Let’s Celebrate Back to School!

It is that time of year again where I live. My kiddo started back to school on the 3rd! I of course took those obligatory 1st day of school photos. Then compared it to last year’s. Only to get slightly sad at how much he has matured over the year. It also got me thinking about scrapping those back to school photos. With that in mind, I found some great digital scrapbooking supplies here at GingerScraps just for that! I thought that even if your kiddos are not going back to school this week, a lot of us have those photos to scrap!

Did you know that we have an entire section in the store just for Back-to-School and learning? Well we do. You can find that HERE. I am going to showcase just a smidgen of what the store has to offer for back to school. There are pages and pages of them. All images are linked. Hold on to your hats. You are about to be inundated with lots of digital scrapbooking goodness!


Do you have a budding artist in your family? Or maybe your preschooler is just learning how to color inside the lines? This kit is perfect for scrapping all your child’s drawings and artwork! The colors are straight out of the basic box of crayons and the papers include lots of fun patterns, many with a doodled look. The elements have a crafty feel and of course include crayons of many colors. You’ll have fun documenting those special masterpieces with this kit!


Back to school just got so much more fun! Whether it’s the first (or last) day of school, field trips, candid photos or school activities, this kit has everything you need to create lasting memories! It’s packed full of adorable characters, tons of school-themed elements, bright colors and so much more! The color scheme includes red, orange, yellow, green, blues, purple, black and white.


A collection for guys and gals of all ages who study or just love math and numbers.


From our August 2017 guest designer Joyful Expressions. Make sure you grab it before it is gone! – With a focus on curiosity, discovery and learning, the Curiosity collection by Joyful Expressions will spark imaginative and creative science and education-themed scrapbooking projects that are perfect for your school, museum, field trip, or science class photos.


[Read more…]

Let’s Celebrate! Back to School

It is that time of year again here in the states. Well, actually my kiddo has been back in school for nearly a month. So, I would say that it is about time to get those photos scrapped! Right?! Today we are going to take a look at some great back-to-school digital scrapbooking supplies. There are pages and pages of great back-to-school digital scrappboking supplies here at GingerScraps. There is an entire section dedicated just to that. Today though, I am going to showcase just a few of them. Kind of like taking the hard work of searching out of your shopping. Doing the “hard work” for you. Truly though…I really love looking through the store. 🙂 Images are all linked!












Back to School Fonts

I think for the most part all our kids are back in school, right? Gotta get those fun school photos scrapped. We’ve already talked about those back to school digital scrapbooking supplies. Now, let us talk fonts! This post will be short and sweet. Here are some great fonts to add to those layouts. A great addition to any back to school layout. (links below the image).


1_back to school fonts

  1. School Book
  2. Schools Out
  3. Print Clearly
  4. Chemistry
  5. School Script
  6. Back to School
  7. Crayon Crumble
  8. Back to School Fonts
  9. For your Scrapbook Layouts

There you go! Fonts for you back to school layouts. We would love to see what you scrap. Make sure you are uploading to the gallery & then link us back up! Happy Scrapping!

Let’s Celebrate! Back to School!

Happy Monday everyone! Did this Monday bring your school age kiddos going back to school? Are you going back to school? Are you a teacher who is getting ready for back to school? Well, it is that time of the year! My son starts back on Wednesday. I am having a bit of a hard time wrapping my mind around the summer being over and him being in the 2nd grade. sigh. That being said, you know as us scrappy mom’s we are going to have some adorable 1st day of school photos to scrap! Not to mention the school supply/clothes shopping, meeting the teachers, and more.

I am here today to make the back-to-school digital scrapbooking shopping a little easier for you!

Did you know that GingerScraps has a category just for those back to school digital scrabooking supplies? Well it does! It is one of the largest theme categories the store has. I went though that category for you and just picked out a few digital scrapbooking supplies to show you. It is exactly that…just a few of all the great items you can get in the store. All the images are linked to their store counterpart. Let’s get started!

School Rules by Clever Monkey Graphics

School Rules by Clever Monkey Graphics



Land of Learning by River Rose

Land of Learning by River Rose



Schooled Up Page Kit by Designs by Mandy King & A Saxon Creation

Schooled Up Page Kit by Designs by Mandy King & A Saxon Creation



Scientific Method by BoomersGirl Designs

Scientific Method by BoomersGirl Designs



Grades PreK - 5th Grade - 12x12 Temps (CU Ok) by Designs by Connie Prince

Grades PreK – 5th Grade – 12×12 Temps (CU Ok) by Designs by Connie Prince


This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are alphas, journal cards, templates, kits, and element packs! Don’t forget to get those back-to-school photos scrapped!


Weekly Wrap-up: S is for (Back to) School Scrapping!

Happy Sunday!

I am currently stuffing my face with some sort of berry muffin. It is absolutely delicious, just in case you were wondering.

I haven’t got much for you today, but let’s have fun anyway!

Blue Heart Scraps is having a CT call!

CT stands for Creative Team, something I learned after joining the GingerScraps community earlier this year.  Joining a creative team is super fun, not only do you get to work with great products from our GingerScraps designers but you get to be on a team with some pretty outstanding ladies! Even if you’ve just started scrapping, I always say apply! You never know if a designer sees that something special in you.

So, kids are back in school right? Well, not for me, not for another few years yet but with all those “first days” I can only imagine the few hundred photos now on your SD cards. 😉 We’ve got several great “Back to School” kits in our shop! Some new, some old but all of them are perfect for this time of year.

Off to School by Colie’s Corner

Teacher’s Pet by JenC Designs

School is Cool by Kathy Winters Designs

School Rules by Connie Prince

Personally, while I’m enjoying the toddler years (you’ll never hear me say that again) I can’t wait for back to school shopping and filling my camera with First Day photos! I should start stockpiling school scrap kits NOW so I’m prepared! 😉  Let’s not forget our August Grab Bag this month! It’s FREE with the purchase of $10 in the GingerScraps store. Guess what? It’s another fantastic school themed kit!

It almost makes me miss school myself! But only almost. Which is to say these kits aren’t just for your kids! I know many of you scrappers who are starting new semesters, your school days are just as important as little one’s! Put yourself in front of the camera every now and then. 😉

Have a happy scrappy day and enjoy the little things!