June 9, 2023: Fresh Baked and SUMMER DREAMIN’ SALE

We have a great sale for you starting today. It’s our Summer Dreamin’ Flash Sale. Select items in the store are 55% off today (June 9) through June 12.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store you will get this great kit for free.

Let’s see some of the new items in the shop.

And now let’s see a sampling of what our designers have picked for the Summer Dreamin’ Flash Sale.

GingerScraps: New FREE with Purchase Collab, New Monthly Mix, No Joke SALE & More!!

Happy April!! Hold onto your spring hats my fellow scrappers, it’s a big day at GingerScraps. The first of the month is always a big deal. But when it’s on April 1st, it’s even better.

Make sure your checkout is complete prior to the close of the sale, as soon as the clock strikes midnight the sale prices will disappear.

NOTE Becuse of this sale, the April Buffet will start on April 3. Watch for the newsletter on the 3rd with all the Buffet goodness.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. It’s {puddle jumpers} time!

This Free With Purchase was created by: CarolW Designs, Designs by Lisa Minor, Scrappin’ Serenity, Laurie’s Scraps, and PrelestnayaP Design.

This collab includes: 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 54 Papers, and 114 Elements.

Do you celebrate {easter morning}? This collab is perfect for those Easter photos.

This Monthly Mix was created by: Chere Kaye Designs, Craft-tastrophic, HeartMade Scrapbook, Ilonkas Designs, and LDragDesigns.

This collab includes: 1 Alpha {Uppercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 60 Papers, and 99 Elements.

Now to the April Daily Download Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from ScrapChat Designs! Make sure you are checking the blog every day to get all the pieces of this kit!

Are you ready for the March challenges? Remember any 10 completed challenges gets you this great kit. {raindrops keep falling} on my head (I might be dating myself here)!

This Challenge Reward was created by: Aimee Harrison, CathyK Designs, Cindy Ritter Designs, and Key Lime Digi Design.

This collab includes: 3 Alphas {Uppercase, Lowercase, Numbers & Punctuation}, 52 Papers, 84 Elements, and 2 12×12 Templates {png, psd, tif file formats}.

Let’s look at a few layouts from our talented store creative team.


MEGA $2.00 Sale! One Day ONLY!

It is time for a MEGA $2.00 Sale!! In honor of PiDay we are making $2.00 Tuesday as tasty as a big old slice of pie! This MEGA $2.00 Sale will expire at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday, March 14 (eastern time).

Below is just a selection of what is offered in this $2.00 Sale, there are over 250 items included in thisamazing sale!

WAIT, I want to tell you one more thing before I show you a sample of the $2.00 sale. We added a new feature to our shop, now you will notice there is now a warning on a product if you have purchased it in the past!

Once you log into your shop account there will be red text below the “Buy Now” button that says “Note: You have previously purchased the product above!” I’m so very happy to have this for all of our customers! Hope you enjoy this new feature!

Oh, one more thing, make sure you head over to the forum and check out the “Win Your Wishlist” contest! Only a few more days to post your selections.


Ok, now what you have been waiting for … Here are just some of the items in our $2.00 MEGA Sale!



MEGA $2.00 Tuesday!! February 14, 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day!! I hope you have been enjoying all the love from our  2023 Newsletter Hop! You can hop around our designers newsletters and collect tons of fun free goodies! Be sure to subscribe to all the newsletters (full list in the forum) to get totally spoiled by our designers!

{2023} Newsletter Hop!

We also have something SUPER special in honor of Valentine’s Day our $2.00 Tuesday is a MEGA sale this week! There are a TON of super sweet deals for you to grab. TODAY ONLY!

Here are just a few of the goodies in the $2.00 Tuesday MEGA Sale, be sure to visit the shop to see all the products included in this sale. 

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.

How are those challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and you’ll get this kit as a reward!


January 20, 2022: Fresh Baked, Retirement Sale, and NEW Designer

Happy Friday. Boy do we have a great newsletter for you today.

First up is the Retiring Products Sale. Select items are 65% off. 

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you’ll get this great kit for free!

Let’s see what the designers have for us this week.

We are excited to announce that Adrienne Skelton Designs is permanently joining the GingerScraps family.

Remember, if you complete any 10 challenges, you’ll get this collab as a reward.

December 9, 2022: Fresh Baked and BUFFET BLOWOUT

Oh boy do we have fun for you! Today starts our big Buffet Blowout in the store! 50% off all buffets today through December 15!! 

Remember spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free!

Let’s see what our designers have for us this week!

How are your challenges going? Complete 10 challenges and get this kit as a reward!

Gingerscraps Black Friday Sales and Fresh Baked Goodies: November 18, 2022

Happy Black Friday. We’ve got a large newseltter for you today so we’ll just jump right in.

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit free.

Are you ready? Let’s GO!

Happy Shopping!!!

$1 Bake Sale & $2 Tuesday NOW OPEN

Happy Tuesday scrappers! Today is a super exciting day if you are looking for and amazing deal! We have $2.00 Tuesday AND the $1.00 Bake Sale! Whoop Whoop!!

*Remember* all our sales are based on Eastern Time, be sure to shop early so you don’t miss out on these deals!

Remember if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit free.

Here is what we have in the Bake Sale this month!


How are your challenges going? We are half way through the month of November, there is still plenty of time to get those challenges done! Complete any 10 challenges and get this great kit as a reward.

September 9, 2022: IT’S BIRTHDAY PARTY TIME!

There is SO much going on this week. I guess I should start off with the biggest thing, right?


And you know Ginger when it comes to celebrations. She doesn’t do them small. So we’re having a HUGE party!!

Have you participated in one of the Scavenger hunts? They are so much fun and I always find kits I “need” while I’m looking for that crazy Gingerbread Man (he’s a little sneaky).

And our designers have some fun games going on in the Forum as well!

Don’t forget this great Free With Purchase kit you get with any $10 spent in the store!

On top of all that fun, we have some great kits and other special sales and new releases!

How are you doing on the challenges? Complete any 10 challenges and get this great collab as a reward!


August 19, 2022: Fresh Baked and RETIRING PRODUCTS!

Happy Friday!!! We have a big sale starting today. It’s our Retiring Products Sale

Make sure you check out of the store before 11: 59 pm Eastern on August 25th. 

Remember, if you spend $10 in the store, you get this great kit for free.

Let’s see what is new in the store this week.

Just a little over halfway through the month. Are you getting those challenges done and posted? Any 10 completed challenges will get you this great collab.