Designer Spotlight (November 2021)

Jumpstart Designs!

How the heck is it November already? Before we know it, Christmas will be here… and Jan won’t be ready. Given! New month, new Designer Spotlight. This month I’m chatting with Sheri, the creative mind behind Jumpstart Designs. Sheri is a relative newcomer to GingerScraps, but I’ve known her for years and was so happy when she joined our little digi-family. (She might not remember, but once upon a time I was on her creative team.) Our chat went sort of like this…

J: Sheri, let’s get the business part of this out of the way first. Tell me how long you’ve been designing.

S: Ten years this last July!

J: Wow, you’ve done a TON of designing in that time. Your (amazing) portfolio is HUGE! Where do you do your best work?

S: Our main family room is kind of long so I use one end of it for my office because I have windows on two sides that keeps this beautiful fall sunshine coming in. I have a desk with three large monitors because I’ve always got Photoshop, Illustrator, multiple folders, and several different browsers and tabs open all the time. I generally have music or television streaming in the background. I just recently purchased a new PC system and a stand-alone disk station. My “techie” son keeps my system in optimal working order, and I have no idea how I would do this without his help because it seems like something is always needing to be fixed or tweaked. I also have a tablet and just recently got an iPad so I can play around in Procreate. I keep my work area very organized because my brain is already in chaos mode, and I need all the structure I can get. Oh look! A shining thing! Or in my case… another email, memo, new event to add to the design calendar, or another deadline I’m running close to. I’m a great planner, but not nearly as good about keeping on top of it.

J: I think you do a brilliant job of keeping all those balls in the air. We’ve got the where, now let’s talk about the why. What inspires and motivates you?

S: Color, and spending time on Pinterest and similar sites. I always have a bunch of ideas of what I’d like to design and do differently but finding the extra time to play around with new ideas doesn’t seem to happen very often.

J: The way you use colour has always drawn me to your designs… which explains why I have a gigantic folder of your stuff. I won’t get into the whole Pinterest rabbit hole! Which of your current collections is your favourite and why?

S: EARLY AUTUMN WHISPERS. Fall is my favorite time of year and I wish it could stay autumn all year long! I try to enjoy every minute of this season before the cold and snow sets in.

J: Ooh, that’s a beautiful one! Oh look… it’s in my Downloads folder. How did that get there? 😉 Tell me, what one word would your family and friends use to describe you?

S: Probably “smart ass”. LOL (oops, that’s two words)

J: Right… okay! So what would you do if you won the lottery?

S: Probably buy just enough property in the mountains to build a few little homes so my kids and grandkids could all live with me forever. If I had my way, they’d be with me no matter how old they get! Oh yeah…. And I guess saving for retirement might also be good idea so I don’t have earn a living until my last dying breath.

J: We did something like that after my mother-in-law passed away. Except that our grandkids don’t live anywhere nearby and we haven’t seen them in a long time. But we have the mountains! And we’re both retired, so there’s that. Next up, a really odd question that I found on a human resources website: Are you more likely to sing, or to dance, in the shower?

S: Neither! I’d probably trip and fall over the edge of the tub, and God help anyone who’d have to hear my voice! That’s one talent I did NOT inherit from my parents. They were both musical and had a country-western band for many years. They were even good enough to play for President Ronald Reagan when he came through town back in the day, but it’s better for everyone if I don’t attempt singing myself! LOL

J: Wow! How cool is that? I love country music. But can you play a musical instrument?

S: I played the piano for many years but haven’t touched one in a long time. I also bang on our bongo drums now and then and have always thought it would be fun to be a drummer.

J: A minute ago you mentioned your parents and your grandkids. Speaking of both previous and succeeding generations, if you could travel through time, would you go forward, or back? Why?

S: BACK IN TIME for sure! I’m not too thrilled with society these days. I think we’ve lost our collective minds and I fear for how things will be for my children and grandchildren. I miss the good old days when most people valued self-reliance, integrity, and knew how to be respectful of others.

J: I hear you. We’ve really lost the best part of our society, where we all looked out for each other. There was a lot to be said for how much more respectful the world was a few decades ago. What has been the best compliment you’ve ever received?

S: That I must be a good mother because my children are awesome! Some days I question my parenting, but I’ll take that compliment any day!

J: Yes! I ‘ve always said our jobs as parents is to raise responsible, independent and genuine adults, with a good helping of courtesy and caring for others. What would your dream car be?

S: I’m an SUV sort of gal but ultimately I’d just like one that’s paid for, haha.

J: Hahaha! No car payment is a good place to be. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

S: Homemade tacos! Actually, anything Mexican with lots of cheese!

J: YUM!! Too bad I took pork chops out for supper tonight. Now, if you could have one superpower which one would you choose?

S: Being able to make time stand still.

J: Just think how much more we could get done in a day! (Or not. I’d probably just curl up with a book!) Aside from necessities, what one thing could you not go a day without?

S: Hugs from my grandkids!

