Sneak Peeks! (and an extra special sneaky sneak!)

Good Morning friends!  Are you ready for today’s sneak peeks? I’ve got ’em AND A BONUS sneak peek! That’s right, get excited!

First we have something new from Pretty in Green, and it’s a hoot (I couldn’t resist)!

I’m pretty much in love with that color pallet and it should go without saying those little owls are too too cute!

Next we have something new by Keep in Touch Designs,

I really love the antiqued feel of the kit and that foliage… oh the leaves! I have a new love for leaves, I NEED to have them!

There are some new templates coming from Twin Mom Scraps, I mean, who doesn’t love a good template!?

(using already released kit by Twin Mom Scraps: Bella Ballet)

I’ve got one more sneak peek from Luv Ewe Designs,

Totally loving the star paper! If it’s got stars it’s generally in my wishlist – it can’t be helped.

That’s what I’ve got for you this morning. Make sure you’re here bright and early tomorrow to see all these (and more!) new releases in the shop! I can’t wait!

Oh, still wondering about that bonus sneak peek? Did you think I’d really leave you hanging like that? It’s too good NOT to share so, here it is!

A new collab, a mix of awesome designers,  that’s right plural!  Are you excited yet? Have I piqued your curiosity? I sure hope so!

Have a happy scrappy Thursday!