Archives for July 2010

Let’s Get Crafty: Chalk Paint

Hi my crafty ladies! It’s Thursday, time for “Let’s Get Crafty” Did you miss me last week? Yes, I know…I forgot! These kids and all their friends are keeping me busy! And eating me out of house and home!

So, today I did a fun and easy project with the little boys. All without even going to the store to buy any supplies! We made “Chalk Paint” I got the recipe from “Family Fun Online” Love that site! Lots of great fun and simple project for the family.

Here is the recipe…

1/4 cup Cornstarch…..1/4 cup water…..few drops of food coloring…That’s it!

Now mix it up and get out your paintbrush and find yourself some concrete!

(Don’t you love my cute little glass bowls, .25 cents at a garage sale)

Now of course, my boys wanted a road painted with the Chalk Paint…it’s all about cars around here. They really loved it. Actually I am typing up this post and they are still playing on the chalk road right out my window!

(Notice the little bits of  Homemade Playdough still on my patio, maybe I will teach you that next time.)

Looks like fun doesn’t it! Now of course you don’t have to paint a road. Paint whatever your little heart desires. Oh and you might have to make up a few batches. My boys have asked me for a few refills. Don’t worry about a mess either. Just take your hose a wash it away!

Fresh Baked! 7-21

It smells good in here! The GingerBread Ladies have some super yummy goodies for you today!

First up from our newest GingerBread Lady- Marshmella- Right Now such a cute kit!

I was in need of something fresh and new when I created this kit. It has fun and cheerful colors and just look at that cute duck. This kit would be perfect just about any layout.It includes 8 papers and 35 elements and it will be 25% off for a week too. Making this adorable kit only $2.36!!
Just check out these layout from my creative team.

If its true that we are to “bloom where we are planted” then Happiness Blooms is sure to be a winner. Created by two delightful designers, Scrapberry Designs and Kathy Winters Designs this kit is so cute it just makes you smile looking at it. You will find that Happiness Blooms is the perfect year round kit with a wide variety of 26 papers, 60 elements, and 1 alpha to spark your creativity.

Regular price $6.25 on sale through 07/25/2010 for $4.69.


Kathy Winters Designs also has this cute set of ten (10) coordinating wordart pieces available in her store to add an extra special touch to your layouts.
Happiness Blooms Word Art Set– Regular price $3.00 on sale through 07/25/2010 for $2.25.

And for a little inspiration, the girls have some layouts from their creative teams to share.


Two New kits from Pretty in Green first up is Black & White and Blue All Over, and since she has a lil boy and a lil girl she made Black & White and Purple All Over too. These whimsical kits are full of beautiful elements and rich texture, with a color scheme perfect for black and white photos, nothing makes black and white pop more than a lil pop of color. This kit contains 1 full alpha 20 papers and 48 elements. Not all the elements are shown in the preview, your going to love this kit! Save 20% on both of theses kits for the first week!



Sarah_ICS, sarah also used MandyMade’s new Template Swimming in it


This new kit from Statements by Jodi is perfect to scrap your contents of your purse pictures, teen girl pictures, day at the spa pictures, and dress up pictures. Anything girly, this kit will be perfect for. Normally $5. This week only it’s 20% off! In My Purse


It comes with a fabulous chrome alpha. Love the Alpha but don’t want the kit? You can get the alpha for only $2! This week only it’s 25% off! In My Purse Alpha

By Trina

By Kiana

By Kiana

Challenge Spotlight – Photo Editing Technique


Hmm no T pages to win a prize. Bummer. photom was so close but has to wait until the kit she used is released. Oh well maybe we’ll have better luck with this weeks challenge spotlight. Which is. . . . 

My Photo Editing Technique – July ’10 – Reflected. Do you like the look of a reflected photo but don’t know how to make it work. Well here’s your chance to give it a try. I’ll give you a step by step tutorial on how to do a reflection. Wonder what you can do with a reflection? Well here are some examples I posted: 

By Harmonystar

By Harmonystar

By Harmonystar

 If you are thinking “OH I have a photo that could use a cool reflection” then go check out the July ’10 – Reflected tutorial. If you’re thinking “The only way to make this better is if I could win a prize from Harmonystar too!” Well that it’s your lucky day! Come back here and post the link to your edit in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar). CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments! 