J: I adore kids. All kids. If you came with a warning label, what would it say? Mine would say “Harmless old woman who WILL talk to your children in the grocery store”.

S: WARNING: Subject prone to sarcasm!

J: Maybe that’s why we get along! Last question, maybe the most difficult. Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?

S: No clue but several years ago I was told that I looked like Jaime Pressly so many times that I finally had to watch that sitcom called “My Name Is Earl” just to see who she was. I think the only resemblance was in the “dumb blonde ponytail” I did sometimes. LOL

I don’t know anything about her, but I’d love to have her figure!

J: I can see the resemblance! I love the role she plays in “Mom“.

So ladies, Sheri’s entire store will be 50% off for the month, on top of her free Daily Download and Jumpstart Your Layout Challenge kit (and I can’t wait for them!!), maybe with some minor adjustments around Black Friday. She has given me permission to share a bunch of links with you, too. She has a highly-talented creative team, and you can see their work in Sheri’s Gallery. [Remember, whenever you see coloured text in my posts and it’s not someone’s name, there’s a hyperlink attached – just click and go!]


Facebook (and TWO freebies!! Here and here.)



Thanks for chatting with me, Sheri! Enjoy your time in the Spotlight!!

Weekly Wrap-Up: March 18, 2012

Sarah here!! How ya doing? I’m a little spread thin, I swear. Today, I have Girl Scouts. Second to last official meeting for that. I’m both sad and excited. After that, we have one more meeting, and THREE trips. I’m sadly only going on one of those. But Madison (my daughter) is going on all three. I’m excited for her.

Speaking of children (and excitement), and part of the reason I’m just spread out so thinly: March 17. Y’all know it as St. Patrick’s Day. Well, we know it as Oh Crap! He’s Aging Up! AKA, my son Ethan’s birthday. This year, he turned SEVEN. To celebrate, we bought a new car. Okay, that wasn’t really a celebration, but he got to see a Camaro, which made him happy, I think.

075/366 [2012] - Little Boy and His Dream

So, that’s what’s new with me. 😀 If anyone is paying attention, no, we didn’t buy the Camaro. We bought a 2011 Chevrolet Malibu. Program car, so GM-certified everything inside when it comes to maintenance, and 7500 miles, or so (a little more, but still *sweet*)

[Read more…]

What’s Going On Around Gingerscrap? Week of Feb. 19

Hi! Sarah here! I’m new to the blogging/ad team of Gingerscraps! I’m not new to the whole team, though. I’m part of Creations by Julie & Pretty in Green’s CTs. I’m also part of the store CT. So, when I say I love GS, I think it’s pretty obvious!!

Starting this week, and hopefully each and every Sunday, I’m going to give a run-down on what’s been happening at Gingerscraps for the past week. That means the Facebook & at the forum itself 😀

So, we’ll start with a few of the challenges that are happening.

A new template challenge has started. This half of the month is hosted by JoyLynn of Blue Heart Scraps. The template is just gorgeous!

Awesome, right? Make sure you check out the challenge!

We also have the awesome hybrid challenge. Hybrid has become a big thing around the digi-scrap world! Enough so that even Gingerscraps had to create a hybrid CT :O Pretty cool right! This month’s hybrid challenge is all about the love notes! [Read more…]

The Dish: Serving up…. Amamda/ PhotoCowGirl

I am serving up Amanda aka PhotoCowGirl today!


She is our feature GingerBread Lady this month, and you know what that means! She has an amazing Grab Bag for you for the month of April.  **This product will be automatically added to your cart with any purchase of $10.00 or more! **

Grab Bag Photocowgirl

This set of THREE brand new products can be yours for FREE this month! With any $10 purchase in the Gingerscraps store, this grab bag is yours for FREE! Simply make any $10 purchase in a single transaction in the month of April 2011 and you will receive this grab bag absolutely FREE! These three products will cost you $8.00 next month in the PhotoCowGirl store, get this deal while you can!

So lets get to know more about the lovely Amanda….

Ginger: Part of being the Monthly Feature means I put you under the microscope, and find out all about you 🙂 You ready to Dish!?
…. well it is lunch time here (right now with I am typing this) So for my first question…. What should I have for lunch today? lol What is your favorite Lunchtime meal?

Amanda: I am a big soup and pasta fan, but darling hubby is very meat and potatoes.  So whenever we don’t get to eat lunch with him, we often have soup or pasta.  My favorite: homemade fettuccine Alfredo

Ginger: Mmmmm I love fettuccine Alfredo!! So yummy!
Now I have food on the brain, What is your favorite flavor of ice-cream?

Amanda: DQ’s Triple Chocolate Cookie Dough Blizzard.  My hubby brought me one right after my 2nd daughter was born.  I swear it can heal anything!

Ginger: I have actually never had a Blizzard…. but now I think I will make sure I do 🙂 Sounds delicious!
OK, what is your least favorite food?

Amanda: Hominy.  I can’t even stand the way it smells.

Ginger: Honestly I dont even know what that is. LOL. Hopefully that will not be served at your Easter Dinner this year? (did you like the smooth transition!) Tell us about your favorite Easter memory?

