Behind the Scrapbook….

It’s that time of year again!! Whoot Whoot!! The kids are back in school!! Nah nah nah nah nah! Well I know around my house my kids are excited to see all their friends… it’s been a long busy summer so I think I’m ready too:)

Here are Julie’s kids first day back… all smiles!!

Julie has 2 kids in High School!

And Tyler started Kindergarten…with a few tears  He just wants to stay home with Mommy and Daddy and Travis and play.

Yay Tyler!!! I’m sure you’re going to love it!! I’m not sure how it is for everyone else but I have to say I had a really hard time when my kids started school…. they grow up so fast!!!

Anna may not be going to school this year but she also had a big change in her life!

Rachel of Pretty in Green told me about her littlest one’s milestone of getting a big bed. It’s amazing how fast they grow up! Rachel said Ana just loves her new big girl bed, and has slept on it every night sofar. She told me how crazy of a difference it is between her 2 kids Gage screamed and got into everything when he should have been sleeping, and would pass out on the floor. Ana hasn’t screamed once nor has she even gotten out of bed to play, she just sleeps! Isn’t that funny! Look at this adorable layout she made for this milestone ( used kit Rejoice by Terri’s thing o my jigs)

oh and she told me about how she almost lost these pics and a few others but her Sister in law was able to retrive them off her card, thank goodness, these pics are to cute!

Journaling: Such a Big Girl, you were so ready for your
big girl bed! once we laid it down you sat
down on it first and then jumped a few times
then you had to grab your Dora and a blanket
and lay down, you kept saying, nite nite and
pretended to sleep. your such a sweetie. your
first week with the bed you never screamed
once you stayed in bed all night sleeping sound.
you even started to put your self to bed when
mommy would say bed time. your growing up
to fast, your my baby!

SO have your kids hit any milestones lately?? My youngest is in grade 7 this year… so no more elementary school for us anymore… 🙁 Kinda makes me sad!!