Behind the Scrapbook

I had to share this wonderful LO by Scrappy Cocoa… If you haven’t heard we have a new Gingerbread baby in the house!

Steph and Tim had a baby girl last week and named her Delilah Jae!! What a cutie! Here’s a LO Steph did of the big day! I love the title… this was her first peek at her new baby girl… the picture says it all!!

Congrats Ulrich family!!

It’s August my favorite month of the year and my busiest!! I’m trying to get through my summer bucket list and not having much success as I keep adding activities to it! This may have to be a summer/fall bucket list! It’s a hard list to get through when my main funsticker (a person who sticks to your fun) is on vacation. My Julie has been in Haida Gwaii for the past week with my ma and I’ve been missing her so…. here she right after catching her first fish EVER!!! Thank goodness she can keep in touch texting photos. I hate to miss any of her firsts!

Have you seen the Telus commercial with the house hippos?? I have always said if there was such a thing as a house hippo I’d have one for sure!! So what does hubby bring home for me….

What a sweet heart…. I (heart) him!

We’ve also had quite a bit of this….

Does Mother Nature not know it’s no longer spring!! I love the rain but I can’t keep up with my yard:( So I should go I have grass to mow, dirt to dig and trees to plant… none of this is on my summer bucket list…. I’m just thinking of it as staying active… every little step is a calorie burned and a job well done:)

Have a great day


Behind the Scrapbook

Good morning all. Welcome to this weeks edition of Behind the Scrapbook…. the real lives of Ginger Scraps! This is the place to find out all the juicy gossip on our Ginger Scraps team! Let’s se what I was able to dig up this week…

First up is Tabby…

The Scrapberry house is eating, sleeping, and breathing baseball. The oldest boy is playing rec ball and also plays tournament ball. He is an awesome little player and actually scored the tying run that took them into a 10 inning game on Friday night and then came into pitch in the 9th and 10th innings to strike out two batters in a row, unfortunately the third batter was able to send the ball soaring over the fence but hey, that was due to a good pitch right? He makes them proud . So yes, she is one of those moms that sits on the side line yelling and screaming her head off and she’s been known to argue with the umps a few times too 😛

Oh and here’s a little tip from Miss Scrapberry herself… if you need to know how to get that red clay out of those white ball pants, the secret is soap called “Fels Naptha”!

I also found out that Mandy had a little excitement last weekend. The Mandymade family lives on an acreage and have a few horses, dogs, cats and a whole lot of grass and yard work! SO working as a team every weekend you’ll find everyone doing their favorite jobs. Mandy (the boss) is head weed whacker, weed puller and cook. Kelsey (16) is head sun tanner and pool bug scooper. Mark (the hubby) is in charge of the house build and bring home the bacon guy. And they are very happy to report that Julie (their youngest offspring) has graduated to mowing queen!! Yup that’s right she even has her own mower! Here is a staged photo… they had to stage it because she mows at warp 9 and is usually just a blur….

SO little miss mows-a-lot was doing her thing and Mandy was supervising she found two featherless baby birds laying in the grass. After closer inspection they found the nest 30 feet above in the peak of the tin roof. So along came Mark with his trusty ladder. They had a look in the nest… no babies and it was baking hot! So they brought the babies in the house and warmed them with a hot water bottle. Mandy with her mad web skills found a great organization that rescues wild animals. The very helpful ladies at Wildlife Rehabilitation Society of Edmonton had them build a nest, place the babies in it and supervise it to see if any birds come to claim them. The nest the birds built in the peak was unsuitable as it was built under a tin roof and had no way of keeping the babies from falling out. So after an hour no birds had claimed them. So we packed up the babies and drove them to the Wildlife Rehab Center. They checked out fine even though they had fallen 30 feet… and they also found out they were Starlings! The Center is going to nurse them back to health and when they are ready to be released Julie gets to do the honors! How fun is that! After all the excitement they realized they didn’t even take one photo! But no worries they will have camera in hand for the release! Check back for updates! We will keep you posted:)

So I’ve been Stalking the ladies at GS for some time now and I stumbled across this….

Did you hear? Rachel A.K.A Pretty in Green has been busy getting her store ready? We are so excited to have her join our fabulous team! This is a preview of some product she’s been working on. I don’t know about you but I’m super excited and can’t wait to see more!!! Look for her Grand opening in July!

Well that’s about it for this week…. come back next Saturday and I’ll be sure to dig up some more dirt! Till then happy scrapping and I’m sure I’ll see you around the forum…. BTW just wondering, what’s your favorite GS challenge this month?? Mine has to be Bite My Head Off! I’m off to find a photo to play with!

Cya around