Amanda: When I was a child. Easter egg hunting with my cousins!  Now, we visit myparents and go to church as a family.  You don’t realize how important family is until you become a parent.

Ginger: I so agree with you! Traditions are so important, and photos of it all just as important 😉 ok now, I want to see a childhood photo of you! If you can dig up an Easter photo that would be awesome!

Amanda: Oh, Ginger you’re killing me.  You know, I don’t have a single photo of my childhood, outside of baby pics in my baby book.  They are all at my parents.  You are missing out too, because I was a cute kid.  Tell you what though, I will dig one up next time I’m at home and post it in the forum.

Ginger: I will hold you to that 🙂 Tell us about your family now? (kids, ages, etc)

Amanda: I have 2 girls, 3 years & 7 months.  I’ve been married – going on almost 5 years – to a man I met locked out of his dorm room in nothing but a towel… talk about fate.

Ginger: Oh my! That is so funny! Can we see a family photo pretty please?

Amanda: I hate to admit this, but I do not have a family photo of all of us.  My hubby likes to run and hide from the camera and I’m usually behind it   Thanks for the reminder that I need one, and here’s a layout I made of my two favorite girlies to hold you over until I get one:

Credits: Kit, Memory Keeper by Designs by Helly; template, by Busy Bee

Ginger: LOVE the Layout though, so precious! How about some more….Can you share with us 2 of your favorite Layouts and tell us a little about each?

Amanda: This is my all time favorite layout:
credits: In The Wild by Ziggle Designs

Ginger: Oh my goodness! I love that! Wonderful journaling!
And now Amanda the Designer! PhotoCowGirl… Why did you choose that as your designer name?

Amanda: Well, I don’t want to say I stole it, but I’d heard of a photographer called the FotoCowboy.  I liked the idea behind it so I used it as my login name when I first started hanging around the scrapbook forums.  I never got creative enough to think of another one when I started designing.  Although, in all honesty, it fits.  I’m not sure I’d classify myself as a hardcore cowgirl, but I love to take pictures and I’m a country girl – with a horse.

Ginger: Thief! haha just teasing 🙂 It totally does fit your style perfectly.
Can you share with us your 2 favorite products, I know it is like picking a favorite child.. but do your best 🙂



I’ll spare you the 3 pages explanation of why they are my favorite.

Ginger: Beautiful!!  Well.. it looks like you survived! Yahoo!! I want to thank you again for being our March Feature Designer! And I hope all you readers out there rush on over to the GingerScraps Shop, and fill your cart (with at least $10.00 worth of goodies) so you can get Amandas AWESOME Grab Bag!

The Dish: Serving up…. Charmaine of Wyld Web Designs

Hello my lovely GingerScraps Friends and Family,

It has been a while since my last “The Dish” post. But it was worth the wait, I have the wonderful Charmaine of WyldWeb Designs in the hot seat today. So without further ado…. here she is…..

First of all I want to thank you for being our March feature! Your Grab Bag is amazing!!!

This set of FOUR brand new products can be yours for FREE this month! With any $10 purchase in the Gingerscraps store, this grab bag is yours for FREE! Simply make any $10 purchase in a single transaction in the month of March 2011 and you will receive this grab bag absolutely FREE! These four products will cost you $11 next month in the Wyld Web Designs store, get this deal while you can!

**This product will be automatically added to your cart with any purchase of $10.00 or more! **
Take a look at a few Layouts made using the delicious goodies in this Grab Bag!

Ginger: Part of being the Monthly Feature means I get to poke and prod and ask you embarrassing questions 🙂 mawhahahahaha 🙂
Are you ready??

Char: I guess I am….no wait, I need my tin foil hat first…ok, check, let’s ride!

Ginger: ha.. you think tin foil can keep me out! you have not idea the greatness of my powers……lol
So for my first question I will go kinda easy on ya, Name two things you consider yourself very good at?

Char: Let’s see, first I think I am very good at my real life job as a pharmacist. I have a way of talking to people that make them feel like they are visiting a friend instead of their pharmacist. Second….I learn very quickly. I pick up new skills easily and am able to teach them to others. Like Photoshop!

Ginger: The friendly neighborhood drug dealer huh?? hmm…. I bet you could Photoshop some of those prescription labels to have my name on them right 😉 give me some good stuff woman. lol. I am so kidding. I just couldn’t resist.
Name two things you consider yourself very bad at?

Char: Uh, well, cleaning. Very, very bad at cleaning. I have a lady who comes to clean every couple weeks and I’m surprised she hasn’t fired ME yet! Also very, very bad at anything requiring coordination. I’m a huge klutz! For example, anything requiring the pouring of liquids at work, the other girls take care of….they know I will just spill it if they make me do it!

Ginger: Too bad you can’t Photoshop your house and “clean” it that way! We would have some sparkling clean houses!
Share with us your most memorable childhood injury?

