April 15, 2022: Fresh Baked & BAKE SALE!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful week. 

Have you seen the Free With Purchase kit for April? Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free.

Now, let’s see what great new items the designers have for us this week.

Who is ready for the $1.00 Bake Sale!? Here are the $1.00 deals we have for you this month: 

Have you started your challenges yet? Just complete 10 challenges and get this full kit as a reward.


April 8, 2022: Fresh Baked

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful week.

Have you seen the Free With Purchase kit for April? Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free.

Now, let’s see what great new items the designers have for us this week.

Have you started your challenges yet? Just complete 10 challenges and get this full kit as a reward.



GingerScraps: BIG Sale, NEW Buffet, New FREE collab, & MUCH MORE!

Hold onto your spring hats my fellow scrappers, it’s a big day at GingerScraps. When the first of the month falls on a Friday, it’s always a big deal. But when it’s on April 1st, it’s even better.

Make sure your checkout is complete prior to the close of the sale, as soon as the clock strikes midnight the sale prices will disappear.

Now, let’s look at the April Buffet. Don’t forget to check out the Buffet Bundles. One easy click to add bundles of Buffet goodies to your cart.

These colors are so pretty as you can see from the themes in the kits below. The designers did a great job with these.

Next let’s see what is new for this week’s Fresh Baked items.

Remember any $10 spent in the store gets you this great collab. I love to read so I’m going to have to make sure I get this one.

What a perfect kit for those Easter pictures. It’s a {farmhouse easter} for the Monthly Mix.

Now to the April Sneak Peek. This month’s Daily Download is from Miss Fish Templates (but it’s more than templates).

Take a look at the new challenge reward kit. If you complete any 10 challenges this month, you get this gorgeous collab as a reward!

Did you make it through all of that! Have a great April 1st!!

March 25, 2022: Fresh Baked and Scrap-a-Thon Continues!

It’s almost the end of the month and the GingerScraps Scrap-A-Thon is almost over, but it’s not too late to join! There are so many amazing prizes and rewards, you won’t want to miss it!

Forum link to Scrap-A-Thon : https://forums.gingerscraps.net/forumdisplay.php?2205-Scrap-A-Thon-2022

Please make sure you give yourself plenty of time to upload all your wonderful challenge layouts. See the forum post about gallery upload limits.

Don’t forget. Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free!

There are some really great new kits in the store this week.

Are you getting your challenges uploaded. Check out the link above for Gallery upload limits. You get this great kit as a reward for ten completed challenges.

March 18, 2022: Fresh Baked and Scrap-a-Thon Continues!

Happy Friday. Even though our wishlist contest is over, the GingerScraps Scrap-A-Thon is in full swing and it’s not too late to join! There are so many amazing prizes and rewards, you won’t want to miss it!

Forum link to Scrap-A-Thon : https://forums.gingerscraps.net/forumdisplay.php?2205-Scrap-A-Thon-2022

Don’t forget. Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free!

We’re starting to see a lot of Spring in our designer previews.

How are your challenges going? Are you trying to do them all this month as part of the Scarp-a-Thon? The kit below is your reward for completing ten challenges.

March 11, 2022: Fresh Baked and Scrap-a-Thon Continues!

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and the Luck of the Irish with us here at GingerScraps as we host our annual WIN YOUR WISH LIST CONTEST!!

Visit the forum for all the details : https://forums.gingerscraps.net/showthread.php?62537-Are-You-Feeling-Lucky-WIN-YOUR-WISH-LIST-CONTEST!!!-2022

The GingerScraps Scrap-A-Thon is in full swing and it’s not too late to join! There are so many amazing prizes and rewards, you won’t want to miss it!

Forum link to Scrap-A-Thon : https://forums.gingerscraps.net/forumdisplay.php?2205-Scrap-A-Thon-2022

Don’t forget. Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free!

There are so many great new kits in the store this week!



How are your challenges going? Are you trying to do them all this month? The kit below is your reward for completing ten challenges.

March 4, 2022: Fresh Baked and Scrap-a-Thon

Happy Friday my scrapping friends!

We are so excited for the new SCRAP-A-THON

Click on the graphic or the link above to take you right to the fun!

Don’t forget. Spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free!

Let’s see what our designers have this week. I’m seeing some St. Patrick’s Day green popping in!



Have you gotten started on your challenges for the Scrap-a-Thon? This is one of the great kits you will get for completing challenges.

February 25, 2022: Fresh Baked and Fun News

Happy Friday Everyone!!!

As many of you already know, after 13 years of Scrapping Survivor competitions Ginger has decided to do a new event this March. I know how much you all loved Scrapping Survivor but as the community has grown, it just became totally overwhelming for not only Ginger but for you all as well (based on the forum thread asking for feedback), the posting, voting, alliances … it all just became too much. So, our new annual March event will be …. drum roll please … The GingerScraps Scrap-A-Thon!! This will be a much more relaxed, work at your own pace, no voting, no sign ups, an event full of inspiring each other, lifting each other up and all based on the current monthly challenges! It will kick off on March 1st, stop by the forum for all the details. Believe me, you are NOT going to be disappointed with this new event!

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this kit for free.

Let’s see what our designers have this week!

How are those challenges? Any 10 completed challenges will get you this great kit as a reward.

Don’t forget to grab this part of the newsletter hop!

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://bit.ly/3BaUkup

Fresh Baked: February 18, 2022

Hello lovely scrappers! We have a special treat for you, our 2022 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our designers newsletters and collect tons of fun free goodies!

All you need to do is sign up to receive the list of newsletters BEFORE February 22, 2022.
Please visit the GingerScraps forum thread for a complete list of all the participating designers!
{2022} Newsletter Hop!

*REMEMBER* scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter for your freebie from the site.

Don’t forget you can get this awesome kit for free when you spend $10  in the store.

Let’s see what our designers have for us this week.

Have you grabbed the February Monthly Mix? It’s got some fun elements.

How are those challenges going? Complete 10 challenges and get this kit as a reward.

Don’t forget to grab your newsletter freebie as part of the hop. 

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://bit.ly/3BaUkup

Fresh Baked: February 11, 2022

Another Friday and some fun stuff from us.

Hello lovely scrappers! We have a special treat for you, our 2022 Newsletter Hop!
You can hop around our designers newsletters and collect tons of fun free goodies!

All you need to do is sign up to receive the list of newsletters BEFORE February 22, 2022.
Please visit the GingerScraps forum thread for a complete list of all the participating designers!
{2022} Newsletter Hop!

*REMEMBER* scroll down to the bottom of the newsletter for your freebie from the site.

Remember, spend $10 in the store and get this great kit for free. What is your {cup of love}? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate?

I’m starting to see some spring kits float into our Fresh Baked. Anyone else ready for spring?

How are those challenges coming along? Complete any 10 of our 31 monthly challenges to get this kit as a reward.

Don’t forget to grab your Newsletter Hop Freebie!!

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://bit.ly/3BaUkup