March 17, 2023: Fresh Baked, Scrap-a-thon, and BAKE SALE!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Are you celebrating with any special Irish foods today? 

We still have the Scrap-a-Thon going on. Are you participating? 

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free. 

Now, let’s see what is new in the store.

Make sure to check out the March Bake Sale.


March 10, 2023: Fresh Baked, Scrap-a-thon, and Win Your Wishlist Contest!

We’re getting closer to spring. A sure sign is daylight savings time beginning and St. Patrick’s Day. And Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, it’s time for the annual “Win Your Wishlist” contest. Make sure to check the forum for the rules and to get your template.

We also stil have the Scrap-a-Thon going on. Are you participating? 

Let’s see some of what is new in the store this week. I’m seeing Spring kits starting to show up.

Have you started the March challenges? Remember any 10 completed challenges gets you this great kit.

Don’t forget since it is the Scrap-A-Thon during the month of march you will get DOUBLE REWARDS! If you complete 20 challenges you will get the {you are your own rainbow} AND {best of friends}! Get those challenges done scrappers!

February 24, 2023: Fresh Baked

Welcome to another Friday. It’s almost March and you know what that means? It’s almost Scrap-A-Thon {2023} time.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.

Let’s take a look at what we have new in the store this week.

How are those challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and you’ll get this kit as a reward!

February 17, 2023: Fresh Baked, NEWSLETTER HOP and BAKE SALE!

It’s Friday! I hope you have all had a great week!

We have a special treat for you, our 2023 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our designers newsletters and collect tons of fun free goodies!

{2023} Newsletter Hop!

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.

Let get a peek at some of the new kits items in the store this week.

We also have the Bake Sale going on! A lot of great kits in this sale. 

February 3, 2023: Fresh Baked and NEWSLETTER HOP!

Happy Friday. We have big things for you today so we’ll just jump right in!

We have a special treat for you, our 2023 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our designers newsletters and collect tons of fun free goodies!

{2023} Newsletter Hop!

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.

Let’s see all the new goodies in the store this week.

How are those challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and you’ll get this kit as a reward!

February 3, 2023: Fresh Baked

Welcome to Friday everyone! I hope your week has been good and your February is starting off well.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.  I’m totally craving pancakes now.

Let’s see what the designers have this week.

Have you gotten a start on your challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and you’ll get this kit as a reward!

January 27, 2022: Fresh Baked

Happy Friday! I hope you have all had a great week. Can you believe we are at the end of January already? Do you have any  plans for the weekend? If so, I hope you are doing something fun.

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great kit for free!

Let’s take a look at some of the items the designers have for us this week.

Are you finishing up your challenges? Any 10 completed challenges (out of over 35) gets you this great reward!

January 20, 2022: Fresh Baked, Retirement Sale, and NEW Designer

Happy Friday. Boy do we have a great newsletter for you today.

First up is the Retiring Products Sale. Select items are 65% off. 

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great kit for free!

Let’s see what the designers have for us this week.

We are excited to announce that Adrienne Skelton Designs is permanently joining the GingerScraps family.

Remember, if you complete any 10 challenges, you’ll get this collab as a reward.

January 13, 2022: Fresh Baked

Welcome to another Friday. I hope your week has been a good one. 

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great kit for free! I love all the sparkles this kit has.

Let’s take a peek at some of the new items in the store this week.

I hope your challenges are going well. If you complete any 10 challenges, you’ll get this collab as a reward.

January 6, 2022: Fresh Baked

Welcome to the first Friday in 2023. Have you recovered from all the New Year’s celebrations? I was off of work for the holidays and it’s been rough getting back into the swing of things this week.

Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free! It’s perfect for all those photos from the New Year’s parties.

Now let’s see what goodies our designers have for us this week.

Have you started on your challenges? Complete 10 challenges and get this great kit as a reward.