Archives for May 30, 2015

DD: May 30

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.



Happy Saturday everyone! Here in the South (US) it is heating up. We have seen near 90 degree (F) days already. Whew. I cannot imagine how hot it is going to be this summer. I find that during the summer, I take more photos & that we do more that finds its way on my layouts. Did you know there was a section in the shop just for all things summer? Ginger and the designers take the guess work out of it for you. I am going to make it even easier. Here are just a smidgen of what the ladies have for all things summer. Hold on to your cute summer hats (images are linked to the store)…

I am telling you, this is just a small look at what is Summer at GingerScraps. You don’t have to limit yourself to themed kits either. Get those summer photos out & let’s get scrapping. Here are some great examples, found in the gallery, that do just that! (as always, images are linked)
