Fresh Baked: November 01, 2017

The weather is taking a definite turn towards colder. Leaves are hanging on by a stem. The smell of fireplaces hangs in the air. Coffee, hot chocolate, and warm cider are the drinks of choice. We’re nearly to peppermint season, but we still have a little time left for pumpkin spice!

It is the First of the month, and that means the revel of our new Buffet!!

Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles, one easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!


The designers all had their own take on what the colors and theme said to them! I love the variety!

The designers definitely each made the palette their own and came up with some gorgeous designs, each unique but working so well with the other designers’ creations

The CT did such a great job showing how well all of the kits blend. They all did wonderful work!

This is just a few of the layouts.

Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab!


We have a new guest for November! Before I get to her, I wanted to let you know that Heather, of Heather Z. Scraps, will be staying here at Gingerscraps for good!! That means more chances to buy her gorgeous kits!

Now to our new guest, Shelley, of Day Dreams ‘n Designs!


We asked for a quick introduction, and she was happy to agree!

First and foremost I am a wife to one amazing man and mother to three beautiful kids, two girls and one boy, ranging from age 5 to 12. They also make me a dance mom, soccer mom, PTA mom and all around taxi driver but we love it all. I have been a designer for almost 3 years now and love love love it! I also enjoy reading, playing board games and going on adventures with my little family. I am so excited to be a guest at GingerScraps this month!

She has some amazing things available in her store! Here are just a few of her favorites:




And she’s having an amazing sale, as well!


This month’s Monthly Mix is called “Falling For Family”! Time to have some family time with this kit created by Dandelion Dust Designs, Pixelily Designs, and Kristmess.


It’s time for the release of a new daily download! Before I can show you the new kit (which is AMAZING), I have to show you October’s (which is GORGEOUS)!


Before you lose that fall spirit, here’s this month’s Daily Download:


Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.

Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!


You don’t have to have a birthday in the winter to enjoy this kit! Join me in completing some challenges!