Char: Ooooh, can I share two? I have two really nasty ones! And remember, you asked! The first one was when I was out in the back of our acreage with my dad and he was building me a tree fort. He kept saying, “be careful”, “don’t step there”, etc. You know, typical dad stuff. Well I wasn’t listening and I stepped on a board with a nail sticking out of it! Yep, went straight through my second toe, almost sliced it off! Looking back it is pretty funny, but I kind of fainted when I saw my toe flopping around! The second is when I was being a klutz (imagine that) and I tripped while bringing my dishes into the kitchen from dinner. I fell on top of my dishes and a piece of glass got lodged in my left knee. We didn’t know it at the time though, the doctor said he didn’t see anything. It wasn’t until about 5 years later when I bent my leg to put my sock on one morning and the piece of glass POPPED out of the front of my knee! It was nasty, it was like ¾ of an inch long, it was still in there!!

Ginger: Oh my goodness! That is insane!! I bet your parents freaked out too!
When you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up?

Char: A veterinarian. I loved animals a lot and we had chickens, dogs, cows, pigs, cats, bunnies, you name it!

Ginger: Cute, I grew up with a lot of animals too. It is a fun way to grow up! Ok now, I want to see a childhood photo of you! And tell us about the photo as well.

Char: This is probably my favorite photo of me as a kid. I thought I was super cute here! I was about 2 years old I think. I got all goofy looking and awkward around 5 and didn’t improve much until around 16!!

Ginger: Oh how adorable!! You are so cute!!
Tell us about your family now? (kids, ages, etc)

Char: I have been married to my sweetheart of a husband Stephen for almost 7 years now. We have three beautiful babies together. Lilah is my pretty little princess, she is 5½ and loving kindergarten. Casey is my middle child, he is my rough and tumble little buddy and a lover of all things cars and Legos. He is almost 4 and keeps me very busy. Quentin is my baby, he just turned 1 year old. He is the busiest of all three of them, he started crawling earlier than the other two did and gets into everything, but has the sweetest curls and dimples you ever saw on a child!

Ginger: I can not believe Quentin is already one year old! And can I just say on a side note….. readers, you must go look at Char’s gallery! Her children are soooo stinkin cute!!
So tell us, How did you and your hubby meet?

Char: We actually met online! It’s like the singles bar for the new millennium. We played an online game called Everquest and started “questing” together. We spent a lot of time chatting online, then on the phone…then started meeting in person. Well I guess it’s kind of working out, after more than 8 years of being together and three children later!

Ginger: Oh my goodness- you have to go check out the show The Guild. It is on streaming Netflix too, It is pretty darn funny!
I want to see a wedding photo! Come on… lets see you cute little love birds!

Char: This is my favorite picture of our wedding photos. Sadly, this is a scanned in photo, we didn’t have our pictures done on a digital camera because that wasn’t quite the norm back then. So we are a little yellow in there. Jeez, someone should Photoshop that picture *snicker*

Ginger: Awe, so sweet 🙂 You are totally glowing. Just beautiful!
So I am guessing your amazing family is probably your inspiration for scrapping? Can you share with us 2 of your favorite Layouts and tell us a little about each?

Char: Yes, for sure they are my inspiration! I take pictures specifically to scrap with certain kits sometimes! Let’s see if I can pick just two…
I think I have to pick this recent layout, because it was done of Quentin and his crazy curly hair! You can’t look at that hair and not want to “sproing” those curls!

gallery link

And I guess this is another favorite of mine because I LOVE Halloween! It is so fun with little ones to anticipate the day and my kids love it just as much as I do!

gallery link

Ginger: And now Charmaine the Designer! Wyld Web Designs… Why did you choose that as your designer name?

Char: Well it’s a thoroughly uncreative reason actually! My husband Stephen owns his own business as a web designer. His username for years online has been “awyldknght” so “Wyld Web Designs” is actually named for his online persona. At least this way I didn’t have to get a separate business license or anything!

Ginger: Smart thinking 🙂 Can you share with us your 2 favorite products, I know it is like picking a favorite child.. but do your best 🙂

Char: My gosh, it IS like picking a favorite child! I guess I will have to say that So Much Cooler Online is one of my favorites because I spend so much time online! It kind of captures a bit about my everyday life in this kit!
ct images:

And I think I would have to pick Elephants Never Forget-Me-Not as my other favorite. It was the first kit where I really felt like my style “came together” and gelled!
ct images:

Ginger: I LOVE both of those!! Do you have any upcoming products you would like to give us a sneak peak of?

Char: Ha, you think I work that far ahead? I can give you a look at my latest release though!

Ginger: Haha, I love the “Not So Lucky” Rabbit! That is so clever!!
Well.. it looks like you survived! Yahoo!! I want to thank you again for being our March Feature Designer! And I hope all you readers out there rush on over to the GingerScraps Shop, and fill your cart (with at least $10.00 worth of goodies) so you can get Charmaine’s AWESOME Grab Bag!

Char: Thanks for having me, I like to talk about my favorite subjects: me, my family and scrapping!

The Dish: with GingerScraps- Serving up… GingerScraps Street Magazine New Staff!

