May Day. Cinco de Mayo. May the Fourth. Mother’s Day. Memorial Day. Last days of school.
May is FULL of fun times and exciting happenings! This month is all about getting out, enjoying some sunshine, and making lots of memories!
Don’t miss out on a chance to scrap those memories with gorgeous kits and wonderful collections!
It is the First of the month, and that means the reveal of our new Buffet!!
Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles, one easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart, and an amazing value too!
The designers all had their own take on what the colors and theme said to them! I love the variety!
The designers definitely each made the palette their own and came up with some gorgeous designs, each unique but working so well with the other designers’ creations
The CT did such a great job showing how well all of the kits blend. They all did wonderful work!
This is just a few of the layouts.
Remember when you spend $10 in the store, you get a great new collab! Just because you’re working on that summer body doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a treat!
April’s Monthly Mix, Bound by Love, was created by Pixelily Designs, Dagi’s Temp-tations, and Scraps N Pieces. Family means everything, and this month is the perfect time to focus on that love!
A new month means a new daily download! I’m really excited to see the layouts that will come out of this kit! But, before I show off the new Daily Download, I just have to share what we had last month!
Celebrate every day!
May’s is just amazing!
Make sure you get all the pieces while you can!
Remember, the download is kept up for 5 days, and then it is taken down. If you miss pieces, the kit will be available for purchase on the first day of the following month.
And our new guest for May is Ilonka of Ilonka’s Designs!
And when we asked for a little bio from her, here is what she had to share:
Hi, I am Ilonka. I am from a small town in The Netherlands and live there close to the sea and the beaches. I started as Ilonka’s Designs in January 2013 with designing templates for digital scrapbooking. At first all templates were freebies, when lot’s of digital scrappers started to use the templates and liked working with them it became more serious. At the end of March 2013 I opened my first store and only a few weeks later a I got a change to open a second store. At first the stores were filled with only template packs, soon after the opening of the second store my I released my first scrapkit. Up till now the main focus is still on designing scrapkits and template packs. The style of my scrapkits is classic and realistic or a mix of realistic elements mixed with illustrated elements.
And here are just a few things that she has in her store!
And she has a great sale going on as well:
Remember, if you complete 10 challenges, just ten, you get a free kit as well!!
Think positive and focus on the good things in life!