This week we had a tie for the Layout Of the Week winner, but the two layouts were both created by Jen (vcjordi).  How exciting! All of the layouts rocked as usual, but here are the winning LO’s. Click the images to leave her some love in the gallery.

Family Portrait

Crab Cakes

Don’t forget to vote for the next LOTW winner in the forum. You can be a LOTW winner too. All you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.

Another helping of “The Dish”

Hey everyone!  It’s Tabby here bring you this weeks edition of “The Dish”.  I think this is such a fun little column (I’m not sure what the correct term is for the blogging world, lol) that we do.  If you’ve never asked a question for The Dish make sure you stop by our forum here and give it a go!

We had two new questions posted this week.

The first one pertains to Meta Data and tagging your photos.  Metadata is pretty new to me but from what I have gathered, Windows allows you to tag your photos and such using this “Metadata” to make it easier to find a photo of a certain person or even later on.  For example, your dog Rover, or your trip to New York.  The easiest way I have found to do this is to tag your photos using your photo editing or viewing program.  I view all of my .jpg and .png files in Picasa and it is very easy to tag in that program.

If there is a way to add the metadata from windows or if any of our readers have some insight as to an easy way of doing it we would love to have your comments as I am a complete novice in this area and could use some direction myself!

The second question is from Lynelle.  She asks, “I feel like I’m always going all over digitown to blog, Facebook and Twitter. Fortunately I use Firefox so I have all of my frequently used sites bookmarked in my toolbar. How do you make your life easier when it comes to posting on your blog, Facebook page and Twitter page?”

My simple answer is Yoono.  It’s free to add on to Firefox and syncs up your Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.  I love Yoono because you can leave it open in your browser so that you never miss a beat!  You can download the free program here.  I haven’t found a program yet that integrates the blog posting but I’m sure there is one out there.

Thanks for reading the blog.  I can’t wait to see what questions you leave us to answer next week!

Behind the Scrapbook

Good afternoon scrappers! Thank goodness I have a geek in the house because it took me an hour to get my computer up and running. I love my geek! DO you want to know who else is in love??

Teri and her hubby, this is what she wrote to me…

Gossip Girl if my hubby and I make it till July 17 (ha ha) we will be married for 34 years! I met him when I was in 8th grade and we started going “steady” then. Divorce was never an option for us.. Murder yes but divorce no!!! Oh and we knew it would be an ugly custody battle for the kiddos.. you know.. who would have to take them!!!!!! LMAO just kidding…. kinda T

Ahhh must be bliss! I think I can relate:) Happy Anniversary Terri and hubby!

I was also chatting with Mandy… she’s re-cooperating from her Ethan hangover. She was being a fun Auntie again! This week it was Rye’s big brother Ethan who kept Mandy busy! I hear they battled Bower and turned the inversion table into Auntie Mandy’s tickle torture machine.  Ethan just learned how to ride a two wheeler so they went on many bike rides and went swimming everyday!!

Julie has also been keeping busy!! They have been painting the living room with a fresh coat of paint. I hear it’s looking great! She is planning to make a “photo wall” so she went to the goodwill and got a start on some frames. She seams to find the best stuff!!! Can’t wait to see some pictures of the completed project!

On Wednesday she was busy having a photo shoot with this amazing family and their beautiful horses….

What a good looking family and I have seen some of the other photos that Julie has taken during this shoot and I have to say she is one talented lady!!!

Today is a special day not only is it Teri’s anniversary but this little guy is turning three!!

Happy Birthday Travis!!! Hope you have a fun day!

What a sweetie!!!

I still haven’t heard from Kathy… last we saw of her she was on a road trip with her three beautiful children… if we don’t hear from her by next week we will send out a search party:)

Cya next week:)

Fresh Baked! 7-14

Are you ready for some Fresh Baked Goodies?! They are hot out of the oven and ready for you.