We are so thrilled to announce the very first staff of our new digital and hybrid collaboration magazine!  We sorted through so many wonderful applications and would like to thank all of you who shared your talents with us.  We will be calling for a super Creative Team later this week!  If you love to play with all things digital, keep an eye out for more details!

We selected 9 fabulous staffers to lead our newest publication.  Please help me welcome:

Julie Ann Shahin

Blog: Julie Ann Shahin 

Jeannie DeGruccio

Maria Snell

Blog: MariaS

Jodi Dolbel

Sara Frisch

K Andrew

Casey Thompson

Sara McCarthy


Our first issue of the GingerScraps Street Magazine will hit your inboxes on January 1, 2011.

The December issue of the ScrapStreet Magazine is available now!

Current Issue

Subscribe for free!

Calls List

The Dish: with GingerScraps- Serving up… The Daily Digi!

Iam so excited to Serve Up our feature today!!! I am a devoted fan and I am sure you all will be too once you check them out!!

The Dish: with GingerScraps- Serving up… The Daily Digi!

The Daily Digi is a truly unique site! Bringing you tutorials, reviews, inspiration, and some awesome goodies (I will tell you more about the goodies in a minute)! Recently The folks at The Daily Digi teamed up with producer Israel Hyman, together they created The Paperclipping Digi Show, a weekly podcast all about digital scrapbooking!  Subscribe to The Paperclipping Digi Show Podcast in iTunes by clicking THIS LINK.  Listen to the team discuses all digi scrap topics, with some of this industries most influential designers and scrapbookers. And never miss an episode, and with the iTunes subscription!  You can have all of them saved right in your iTunes to listen to anytime you want.

Now let me tell you a bit about The Daily Digi goodies-

The Digi Game (A combo pack of  The PlayBook AND The Digi Files)

Get Your Digi Game On
Get Your Digi Game On!

  • The Digi Game is a subscription to The Digi Files and Playbook. The Digi Files are a collection of 7 digital scrapbooking collections contributed by different designers in the community. Each designer contributes product worth a retail value of at least $5 and 6-7 designers contribute each month (yes, you really get over $30 of supplies for only $5 total).  This allows you to try new-to-you designers at a low risk, get products from some loved designers at a very low price and it helps the designers find new customers. Your subscription also includes a new issue of the Playbook each month. With a subscription, your account is automatically charged each month and downloads added to your account. As a subscriber to The Digi Game, you also get access to exclusive collaborations every four month’s that you are subscribed. A monthly subscription is $7.50 per month. Click The Digi Game to sign up today.

So What is the PlayBook? (As answered by The Daily Digi Queen- Steph)

  • The Playbooks were started because my team would post these beautiful layouts and we would often ask each other, “How did you….?” I thought how cool it would be for other digital scrappers to be a “fly on the wall” in our forum. It snowballed into the idea of the Playbook which is now an interactive ebook that includes layouts created by our team members and the special techniques or tips they used in creating them. The Playbook also includes at least one “Play-by-Play” (step-by-step) tutorial each month. We also include a couple of free gifts in each book as well.

It doesn’t matter if you have been digital a long time or are brand new, there is always something for everyone in the Playbooks

  • The Daily Digi also have a category called “Gift For You” on their site, yahoo freebies! Also, if you sign up for our newsletter, you will get links to two of the older Playbooks (there is also a link on the information page for a 3rd Playbook) and some free gifts from designers around the community via email every couple of weeks after signing up!! Sign up for the newsletter HERE.
  • And one last thing- The Daily Digi also has an App for your iPhone or iPod!

Now.. wouldn’t you all like to get to know the Queen of The Daily Digi? I am happy to introduce to you- Steph~

I am Steph, (a.k.a islandmom, Fontologie, by Steph).  I am first, (and most importantly) a mom to 3 kiddies and a wife to my wonderfully supportive husband.  When I am not scrapbooking or working at TDD, I love to do anything that will create great memories for my kids, especially traveling, playing Rock Band, swimming, and going to movies.

I have been a scrapbooker literally, almost my whole life.  I learned all about “archival” scrapbooking in 1994, but even then used a lot of computer clipart on my layouts.  Little did I know then that I was a hybrid scrapper!

I started scrapbooking on my computer in full in 2003, but didn’t discover digital scrapbooking communities and all they have to offer until 2004, after reading a special issue of Memory Makers Magazine.  I truly love this hobby and have found so much joy in preserving my family’s memories digitally.  I have been honored to serve on creative teams for Michelle Coleman, Nancie Rowe Janitz, ScrapArtist, Hollie McCaig, Gina Cabrera of Digital Design Essentials, Dani Mogstad, Janet Phillips, and Shabby Princess.  I have also had layouts and hybrid projects published by Simple Scrapbooks and Digital Scrapbooking Magazines.  In 2007, I started my own font business called Fontologie (sold in the store here at TDD).

