Fresh Baked: OCT 1, 2021, DSD, NEW Guests, NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix, and More

Welcome to October! I thought we had a lot going on last month. This may set the record for biggest post we’ve done. When you have the Buffet, Fresh Baked and DSD all on one day, it’s bound to be a big deal.

First a peek at the fun going on in the forum and the store for DSD. There are a so many things happening. And these colors. I so love these for fall.

The designers have outdone themselves for DSD.

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

Look at these colors. With it being October, there are a lot of Halloween kits in this Buffet grouping.

We also have new Fresh Baked Items.



Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. Are you ready for some {autumn dew}?

This new Monthly Mix kit is just so cute. I love the little gnomes.

Now to the Octoberr Daily Download Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Scrappin Serenity.

We have TWO Guest Designers for October!

Dunia Designs


Hi girls! My name is Dunia. I’m originally from Brazil but living for the past 5 years in Michigan. I live with my DH my three kids and my dog Chewie. I’m addicted to coca-cola, chocolate, books and binge-watching series
I’m a designer for over 7 years and I love to create fun, colorful and useful stuff for you to keep your memories alive. And I’m so excited to be a guest at Ginger Scraps this month!

The Scrappy Kat


Hello, my name is Katina Curten, but I’m also known as The Scrappy Kat. I have been a digital scrapbooking designer since May of 2009. You may remember me from my 2 previous stores, Stuff to Scrap and Scraps N Pieces. Once those stores closed, I took a 5 year hiatus to raise my son. Now that he is a teenager and I have more time on my hands, I am back to designing. Digital scrapbooking is one of my true loves and I’m so glad to be back at it and to being a part of the wonderful digiscrap community that I missed so much once again.

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward!

September 3, 2021: IT’S BIRTHDAY PARTY TIME!

I do not even know where to start this week. There is SO much going on in this post. Should I just start with the biggest?


Yep – we’ve hit the “teenage years”.

And you know Ginger when it comes to celebrations. She doesn’t do them small. So we’re having a HUGE party!!

Have you participated in one of the Scavenger hunts? They are so much fun and I always find kits I “need” while I’m looking for that crazy Gingerbread Man (he’s a little sneaky).

And our designers have some fun games going on in the Forum as well!

Don’t forget this great Free With Purchase kit you get with any $10 spent in the store!

On top of all that fun, we have some great kits and other special sales!



And to wrap it all up, have you seen the September Challenge Reward? This is perfect for those pics of the grandkids (or grandparents). It’s a reward for completing any 10 challenges.

June 11: 2021: Fresh Baked and Summer Dreamin Sale

Hey there Gingerscrappers. Are you ready for some Summer Dreamin? From today through June 14, enjoy 55% off store wide (most items). Sale ends at 11:59 on June 14, just in time for the June Bake Sale.

Remember, any $10 spent in the store, gets this great collab. I’m loving those flip flops in the sneak peek.

Let’s see what our designers have this week. There is a great mix of colors and themes this week.



How are those challenges going. This kit is so awesome. Just complete 10 challenges and you get it as a reward.

April 30, 2021: iNSD and Fresh Baked Fun

I’m not even sure I can find words for an intro to today’s post. It’s overflowing with iNSD and Fresh Baked goodies, so I’m just going to jump right into it.

First I am excited to announce that we have a new shop opening. Dear Friends Designs by Trina opens today. Her shop is 50% off starting today through May.

Now, let’s check out all the fun things we have planned for the next week.

Get this amazing mega collab when you spend $20 in the store. Let’s {Bring on the Sun}!!

In addition, you will get this great collab when you spend $10 in the store.

Now let’s get into what the designers are offering for this week of fun!

Aimee Harrison Designs

Tami Miller Designs

Aimee Harrison Designs

Chere Kay Designs

JB Studio

Neia Scraps

Isn’t that an amazing lineup?

Don’t forget to get your challenges in for April. You’ll get this collab as a reward.

Fresh Baked: APRIL 9, 2021

Are you ready for another big sale in April? It’s our Retiring Products Clearance Sale!!

Make sure you grab what you want from this sale as once the sale is over, the products will be gone.

And remember, when you spend $10 in the store, you will get this great full collab for free.

Let’s see what our designers have this week.

Alexis Design Studio

Key Lime Digi Design

Polka Dot Chicks

Memory Mosaic

How are your challenges going? Any 10 completed challenges gets you this reward.

October 2, 2020: Fresh Baked and Digital Scrapbooking Day!!

Are you ready to have some fun. Today starts the DSD2020 celebration in the store and forum. Just look at all the fun things planned, including a storewide sale and mege FWP kit!

Remember you get this kit with a $10 purchase.

