Weekly Wrap-Up: Birthday Weekend Extravaganza!

Hello friends!

It has been a whirlwind weekend, with speed scraps, slow scraps, sales sales sales, prizes, chats, truth or dare, and SCRAPPING!

I hope you have all had as much fun as I!

Today is your LAST CHANCE at the Birthday Bundles– a heck-of-a deal! THREE previously released kits are bundled together for one low price of $5! CRAZY!

Here are just a few of the bundles in the shop:

Definitely check ’em all out now if you haven’t yet, total STEAL! Remember the ENTIRE store is also 30% OFF through the end of today, so take advantage of that! I know I have! I’ve more now than I know what to do with! …but one can never have too  much, right? 😉

We have a new addition to the Welcome Wagon.  Z Pink Boudoir Designs has added a lovely little mini that looks so…refreshing and cool!

If you’re new to GingerScraps, or even new to digital scrapping altogether, the Welcome Wagon is a GREAT place to start building your stash. So many of our designers have created cute little minis and templates for you as a gift to say, “Hey, thanks for joining us here at GingerScraps. Stay awhile and happy scrapping!”  All you’ve got to do is register in the forum- but I must warn you, with registration comes… a steady increasing addiction to checking it daily and making new friends, learning new tricks, earning rewards from just…scrapping!  If you can handle that, then PLEASE join us! I LOVE seeing new faces introduce themselves.

I’ve seen a few new faces this weekend, during our Birthday Party! A BIG WELCOME to YOU! We do hope you stay with us, make GingerScraps your digi home.

Make sure you get your answers in by the end of today for the Birthday Scavenger Hunt! All you’ve got to do is search through the store looking for this guy:

He can be tricky, but once you’ve found him in each of our designer’s stores, you will win coupon for $5.00 in the GingerScraps Buffet!

You could also win a GingerScraps Store Gift Certificate! All you’ve got to do is match the purse to the designer in the “What’s in my purse?” game. This is such fun!

One more thing! While you’ve been filling your cart this weekend, you’ve been taking a walk… a cake walk!

Which reminds me, I’ve got more shopping to do today!

I hope everyone has had as much fun as I have this weekend. Thank you EVERYONE for celebrating our birthday with us! We enjoy having you a part of our community and appreciate all our friends!!

Have a super awesome Sunday and happy scrapping to you all!
