, steamed broccoli and carrot cake for dessert. These are all my favorite things that I don’t get to eat often (well, except the broccoli). They are always a treat!

Jan: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?

Juli: I love to watch football. If we’re playing games I like Scrabble.

Jan: What did you want to be when you were small?

Juli: A Teacher

Jan: Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

Juli: My phone. It keeps me connected to my daughters and the rest of my family.

Jan: Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Juli: Diane Keaton

Jan: If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Juli: Danger – will eat your cupcake and talk your ear off. Also watch for foul language.

Jan: What celebrity would you like to meet at Starbucks for a cup of coffee?

Juli: Barack Obama

Ladies, thanks for sharing your talents with all of us!