Fresh Baked: June 4, 2021

Welcome to the first Friday in June. Have you checked out the June buffet? It’s still going on through June 5th.

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great collab for free.

Let’s see the goodies from our designers.

Have you started on your challenges yet? Complete 10 challenges and you will get this great reward!

Fresh Baked: June 1, 2021, NEW Guest, NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix, and More

Welcome to June everyone. There is a lot in the Buffet post this month, so make sure to read all the way to the end.

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

Look at these rich colors for June. You are going to love what the designers created with these colors. Also check at the bottom to see some samples from our talented store creative team.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. Do you feel {sunkissed}?

I love these bold colors for the June Monthly mix.

Now to the June Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Magical Scraps Galore.

I have two exciting store announcements.

I’m excited to announce that Designs by Lisa Minor is staying and becoming a permanent member of the GingerScraps family.

I’m also super excited to announce that we have a guest designer for June.

Meg Scott Studio

Hi! This is Megan from Meg Scott Studio. I am excited to be a guest designer here at GingerScraps for the month of June!! You may know my work from other stores since I have been around now for almost 10 years but have been on a hiatus because of school and work. Even though I am still in school (keeping fingers crossed – graduating in December), I have missed designing and the community of digital scrapbooking! I am an empty-nester. Hubby and I have been enjoying the quiet but also remodeling our home. We celebrate 8 years of marriage this year as well as our furry babies turning 8. As for other things about me – I am currently learning resin art and how to make my own calligraphy ink. I enjoy gaming, spending time with family and friends; and this year I hope to add more outdoor activities to our lives – like kayaking or paddle boarding. We hope to explore more of Arizona before we leave for ‘Greener’ pastures.

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. I think I need to kick up my challenges for June. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward!

And to complete a wonderful Buffet post, let’s see some samples from our talented store CT. You can find more samples in the Gallery.

Fresh Baked: May 28, 2021

Well here we are at the last Friday of another month. Crazy how these things are just flying by. The way it’s going, the holidays will be here before we know it. I know…hush, right?

Have you shopped and gotten your Free with Purchase kit for May? Look at all these food elements! Makes me hungry just looking at it.

And let’s see what our designers have. I see a few in here I want to grab!

Dear Friends Designs by Trina

Dear Friends Designs

Just a few days left to get those challenges done. Any 10 completed challenges gets you this great kit as a reward!

Fresh Baked: May 21, 2021

Happy Friday!! I hope you have had a great week.

Remember, when you spend $10 you get this great kit for free.

Let’s see what our designers have this week!

Polka Dot Chicks

Memory Mosaic

Have you grabbed the May Monthly Mix yet?

And how are those challenges going? Any 10 completed challenges gets you this collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: May 14, 2021

It’s Friday! Whoop Whoop! Time to have a wonderful weekend and make some memories, don’t forget to take lots of photos for scrapping! 

Remember when you spend $10 in the store you get this great and fun collab as a gift!

Now it’s time for the amazing new Fresh Baked goodies!

Dear Friends Designs

Dear Friends Designs by Trina

Are you getting a good start on your challenges? Completing 10 challenges will get you this great collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: MAY 7, 2021

Happy Friday!! Have you all recovered from iNSD? There were some great sales and fun going on. Personally, I’m ready for the weekend because it means vacation for me. I have a beach calling my name.

Remember when you spend $10 in the store you get this great and fun collab as a gift!

There are some great Fresh Baked items this week. A few designers have special kits for Mother’s Day.

Dear Friends Designs

Dear Friends Designs by Trina

Are you getting a good start on your challenges? Completing 10 challenges will get you this great collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: May 1, 2021, iNSD, NEW Guest, NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix, and More

Happy May Day! May brings us iNSD. Have you been over to the forum yet to see all the fabulous things we have going on?

This mega collab is yours as a gift with any $20 spent in the store.

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

Look at these gorgeous spring colors for May. The designers had fun with these colors. Also check at the bottom to see some samples from our talented store creative team.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. So many bright colors.

The colors in the May Monthly Mix go so well together.

Now to the May Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is a collab from Miss Fish and Shepherd Studio.

I’m excited to announce that we have a guest designer for May.

Carol W Designs

Hi~Everyone~I’m Carol
Nice to meet you all. I come from China. Chinese name is: WEN XIN
Now I live with my parents and a little dog.
I’ve been working with scrapbook since 2009.
I like it very much. A page in a scrapbook.
I had a terrible car accident in 2015. So far one is resting at home recovering.
I became a template designer in 2018. Now we are starting to design some collections as well.
I hope you like my design.

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this beautiful collab as a reward!

And to complete a wonderful Buffet post, let’s see some samples from our talented store CT. You can find more samples in the Gallery.

April 30, 2021: iNSD and Fresh Baked Fun

I’m not even sure I can find words for an intro to today’s post. It’s overflowing with iNSD and Fresh Baked goodies, so I’m just going to jump right into it.

First I am excited to announce that we have a new shop opening. Dear Friends Designs by Trina opens today. Her shop is 50% off starting today through May.

Now, let’s check out all the fun things we have planned for the next week.

Get this amazing mega collab when you spend $20 in the store. Let’s {Bring on the Sun}!!

In addition, you will get this great collab when you spend $10 in the store.

Now let’s get into what the designers are offering for this week of fun!

Aimee Harrison Designs

Tami Miller Designs

Aimee Harrison Designs

Chere Kay Designs

JB Studio

Neia Scraps

Isn’t that an amazing lineup?

Don’t forget to get your challenges in for April. You’ll get this collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: APRIL 23, 2021

Happy Friday everyone! Did you have a good week? I hope so. We’ve got some great goodies to share with you.

Remember any $10 spent in the GingerScraps store and you get this {happy spring} collab as a gift!

Let’s see what’s new in the store this week.

How are those challenges going? Only 10 completed challenges will get you this {spring beauty}.

Fresh Baked: APRIL 16, 2021

Happy Friday Scrappers. It’s the middle of the month so that means it’s Bake Sale time!! Head over to the store and see what great kits our designers are offering for only $1 each this month!

Remember, any $10 spent in the store gets you this {happy spring} collab.

Let’s see what our designers have for us this week!

Polka Dot Chicks

Memory Mosaic

Have you picked up the Monthly Mix for April? Love the bright spring colors.

How are those challenges going? Remember you only need to complete 10 challenges to get this collab as a reward.