Archives for July 6, 2015

4th of July & Canada Day


Good Monday morning! For those in the states, did you have have a good Independence Day? Canadians, did you have a good Canada Day?! I hope you did and I hope you took lots of photos. I am here today to help take the chore of looking for kits for said photos. We are going to take a look at some of the great digital scrapbooking supplies in the store to scrap those 4th of July and Canada Day photos!

Just like the holiday’s before, we have an entire section dedicated to patriotic digital scrapbooking supplies. If you already have the ones I am about to showcase in your stash or just want something else, make sure to check there. Here are just a few items to get your patriotic layouts scrapped. (all images linked).





Some great designs, right? We would love to see what you are scrapping with our patriotic designs. Make sure you upload your layouts to the gallery. There is a challenge that goes perfectly with these patriotic goodies. There are a lot more patriotic items in July’s Buffet. You can take those July Buffet layouts & take part in the Buffett challenge in the forum! There is also a color challenge this month that would work well with your patriotic layouts! So, get those holiday photos scrapped & links us up!


DD: July 06

The link for this download is no longer available.

Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.