Hey there! So glad everyone is liking this amazing kit from Ginger – you can check out more of her work in her store. 🙂
Just a quick reminder – I’ll be taking down the link to Day1 in the morning (because I forgot to remind you yesterday) – so if you have friends that you want to tell about the Daily Download – today is the day! 🙂 They are usually left active for 5 days – so remember to come back often and snag the pieces. 🙂
**Link is Expired**
And one more quick reminder – we are having a speed scrap with Pixels by Jen on Thursday, March 8th at 9pm Central / 10pm Eastern. Hope to see you there!
Have a fabulous day! 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you!
Thank you!
thank you 🙂
thanks so much 🙂
Thank you!
Thanks for days 5-6
Thank you!
Thanks so much!