Challenge Spotlight – Your Favorite!

Good day to you all. I got to work at our fair this morning so I’m rather late getting around to this, but here I am! Nothing can keep me away! Lets find out who won last weeks challenge spotlight. *drum roll* and the lucky number is 3! That’s ktkadoo with her Family ’01 LO! Yay! You win my Mommy/Daddy overlays.

Now for the Challenge Spotlight. . . well, see I have a bit of a problem, tomorrow is the end of the month! New challenges will be up this week but not yet SO instead of ME spotlighting a challenge, I want YOU to! If you leave a comment with your favorite challenge and why, I’ll give you 5 bonus brownie points in Sept. cookie jar! In case you’re not sure what I mean I’ll give you an example:
Currently my favorite challenge is the paper to digi Scraplift challenge. This is my current fave because I am having inspiration issues but these great  paper layouts are great for giving me layout ideas!

Now what’s your favorite Gingerscrap Challenge?