Fresh Baked: JUNE 12, 2020

Happy Friday! I hope you all have had a great week.

If you spend $10 or more in the store you get this gorgeous full kit.

Let’s get a look at these great kits that are new to the store this week.

Remember, if you complete in 10 challenges, you get this great kit for free.

Fresh Baked: JUNE 5, 2020

Happy Friday. Not sure about you, but it’s been a long week. I think I’m glad to see the end of this one. How about you?

If you spend $10 or more in the store you get this gorgeous full kit. Great for all those memories we are making by spending so much time with our loved ones recently.

Now it’s time to  see what our fabulous designers have for us this week.

Remember, if you complete in 10 challenges, you get this great kit for free.

It’s all {up in the air}.

Fresh Baked: MAY 29, 2020

Welcome to another Friday. Can you believe it’s the end of May? It’s crazy isn’t it? We hope you are all staying healthy.

It’s the last few days for you to be able to get this fun kit for free when you spend $10 or more in the store.

Let’s see what the designers have for us this last Friday in May.

How are your challenges this month? Remember, for any 10 challenges completed, you get this full kit as a reward.

Fresh Baked: MAY 22, 2020

Welcome to another Friday. For us in the US, it’s a holiday weekend that marks the beginning of summer. There are some great kits these week celebrating all sorts of things for spring and summer.

First, remember with any $10 purchase, you get this awesome kit for free.

Let’s see what’s new in the store this week.

So much loveliness this week.

Have you picked up this month’s Monthly Mix. It’s {out of this world}!

And finally, remember any 10 challenges and you get this complete kit for free.

I think we’ve all learned that I our teacher’s need to be appreciated.’

Enjoy your weekend!

~~Fresh Baked & $1.00 Bake Sale NOW OPEN!~~

We made it to another Friday. Whew…. this has been a long week. I’ve officially logged 41 days working from home. I’m keeping track of it in my planner because I’m sure I’ll need to know this at some point in time. Are any of you planner people too? What Covid-19 details (or other interesting things) are you keeping track of?

Remember when you spend $10, you get this awesome full collab from our own GingerBread ladies. Did you take any fun pics during Cinco De Mayo?

Let’s see our fun new releases for this week:

On top of all that good stuff, it’s time for the May Bake Sale. Look at these great deals!

How are you doing on Challenges this month? You get this gorgeous kit when you complete 10 challenges.

Enjoy your weekend!!

Fresh Baked: MAY 8, 2020

Did you all make it through iNSD? Hopefully you all had a lot of fun with all the stuff going on in the forum and store.

Remember, when you spend $10 in the store you get this awesome kit {cinco de mayo}:

Let’s see our Fresh Baked for this week.

Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, you get this awesome kit. We love our teachers!!

$2.00 Tuesday & More iNSD Goodies!

 I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! The “official” date for the iNSD celebration might have been May 2, but the fun never stops at GingerScraps! We are still having a big party in the forums and HUGE sales in the shop! Come on over and enjoy this fabulous art we all share!


If you missed our MASSIVE iNSD Newsletter or just want to go view it again, it is posted up on our blog too! HERE IS A LINK

Don’t worry, just because it’s iNSD we are still having the weekly $2.00 Tuesday sale too!  

Stop by the shop TODAY (Tuesday, May 5, 2020) for the $2.00 Tuesday Sale. It is valid 12:01AM – 11:59PM Eastern Time

While you are in the shop be sure to check out all these deals too!




May 01, 2020: INSD, Buffet, Fresh Baked, and Much More

Oh my goodness. You are in for a treat today. It’s like a scrapbooking full moon. It’s the May Buffet, May 1 Fresh Baked, and International Scrapbooking Day. Needless to say, this newsletter is packed full of new kits and ads.

First up is all the fun going in the store and forum for iNSD.

Look at this awesome and fun Mega Collab. You get this entire collab for free when you spend $20 or more in the store.

If you spend more then $10, you get this bright kit to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

The new monthly mix is {out of this world}.

Finally, let’s see what is in the buffet.

And now, the Fresh Baked for May 1:

We have TWO awesome guest designers joining us for May.

Angelle Designs

Bio: “My real name is Dasha. I am 37, Russian girl, a mother of 3 boys ( 13, 7 and 2), a happy wife, a teacher of English but I am on my maternity leave now (yaaay! LOL), and a movie addict. I am not new to the digi world (I started scrapping in 2008 and in 2010 I opened my first shop). A couple of years ago real life and real work became too busy for me that’s why I haven’t been scrapping or designing for some time) But I missed it so much and last year I came back! Happy to be here.”

Here is a small sampling of her work.

Polka Dot Chicks

Bio: “Hello! My name is Tammy and I live in KC, MO where I was born and raised. I have been married to my sweetie for 21 years now. I am the oldest of 3 (2 younger brothers). I have 3 grown kids – Andy is a music teacher (KC, MO) and married; Matt is a property manager for luxury apartments (in Chicago, IL) and married and Shelby is the baby and only girl, is a photographer and is now a fashion photographer in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and married. I do have 3 nephews though! I have no grand babies yet but 8 grand-dogs! My kids and their dogs are usually the subject of my sample pages…

I have been designing since 2007 and started with my daughter, Shelby (the other ‘chick’) who was 13 at the time, now she is 25 and pursuing her dream in her dream job, fashion photographer. I hope you enjoy my designs…I tend to be a bit quirky sometimes and love to laugh…”

A  new month means a new Daily Download. This month our Daily Download is hosted by Blue Heart Scraps. Check out this sneak peek.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.

And if all of the above wasn’t enough, you have the chance to earn this beauty when you complete 10 challenges during the month.

If you have made it this far, we have a surprise for you. Just for enjoying all the goodies we’ve shown in this monstrous newsletter, you can get this template set for free. Just click the picture to download.

Happy Scrapping!!

Fresh Baked: April 24, 2020

Welcome to Friday. Can you believe we are almost the end of April. 2020 is flying by. And maybe that’s a good thing.

Remember you get this beautiful kit when you spend at least $10 in the store.

Now for our new releases.

Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, you get this awesome kit.

It’s time to {bloom & grow}.

Keep your eye on the blog, forum, and store for next week. iNSD is coming. Are you ready?

Fresh Baked & $1.00 Bake Sale NOW OPEN!

Welcome to Friday. We have a boatload of new releases this week and I’m just going to jump right in. Remember you get this beautiful kit when you spend at least $10 in the store.

And now the new goodness:

And look at all these goodies in the April Bake Sale!!

Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, you get this awesome kit.

It’s time to {bloom & grow}.