No April Foolin’ at Gingerscraps!

April Fool’s Day! Don’t worry, no tricks! Only good things here at Gingerscraps today! Lots of delicious and fun goodies! A new buffet, a new monthly mix, fresh baked, and so much more!



Sale effective for 24 hours only, will end promptly at 11:59pm EST

It is the First of the month, and that means the revel of our new Buffet!! Don’t forget the new Buffet items will all be 50% off (from the 1-5th of the month)!

*NEW Buffet Bundles* Take a look at our all new Buffet Bundles! Each buffet for 2016 will have a sub category for our Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bunches of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!


The designers all had their own take on what the colors and theme said to them! I love the variety!

The designers definitely each made the palette their own and came up with some gorgeous designs, each unique but working so well with the other designers’ creations

The CT did such a great job showing how well all of the kits blend. They all did wonderful work!

This is just a few of the layouts. Keep an eye out in future newsletters to see more. Maybe even one of yours, if you make sure you put it into the Buffet section of the gallery!

This month, we are welcoming a new guest designer!

*JoCee Designs*


As we do with all designers, we asked her to tell us a little about herself, and this is what she had to share:

I am South African born but have lived in Australia for nearly 22 years… as long as I have been married… to a pommie (Englishman, lol).
I am a graphic designer of many many.. oh too many years to count, and I work in the publishing sector of design, which I love. I work outside of home very part-time, and inside of home… all the time! I work in my hubs business designing custom magazines for our corporate clients, and then I design digital scrapbooking products, which really is my passion. I can pass many hours in front of the screen designing, what I hope, are beautiful and fun products for customers to purchase and create happy memories with.
We have two amazing kids… a gorgeous daughter of 18 who finished school last year and is currently on her gap year in Israel and a handsome son of 15 who is in Year 9 at school (no idea what that correlates to in the USA, but he is 3 years away from completing his schooling).
I am excited to be here at Ginger Scraps and look forward to having some fun with you all.

Here are just a few of her designs!

Woo!! I can’t wait to see more of what she has in store! She also has a great sale going on!

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great collab!

This month’s Monthly Mix is called “Birds Are Singing”! It is a gorgeous kit created by Aprilisa, CathyK Designs, Connie Prince, and Dagis Temp-tations. Time to prepare for the sights and sounds of Spring!


I’m not fooling you! It’s time for a new daily download! But, I can’t show you until I reveal last month’s!

The perfect kit to celebrate any birthday!

And here is this month, a beautiful collab between Cathy K and Dear Friends Designs!


I know I’m going to make sure I do my 10 challenges for THIS, that’s for sure 😀



  1. […] No April Foolin’ at Gingerscraps! – 1 freebie(s)? […]

  2. […] Blog – Store – Buffet Bundles Pinterest – D-YouTube – CT-YouTube […]

  3. […] Blog – Store – Buffet Bundles Pinterest – D-YouTube – CT-YouTube […]