Challenge Spotlight – The HeART of it

It’s Monday again! Time to go back to work 🙁 or if you’re lucky like me you get to stay home with the kiddies and maybe even get a chance to do the Spotlight Challenge! Last week Sarah did and won a prize from me with her Busy Bee LO! Great use of photography angles Sarah! Sarah & Sara Bliss both get a Bonus Brownie Point for commenting as well.   Here’s your prize Sarah:

Now onto this weeks Spotlight Challenge! Do you love all the new challenges at Gingerscraps? You know I do! Here’s another great one by Jen called The HeART of it.  This challenge is more about YOU. About recording your thoughts and feelings. For this month Jen has a challenge topic for each week. This week  the topic is:

Week 3 due Aug 23rd: Open Your Eyes
There is always something in our lives that we need to pay closer attention to. Make a page about what you want to “open your eyes” more for. You must include an eye OR a window on your layout.

Here’s some layouts from earlier this month to give you inspiration:

Week 1 due Aug 9th: My Safe Place
Create a page or pages about your safe place. You must include a house or building element somewhere on your layout.

by vcjordi

by vcjordi

by Julie

From week 2:
Week 2 due Aug 16th: Bling it on
Even if you are not a girly girl, there is a part of all of us that wants to be feminine. Make a page about your “bling”, no matter how small, that you do or wear to show your softer side. You must use something sparkly or lacy on your layout.

by vcjordi

I love this idea for getting more about yourself out there in your scrapping. You should try The HeART of it too! Then come back here and post the link to your LO  in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar). CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. As an added bonus, again I will be giving a bonus brownie point to all those that leave a comment! Let me see those comments!


  1. I did all 3 weeks at once, LOL!, but here’s the Week 03 one: