Archives for December 2010

Daily Download Day#17

Happy Friday!  Our New Release newsletter will be coming out tomorrow.   We have so much to include we need one more day to show you all the awesomeness!!

3rd Day of Christmas

On the 3rd Day of Christmas the GingerBread Ladies brought to me:

(2 presents so make sure you click both images)

**Links will only be active for 24 hours – no exceptions**

Daily Download Day#16

We hope you have a great Thursday!

2nd Day of Christmas

On the 2nd Day of Christmas the GingerBread Ladies brought to me:

**This link will only be available for 24 hours – no exceptions**

Daily Download Day#15

Happy Wednesday!!

1st Day of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas the Ginger Bread Ladies brought to me:

**Links will only be active for 24 hours — no exceptions**

Daily Download Day#14

Here is your link!

Challenge Spotlight – Sweet Cards

Tis the season to be Jolly! I bet crinkletoast is jolly cause she’r our lucky winner from last weeks challenge spolight with her Christmas Tree LO. Here’s what she won!

This weeks challenge spotlight is Julie’s Sweet Cards. Julie is our local hybrid specialist. This challenge can be strictly digital or hybrid if you so choose. Julie gives you a card template and you do the rest! Here’s the template and her card:

by Julie

 Here’s a couple examples from our Gingersnaps:

by missdamsel

by Sarah-ICS

Lovely aren’t they? Who ever is getting those cards are super lucky. I’m sure they’ll love them! You still have some time if you’d like to make some cards to take to neighbors with a treat even. 🙂 Give the Sweet Card challenge a try! Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).

Bonus – I will give a Brownie point to everyone who comments with their LO link.

 CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!

Daily Download Day#13

Are you getting excited about tomorrow?  You do know what tomorrow is right?  Tomorrow starts our 12 Days of Christmas!

The LOTW winner for this week is FJChickie. Congratulations! Lisa was inspired to create this LO for one of the many fabulous challenges at GingerScraps. Playing along with the challanges at GingerScaps can help you win some prizes too!!

 Click on the image to leave Lisa some love or click here to view her entire Gingerscraps Gallery.

Lisa used Wyld Web Designs’ Elephants Never Forget-Me-Not kit.

You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.

 As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.