Archives for September 4, 2016

September Featured Designer – Across the Pond

Welcome to September. Seems like the turn of the calendar to September brought cooler weather to my part of the US, but rumor has it the heat is back this week. I have a great treat for you today. I have an interview with our featured designer – Across the Pond. You might be wondering who this is. It’s an awesome collaboration of Seatrout Scraps and Mandy King. I was able to “talk” to both ladies this past week and they have answered my questions. I hope you enjoy getting to know each of them a bit better.

Let’s talk to Mandy first.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I’ve always been fascinated with digital graphics – I distinctly remember being amazed when I discovered that a PNG existed! When my children were very small, paper scrapping seemed messy and overwhelming and I was blown away when I realized the world of digital scrapbooking existed.

What made you decide to design?

I don’t think there was any one thing – I just knew I wanted to from the time I realized it existed.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Photoshop, Art Rage and a nifty little program called Photo Scissors

Describe your design workplace.

Most of the time it’s one of those boring, white folding tables that’s set up in my bedroom, although I have a laptop, so am often found in other parts of the house as well.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

I love coming up with an eclectic mix of things and then seeing how it all comes together.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

That’s tough…probably Bohemian Spirit. I love the colors and the mix of vintage and bright…the whole mindset behind it was so free and, well…bohemian!

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?


Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

I love the mountains – my family used to drive out to Colorado every summer. This past summer my girls and I traveled to the Smoky Mountains and I was able to meet my friend and fellow designer, Rachel Pearce and her husband, Nev. That was special!

Which is your most cherished childhood memory?

I have so many…it’s hard to choose! After losing my mother nine years ago, I’d have to say that anything with her in it is special and cherished.

Do you believe in ghosts?


Who is your celebrity crush?

I don’t really have one, but if you twist my arm, I’d have to say Matthew McConaughey.

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

I don’t, lol. You may find me driving my daughters to the drive thru, but I’m not a big outside-the-house coffee drinker.

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?


Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?

Fiona Treymore. This was the “stage name” I chose as a child when I thought I’d run away and become a broadway star.

What is your favorite pizza topping?

Pepperoni or green olives.

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

Coffee and quiet time with a devotional.

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Hmm…I guess I’d say a fountain Diet Coke – although it’s more of a daily staple than a treat!

What did you want to be when you were small?

A stay-at-home-mom.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

Mow the lawn.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

None of the above…I want someone to do my laundry!!

What would you do if you won the lottery?

See the above question!

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?


Share your favorite recipe with us.

Aunt Patti’s Potato Salad

1 cup Hellman’s Mayo (not Miracle Whip)
2 tablespoons vinegar
1-½ teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon sugar
¼ teaspoon pepper
4 cups cubed, peeled potatoes (5-6), boil with skins on
1 cup celery
½ cup onion
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped

In large bowl stir first 5 ingredients until smooth. Add remaining ingredients and toss to coat well. Cover and chill. Makes 5 cups.

For larger groups, cook 5# potatoes and triple above recipe.

Thanks Mandy!! Be sure to check out her GS Store, her FB page, and her FB Group.

Now let’s chat with Rachel of Seatrout Scraps.

How did you get started in digital scrapbooking?

I was a paper scrapper for a few years and discovered digital scrapbooking by looking at galleries online.

What made you decide to design?

I was doing a lot of layout pages and people started asking me to make templates for them to use from the pages I had made .. and it went from there.

What do you use to create your designs (program, additional tools, etc.)?

Photoshop CC and Illustrator.

Describe your design workplace.

Corner of the sofa.

What is your favorite thing about designing?

Being able to have a creative idea and actually put it into action.

What is your favorite kit currently in your GS store and why?

Usually the last one I make but I do love Lavender and Lace.

What do you do when you are feeling very sad or depressed?

I’m a glass half full kinda gal so tend not to get that way too often.

Which is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

We do a road trip in the USA every year and I love them all, but maybe Wyoming based one where we saw Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore etc.

Do you believe in ghosts?


Who is your celebrity crush?

Timothy Olyphant.

What do you order when you go to Starbucks?

Nearest Starbucks is about 40 miles away + I am not a coffee drinker !!

What is your favorite kind of cookie?

Not into cookies, love a cheese cracker though.

How old were you when you had your first kiss?

Maybe 13 ?

Are you an optimist or a pessimist?


Would you change your name if you could? If so, what would you change it to?


What is your favorite pizza topping?

Ham and Pineapple.

If you could give the world one piece of advice, what would it be?

Stop killing each other.

What do you do to wake up in the morning?

I usually get licked on the face by a small dog .. that wakes me up.

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

Diet Coke.

Which would you rather do: wash dishes, mow the lawn, clean the bathroom, or vacuum the house?

None of the above. Loathe housework.

If you could hire someone to help you, would it be with cleaning, cooking, or yard work?

My husband does all of these so I am covered !!

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Pass Out !!

What’s the most interesting thing you can see out of your office or kitchen window?

My lovely garden, there is always something new.

Thanks Rachel!! Check out her GS Store, her FB page, and her FB group!

And don’t forget to grab the Daily Download each day from our blog. At the end of the month you will have a wonderful kit designed by Mandy and Rachel. Here’s a sneak peek!

Whew! What a post, but how much fun are these two ladies? Have a great day!!