I joined Janet Phillips in late 2008 to launch THE DAILY DIGI on January 1, 2009 and purchased the site from her a year later.  I am so excited to be moving forward with this site that Janet and I both put our hearts into for a whole year!

Ginger- Can you share with us two of your favorite Layouts?

Steph- Sure! This LO is still one of my faves 4 years later: (Click Link for credit info)

And another: (Click Link for credit info)

Ginger~ Wow wonderful Layouts Steph!! I LOVE the second one, it is always a challenge to fit many photos on one Layout, you did and Amazing job~ fitting so many photos on the LO yet still my eye is drawn to each and every photo!

One thing I love to do for The Dish, is get a favorite recipe from my guest. Can you share with us something that makes your taste buds do the happy dance??

Steph~ If you haven’t ever had Baked Potato Soup, you NEED to!!  This is a recipe that EVERYONE eats!!  I have made it for in-laws, cousins, friends, and usually take it into friends when they are sick or just had surgery.  I always hear the same thing, “That soup really hit the spot!  Can I get the recipe?”  I took a big pot into a friend after she had surgery and she said it was the only thing she ate for 5 days straight (and still talks about it 10 years later)  Here it is:

Baked Potato Soup

4 large potatoes, baked
After cooling, scoop out pulp

2/3 c. butter or margarine
2/3 c. flour
6 c. milk
3/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
4 green onions chopped
12 slices bacon, cooked and crumbled
1-1/4 cup shredded cheese, divided
1  – 8 oz. carton sour cream

Melt butter, add flour to create a roux, add milk.  Stir constantly until thickens. Add salt, pepper, half of the cheese, and the sour cream, stir until cheese and sour cream are melted and mixed in.  Add potato pulp, cook until heated.

Serve with bacon,  green onions, and remainder of cheese.

Ginger~ Oh my goodness!! That looks soooo yummy! So.. if I have surgery will you FedEx me some? LOL I guess I can forgo going under the knife and make it myself. It actually doesn’t sound too hard.

Now lets get on to some scrapping questions. What program do you use to scrap?

Steph~ Mostly PSCS3 (PhotoShop Creative Suite 3)

Ginger~ What inspires you to scrap? The Photos or The Products?

Steph~ I get inspired by both. Sometimes, I will see a product that I love and think of photos that will go with it. Sometimes I get lucky and have a great photo that I can’t wait to scrap. Even more though, I am inspired by the memories that I want to document whether it’s the photos or the products that help me tell my story, it’s all good!

Ginger~ I am totally the same way. Either, Or, I love it all! Share with us your favorite tip of trick in creating digi LO’s.

Steph~ Be authentic to yourself! Don’t spend a lot of time trying to imitate others if it doesn’t feel right or make you happy! No matter what your style is, you find fulfillment in it, stick with it!!

Ginger~ That is such good advice!!  What is your Least favorite Digi job?

Steph~ If you listen to Paperclipping Digi Show, you KNOW it’s editing photos!! I would just rather spend that time scrapping!

Ginger~ I actually did know the answer to that one already 😉 as I am a PodCast Stalker! haha. What is one thing you Wish someone would invent or create?

Steph~ I wish someone would invent a way to use Photoshop in real life (recoloring, resizing, undo, the healing brush…it would be great!)

Ginger~ Ahhh the healing brush tool, such a wonderful little tool!  What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

Steph~ My kids spontaneously telling me they love me.

Ginger~ Totally! That is the Best!! What is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

Steph~ I have been very fortunate and traveled quite a bit through my life. My parents really believed in giving us experiences instead of things (and the fact that dad worked for a travel agency didn’t hurt either). This is something that my husband and I try to do in our family as well. It’s a great way to create long lasting memories as a family. When my sisters and I get together, we always talk about our memories from different trips. My little family also has many good memories from our vacations. Each is a favorite for different reasons, I really couldn’t pick just one!

Ginger~ Wow, how lucky! Your mom was a smart lady- (note to self…marry a travel agent!)

What is the best advice you have ever gotten- and who gave you this good advice?

Steph~ My husband always says, “No and not asking are the same thing.” Meaning, asking for something and being told no gets the same result as not even trying, so what are you out if you try?”

Ginger~ Very smart hubby!! Trying is the only way we will ever know. Steph, I would like to thank you for taking the time out of your busy life to come on over to GingerScraps and Dish with me!! I loved getting to know more about you, I can not wait to make that Baked Potato Soup! And I just KNOW my readers will LOVE exploring your site!! Much love and happy Scrapping 🙂

This Dish: with GingerScraps- Serving up… Pumpkin Seeds!

Happy Halloween Everyone!!

I hope you all have a great weekend !! We had so much fun at Truth or Dare last night! You all have to some play with us next time we put it on the books. It is a total crack up!! You can go snoop through the last nights game – although I did a little editing once the game was over, lol.

Make sure you take a ride along our blog train- the collab is really really cute! and there is still time to participate in all the challenges too! LOTS of amazing prizes up for grabs!!

Are you ready to Dish!??

Today I have some yummy Pumpkin Seed Recipes to share with you, one sweet & one savory.