And remember with any purchase over $10 you will get GingerScraps Backyard BBQ for only $1.00!

First up from Wyld Web Designs- Dressup Darlings. So cute! Oh and check out the layout my sister Julie did below.. my nephew Christopher is so darn cute! 🙂

Remember when Mommy’s high heels were the height of sophistication? And certain princesses were the basis for all of your fashion ideals? This kit celebrates every little girl’s favorite past time, playing dress up! With 10 papers and over 40 elements this kit will keep you busy scrapping photos of your favorite little princess.

Here is some inspiration from my fabulous CT:
And Pretty in Green has some more  Puppies to Love, each puppy comes with his favorite toys and a few other items. take good care of your puppy he loves you. New this week is a Basset Hound, Poodle, and a Blue Heeler.
Basset Hound

Blue Heeler


layout by Jen (vcjordi) uses blue heeler love, & summer fun by Pretty in Green, and GingerScraps’ doodle borders

another layout by Jen (vcjordi) useing Poodle Love and I’m a good helper by Pretty in Green

a layout by Pretty in Green using basset hound love & beagle love by Pretty in Green with imaginarium by MandyMade bassethoundkitcopy.jpg
Next up from ScrappyCocoa – this is perfect for the beginner scrapper and the seasoned scrapper. Includes everything you will need for a large variety of layouts.

Introducing a new bundle from ScrappyCocoa! This bundle is called The Littles. It includes 2 full size kits, Little Miss and Little Sir! The full bundle has 32 Papers, 85 Elements, 2 Alphas, and 8 QP’s! Buy them Separate or buy the bundle and SAVE! The bundle is $7, each kit is $4 and the QP Album is $2.50. This collection is perfect for any Little Miss or Little Sir, a little bit classy, a little bit shabby, perfect for all sorts of pictures!
Little Sir

Little Miss

QP Album


The Littles- Bundle


MandyMade is releasing imaginarium this week! Did you know MandyMade is now an exclusive GingerScraps designer!! She is so talented- I am beyond thrilled to have her exclusive to GingerScraps!

When I saw this new kit I said out loud- “Oh my goodness!! That is so cute!” It is huge and on sale for only $3.00 this week!!  I am totally in love with it!! OK that is a lot of exclamation marks. LOL!!!

Here it is- Imaginarium

This is a fun whimsical kit loosely based on the book Alice in Wonderland. Included in this kit are one full alpha, 68 elements and 23 papers. Only sale now for $3.00.


Mandy also has two template packs to make your clustering and paper stacking a breeze!

Swimming In It


Pile It Templates


They are both layered .psd files but as a bonus the Swimming In It set have the wave .pngs included!! Both are on sale for $2.

Challenge Spotlight – T Challenge

My dear photom was the only one to play again last week. I’m having to hunt for goodies I havn’t already given her. Lucky for her I still have a few things up my sleeve. 🙂 I’m so glad you play along Sara! Now if anyone else wants to give her a bit of of a run for the gold, go for it! photom gets this plus a bonus brownie point!

This weeks Challenge to spotlight is the fabulous T challenge! How’s your Alpha book coming? I’m just about ready to get started on Bella’s 1 year alpha book. I love looking at Jaden’s! The A-Z challenge is a great way to help you get that alpha book done for whatever occasion. I’ve seen it done not just for baby books, but for weddings, or for a good way to sum up that year. There’s lots of good uses for a Alpha book! This months letter is of course “T”! Design a layout inspired by the letter “T” and be sure you use the letter “T” somewhere in the layout!
You can earn “U” goodies for completing your “T” layout.

You will also get 1 cookie & can earn 1 brownie point if you use 75% gingerscrap kits!

Here’s the yummy U goodies Jodi made and gathered just for you!

Need some help with some T words? check out my page.

Seriously I just can’t get over how cute that boy was, oh he still is just bigger now. 🙂

Soooo go make your own “T” Layout! Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar). CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!

Is it Too Late to Dish??