Fresh Baked goodies for this week:

How about some fun Grab Bags. These are an awesome buy.

Look at all the fun and games going on in the forum. Come join in on the fun!!!!

May 01, 2020: INSD, Buffet, Fresh Baked, and Much More

Oh my goodness. You are in for a treat today. It’s like a scrapbooking full moon. It’s the May Buffet, May 1 Fresh Baked, and International Scrapbooking Day. Needless to say, this newsletter is packed full of new kits and ads.

First up is all the fun going in the store and forum for iNSD.

Look at this awesome and fun Mega Collab. You get this entire collab for free when you spend $20 or more in the store.

If you spend more then $10, you get this bright kit to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

The new monthly mix is {out of this world}.

Finally, let’s see what is in the buffet.

And now, the Fresh Baked for May 1:

We have TWO awesome guest designers joining us for May.

Angelle Designs

Bio: “My real name is Dasha. I am 37, Russian girl, a mother of 3 boys ( 13, 7 and 2), a happy wife, a teacher of English but I am on my maternity leave now (yaaay! LOL), and a movie addict. I am not new to the digi world (I started scrapping in 2008 and in 2010 I opened my first shop). A couple of years ago real life and real work became too busy for me that’s why I haven’t been scrapping or designing for some time) But I missed it so much and last year I came back! Happy to be here.”

Here is a small sampling of her work.

Polka Dot Chicks

Bio: “Hello! My name is Tammy and I live in KC, MO where I was born and raised. I have been married to my sweetie for 21 years now. I am the oldest of 3 (2 younger brothers). I have 3 grown kids – Andy is a music teacher (KC, MO) and married; Matt is a property manager for luxury apartments (in Chicago, IL) and married and Shelby is the baby and only girl, is a photographer and is now a fashion photographer in Sioux Falls, South Dakota and married. I do have 3 nephews though! I have no grand babies yet but 8 grand-dogs! My kids and their dogs are usually the subject of my sample pages…

I have been designing since 2007 and started with my daughter, Shelby (the other ‘chick’) who was 13 at the time, now she is 25 and pursuing her dream in her dream job, fashion photographer. I hope you enjoy my designs…I tend to be a bit quirky sometimes and love to laugh…”

A  new month means a new Daily Download. This month our Daily Download is hosted by Blue Heart Scraps. Check out this sneak peek.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.

And if all of the above wasn’t enough, you have the chance to earn this beauty when you complete 10 challenges during the month.

If you have made it this far, we have a surprise for you. Just for enjoying all the goodies we’ve shown in this monstrous newsletter, you can get this template set for free. Just click the picture to download.

Happy Scrapping!!

Fresh Baked: April 1, 2020 & NEW Free With Purchase, Monthly Mix and More

Welcome to April!!! It’s time for Easter and April Showers and a little April Fools (No Joke). More on that below.

Our designers have hit it out of the park with this month’s buffet colors. I’m so in love with these kits.

Let’s see what we have in the new April Buffet!!

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles, one easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!

The designers really ran with the colors this month and many of their themes will mix. Scroll down to the end of they newsletter to see some inspiring layouts by our creative team, created using the April Buffet items.

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Signs of Spring!

I love the colors in the April Monthly Mix. Perfect for those spring flower pictures.

Remember I promised you a April Fools (No Joke)? Look what Ginger and our designers are doing for April 1 and 2!!!!

It’s time for the new Daily Download. Before I give you the sneak peek, let me show you March’s full kit. It is beautiful and fun.

Now for April’s Sneak Peek:

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.

Remember if you complete 10 challenges (yep – only 10), you get a free kit as a reward! Stay tuned to the blog posts this month for some love and spotlight on some of our challenges.

Let’s Bloom and Grow!

Now, as I promised above, let’s get some gorgeous inspiration from our store creative team using the the beautiful kits from our April buffet.  This is just a sampling. You can see more of them in the gallery.

The CT do a beautiful job! Leave them some love in the gallery if you see something you like!

~~November Bake Sale!!~~

Good morning. Today is the start of the November Bake Sale. November!!! This month is flying by. Looks like our designers have thrown in a lot of Fall and Thankful kits into the Bake Sale this month. All kits and template packs are only $1.00 each through November 2oth. I know I see several things I need to grab for my stash.

Head over to the store and grab these before the Bake Sale ends!!

~~September Bake Sale!!~~

Checking in with you from the outer bands of (now) Tropical Storm Florence. We’re getting some wind here and have had a little rain, but we have a lot more rain coming. What a great day to stay in and shop in the Bake Sale. As always, each of these kits and template sets are just $1 each from today through the 20th. Let’s see what we can fill our cart with.

Time to head over to the GingerScraps store and go shopping!!!