I have tried a BUNCH of different recipes. But now I dont even follow one.. I do it all by memory and just eyeball it 🙂

-Preheat the oven to 350
-Separate the seeds- then rinse them in a colander.
-In a big glass bowl I melt 1 stic…k of unsalted butter.
-Put all the seeds in the bowl with the melted butter and mix thoroughly.
-Add about 1 tsp Sea Salt and 1 tsp Montreal Steak seasoning
-Mix, mix, mix
-Pour onto a baking sheet with sides, spread evenly.
-Shake a bit more Sea Salt and Steak seasoning on top
-Bake for about 15 minutes, stir and mix, even them out on the baking sheet again and continue baking.
– I check on them every 5-8 minutes- mixing and flattening them out again.
-They are done once they are a nice golden brown.
-Let them cool for just a little while.. I LOVE them warm! I eat them as soon as they are cool enough to pop in my mouth 🙂
Totally simple and sooo yummy!

I also love a sweet recipe- It is kinda like a Pumpkin Seed Brittle.
I am sure I am not the one that made up this recipe.. but I have never seen it anywhere, so maybe I did. Lol – I played around with it till I got this yummy creation 🙂
-Roast the seeds as above- but DO NOT add the Steak Seasoning and cut down the salt by about half. Once they are done remove them from the oven, and transfer them to a baking sheet lined with wax paper. The baking sheet needs to have sides on it- if it doesn’t you can use a casserole dish
Make a simple brown sugar toffee-
-2 cubes unsalted butter
-1 cup dark brown sugar
-Stir in a pot over med heat until it is at a full bubble
-Once at a full bubble – time 3 minutes – stirring constantly
-Remove from heat and add .5 tsp Sea Salt and 1 tsp pure vanilla extract.
-Stir fast, this will start to harden very quickly!
-Pour over the pumpkin seeds and shake the baking sheet to even it all out.
-Let cool till it breaks apart
-Crack it all up and enjoy!

The Dish: With GingerScraps- Serving up… Misty O’ Brien

Hello my fellow lovers of digi scrap!  Can you believe all the amazing things we have going on at GingerScraps?  It has been a thrilling ride this last few months. And we have so many more fun things planned for Oct! One little hint…. a costume contest…. and a HUGE prize!

And one other secret…. we are having THE COOLEST item that will be available Sunday only- You will not want to miss it! A 24 hour deal that will blow your socks off!

And now I would like to tell you what I am doing here today- Some of you might remember a long long time ago on my first GingerScraps blog I used to do a Friday Feature. It was something I very much enjoyed! So when we recently had an opening on this site blog, a light bulb went off…. I am going to do a weekly post *every Saturday* with “The Dish”. My posts will be interviews, recipes, tips, maybe a tutorial here and there. I hope you enjoy it!

This weeks “The Dish” I decided I wanted to do an interview with our Oct. guest designer Misty O’Brien!!

You can check out Misty’s Facebook Fan PageTwitter, blog, and sign up for my newsletter for contests, coupons, and the latest info.

She has a few fun new goodies in the shop- and more will be coming throughout the month as well!

Ginger: Hi Misty, I am so happy to have you as our first ever guest designer! I have missed you my friend! Why don’t we start by you telling everyone a little bit about yourself.

Misty: Hi Ginger, and all you out there in digi land 🙂 Ok, a little about me-  I’m from the Pacific Northwest, and I am a stay at home mom to two boys, Ian age 4 and Aidan age 2. I have been married to my husband Dan for 5 years but we’ve been going to school together since the first grade. I love digital scrapping and designing. I was just offered a position to write the digital scrapbooking column for the Examiner for my local area, so look for that soon! In our family’s free time, we love to geocache, head to the park, and play games. In MY spare time, I enjoy reading, cooking, baking, and being as crafty as possible.

Ginger: Wow that is so awesome!! You will have to link us up when your column hits the newsstands! And thank you for introducing me to geocaching! My kiddos and I totally love it. 🙂 Since it is October.. and I have costumes on the brain… Tell us- What’s your favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever worn?

Misty: When I was 16, my mom made me Dorothy’s dress from the Wizard of Oz. She even glued red glitter to a pair of pumps for “Ruby” slippers. I worked at a pizza shop and we all dressed up Halloween night.

Ginger: Oh my goodness that is so cute! There’s no place like home.. or the Pizza Shop 🙂 haha. What are you going to dress up like this Halloween?

Misty: I’m lame and only bought a funky black and pink wig. Since having kids, I haven’t dressed up in years.

Ginger: Well a tip of the hat to you my lady……. or should I say A tip of the wig to you. I actually wore a funky blue 80’s -ish wig last year as my “costume”. This year.. I have a t-shirt, it says “Bite Me” and it glows in the dark… wow I went all out huh. lol. What is you favorite candy? And do you steal your childrens Halloween – trick or treating candy?

Misty: I love Reese’s Peanut Butter anything and my most favorite is Dark Chocolate. I always steal my kids’ candy, although this year, I think I’ll actually let them eat some of it!