Gosh with all my computer issues I am still struggling with this laptop.  I just got all my data backed up and now today I am taking it back in to get totally reformatted.  YUCK!  So forgive me for my tardiness!  On with the dish…..  Last time some on asked for a few favorite recipes.  I am going to share some with you today.  First up is my all time favorite crock pot roast.  It is called To Die For Pot Roast and it is easy peasy!  And with summer and busy schedules its perfect!

To Die For Pot Roast

1 Pkg Hidden Valley Ranch Dressing

1 Pkg. Brown Gravy

1 Pkg. Italian Dressing

1 cup water

1 Pot Roast

Place Pot Roast in the bottom of your crock pot and sprinkle the 3 pkgs of dressing mixes on top of the roast and add your cup of water.  If desired, I am sure you can add onions.  (I am sure I do!)  Let cook on low for 8 hours and serve with rice or potatoes.  So easy!

Stuffed Jalapeono’s

1 pkg cream cheese

2 to 3 cups shredded cheese

2 to 3 garlic cloves minced ( I use fresh)

1 tbs mayonnaise

1/2 cup finely chopped pecans

season to taste ( I use fajita seasoning )

1 Large can of jalapeno halves ( mild if desired or you can rinse to take some of the fire out )  I go straight out of the can!

Mix all ingredient except the jalapeno halves and then stuff the halves with the cheese mixture.  If the slices are thin, you can just put some on top of the thin slices rather than actually stuffing the half.  The pecans help take some of the “heat” out of the jalapenos!

I will try to add a few more recipes in the following weeks.  But for now that will get you started.  Rachael asked about some other programs for scrap booking.  I have tried one from Sam’s club that was just a cheap program and the issues with that is they are so limited.  So I am not one to recommend anything other than Photoshop Elements or PS.  I think there are some other ones that allow “layering” and to me that is the key.  If you want to really personalize your photos you need to be able to layer text and other goodies on your layout to make it truly yours.  I started out on PSE and really for the most part unless you are designing you can get by with it.  The programs are so sophisticated these days.  Oh I forgot about a little free program called Gimp.  That is designed to mimic PhotoShop so I have heard great things about that program.  I have not used it myself.  But I have seen it.  Ok.. well  until next time…Baskets of Blessings!  :)T

Hi friends!! I’ve been out and about enjoying the nice weather! Spending a little less time on the computer but still keeping up on whats going on. For instance…

Spotted in Wilmington NC – ModernJune and the June Bugs!!

Kathy is traveling with her 3 kids to her parents in NC–7hours on the road, 1 mom vs 3 kids… I’m sure I’ll dig up more dirt on this trip… good luck mommy!!!

Have fun Kathy and don’t let their sweet faces fool you!!!

If you’ve wondered where belhepsibah (Sara) has been I’ll tell ya! First of all she’s pregnant. She just found out she’s have a girl! Yay!! As soon as she got into her second tri her hubby left for work training and she was stuck alone and pregnant with a 1 1/2 yr old for 7 weeks! Yikes! What does she do? Road trip! She came and visited her most wonderful bestest friend in the whole world (Rachel A.K.A. Harmony Star) as well as lots of family. Funerals, graduations, this and that so busy. When she returned home and her hubby returned to her she found out she would be moving to New Mexico at the end of July I believe. And so goes the house hunting process. She’s a busy girl and even though she misses her scrapping friends, she is happy, healthy and taking lots of pictures for later scrapping. And we look forward to more pictures and wish Sara a healthy pregnancy!!

Daddy Reunion

Visiting New Mexico

I know I could spend a day drinking Ice Caps and exploring these little shops! Hmmm I think we should help Sara out and come up with some pretty girly names. I really like Olivia, Gwen, Presley, Ada, Meakin, Scotia just to name a few! Do you like unisex, trendy, unique or more traditional names?? I like vintage names… although my hubby tends to prefer more traditional names so we ended up using a more unisex plain Jane names… after all we are not famous and don’t have enough money to be eccentric so no Apples and Sundays in our family… yet:)  What are your favorite baby girl names??