GingerBread Ladies Sneak Peeks – 12/30/16

Are you ready for the last Fresh Baked of 2016? Where has the time gone? What are your scrapbooking resolutions for the New Year? Personally I want to get my stash organized (I say this every year) and then scrap more (which means getting other areas of my life organized). Leave a comment and let us know what your plans are for scrapping in 2017.

Let’s see what our designers have to offer this week.

This is just a sampling of what will be available this week. Make sure to head over to the store on Friday to see all the goodies.

GingerBread Ladies Sneak Peeks 12/16/16

Wow… Christmas is almost here. How in the heck did that happen? And the end of the year is right after that. Who is ready for 2017? Let’s see what our designers have coming out this week.

Have a great rest of the week!!

GingerBread Ladies Sneak Peeks

Happy end of November. Who is ready for December and the holidays? I am about half ready. I actually have some gifts bought or planned, which is further than I usually am at this point. Today I’m bringing you sneak peeks for the December Buffet and the Fresh Baked releases on Friday.

Buffet Sneak Peeks:

And a few Fresh Baked peeks:

Make sure to head over to the store tomorrow morning to grab the Buffet goodies.

GingerBread Ladies Sneak Peeks – November 24

Happy Thanksgiving morning to all of our scrappers in the US, and happy Thursday to everyone else. I’m a little late with the sneak peeks this week. To be honest, I was so excited about having four days off work that I totally forgot to post this last night.

Let’s see what our designers are offering this week.

Our designers are working up some awesome sales and goodies for you for tomorrow, and we have a HUGE Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale going on in the GS Store. Make sure to check it all out tomorrow.

Gingerbread Ladies Sneak Peeks – 11/18/2016

Can you  believe it’s the middle of November? Seriously….where is this year going? I have a few fabulous sneak peeks to share with you this week. Also, make sure you check out the GS fan page. Many of the designers give chances to win their kit before it’s released.

Now…for those sneak peeks.

Make sure you check the store on Friday for these and more.

And….. stay tuned to the blog for a special Black Friday/Cyber Monday announcement.

Designer Sneak Peeks – November 11, 2016

Happy Wednesday. Sliding in through here to show off a few sneak peeks from our designers.

Make sure to come check out these and more in the GS Store on Friday.

Designer Sneak Peeks – November 4, 2016

It’s Wednesday and time for a some sneak peeks. I have a handful to wet your appetite for this weeks new releases.

I think it’s time to go shopping. 🙂


Designer Sneak Peeks – October 28, 2016

It’s Wednesday again and we are at the end of October. Goodness this year is flying by. I have a few sneak peeks for you and then a little Halloween surprise.

And now for that little Halloween surprise. Ginger always has something up her sleeve.

{COMING SOON!} GingerScraps Trick Or Treat Spooktacular {COMING SOON!}
Visit the GingerScraps forum on Friday, October 28th for all the details!!

Have a great end of the week!!

Designer Sneak Peeks – October 21, 2016

Happy Wednesday!! Hope you are all having a great week. Let’s jump right into our sneak peeks this week.

Don’t these all look lovely? Make sure to check out the store for these goodies.

Designer Sneak Peeks – October 14, 2016

Happy Wednesday my fellow scrappers.  Fall has definitely come to the Carolinas and it’s wonderful. The temperatures are lower (makes great sleeping) and the leaves are starting to turn. Probably my favorite time of year.

Let’s jump right in and see what we have releasing this week.

Some very cute kits coming out. Make sure to shop for these tomorrow and Friday and then watch for the Bake Sale lovelies starting on Saturday.