Ginger: Ohhhhh You HAVE to try the new dark chocolate Reeses! When I saw that commercial I was like… Reeses, Have you been reading my diary!? It was spooky!! haha So speaking of spooky…… Do you believe in ghosts?

Misty: Maybe,  I’m sort of a fence sitter. Once, I went into a vacant house on the market, and the energy just felt thick, suffocating, and I broke out in goosebumps. I felt sick and had to get out of there ASAP.

Ginger: Freaky! Have you ever been hypnotized?

Misty: No, and I would LOVE to try hypnosis.

Ginger: Now a few random questions- What is the one thing that makes you happy despite any mood?

Misty: Chocolate Milkshakes

Ginger: Nice! haha. Name a television character that you simply adore?

Misty: Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.

Ginger: What is the best vacation you’ve ever had in your life?

Misty: Ireland

Ginger: oh how wonderful! I would love to go to Ireland someday! I want to thank you for being our Guest Designer for Oct! And thank you for the fun interview 🙂 In closing I would love for you to share with us all a few things- I think it is fun to see a few of your favorite Layouts- and I would also LOVE you to share with us one of your favorite recipes!

Misty- Sure! Ok here are two of my favorite Layouts-

This one is my son Aidan- you can click on the LO to go see a full list of credits.

And one of my Hubby Dan- It will be linked to the full list of credits as well.

Ginger: Can you please share with us one of your favorite recipes?

Misty: mmmmmm your gonna love these!

Chocolate Caramel Crack(ers)
adapted from the Smitten Kitchen
  • About 40 saltine crackers, or enough to line a cookie sheet/baking sheet
  • 1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, cut into a few large pieces
  • 1 cup packed light brown sugar
  • A big pinch of sea salt (NOT table salt)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • 1 1/2 cups dark chocolate chips
  • 1 cup toasted chopped almonds (don’t overtoast!)

Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet (or your standard cookie sheet) completely with foil, and then line the base of the foil with parchment paper, cut to fit.

Line the bottom of the baking sheet with saltine crackers, covering all parts.

In a medium heavy-duty saucepan, melt the butter and brown sugar together, and stir it over medium heat until it begins to boil. Once it has begun boiling, let it bubble for three more minutes, stirring it well. It will thicken a bit as it cooks. Remove from the heat and add the salt and vanilla, and quickly pour over your crackers. Spread quickly, it will begin to set as soon as it’s poured.

Bake the caramel-covered crackers for 12 – 15 minutes, watching carefully as it will bubble and the corners might darken too quickly and/or burn. You can reduce the heat if you see this happening.

Remove from oven and immediately pour the chocolate chips over the crackers. You can do this in sections, don’t worry about getting every cracker. Let stand five minutes, and then spread them evenly across the caramel.  Sprinkle the chocolate with toasted almonds.

Put the baking sheet in the fridge to speed up the cooling process. Once completely cool, break up the crackers in large pieces. No need for it to be uniform. Store in a container (I keep mine in the fridge) for up to a week.

Ginger: Thank you so very much Misty! I am going to make these this weekend!! yummy!! 🙂

That wraps it up folks 🙂 I hope you fond this entertaining- If you have a suggestion or If you want to ask Misty and other questions- please comment here on the blog. She and I will be checking the comments and would love to shat with you! Have a Wonderful Weekend!

*And DON’T forget to pick out the Daily Download today! And come back tomorrow for news about our awesome 24 hour special!!*

Another helping of “The Dish”

Hey everyone!  It’s Tabby here bring you this weeks edition of “The Dish”.  I think this is such a fun little column (I’m not sure what the correct term is for the blogging world, lol) that we do.  If you’ve never asked a question for The Dish make sure you stop by our forum here and give it a go!

We had two new questions posted this week.

The first one pertains to Meta Data and tagging your photos.  Metadata is pretty new to me but from what I have gathered, Windows allows you to tag your photos and such using this “Metadata” to make it easier to find a photo of a certain person or even later on.  For example, your dog Rover, or your trip to New York.  The easiest way I have found to do this is to tag your photos using your photo editing or viewing program.  I view all of my .jpg and .png files in Picasa and it is very easy to tag in that program.

If there is a way to add the metadata from windows or if any of our readers have some insight as to an easy way of doing it we would love to have your comments as I am a complete novice in this area and could use some direction myself!

The second question is from Lynelle.  She asks, “I feel like I’m always going all over digitown to blog, Facebook and Twitter. Fortunately I use Firefox so I have all of my frequently used sites bookmarked in my toolbar. How do you make your life easier when it comes to posting on your blog, Facebook page and Twitter page?”

My simple answer is Yoono.  It’s free to add on to Firefox and syncs up your Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, and Twitter accounts.  I love Yoono because you can leave it open in your browser so that you never miss a beat!  You can download the free program here.  I haven’t found a program yet that integrates the blog posting but I’m sure there is one out there.

Thanks for reading the blog.  I can’t wait to see what questions you leave us to answer next week!