It’s already the middle of October and you know what that means? It’s Bake Sale time and wow…. have our designers stepped it up this month. Take a look at all these kits available for just $1.
Now, head over to the store and fill up your cart.
It’s already the middle of October and you know what that means? It’s Bake Sale time and wow…. have our designers stepped it up this month. Take a look at all these kits available for just $1.
Now, head over to the store and fill up your cart.
Oh my what a busy weekend we have. In case you haven’t seen the hullabaloo, DSD has been moved from the first weekend of November to the first weekend in October. Add the normal GingerScraps Buffet releases and some regular Friday Fresh Baked releases and WOW…. there is a lot going on in the store this week. I think the best way to handle these is to just throw them out there. 🙂
Oh my. And this is just a snippet. Make sure you are checking out the GingerScraps Facebook page several times a day this week and weekend as we post kit releases and sales…. lots and lots of sales.
Like every celebration throughout the year, our sweet Ginger has big things planned for this weekend.
I know I can’t wait!!!
Wow…. the middle of March already? It’s Bake Sale time and there is a lot of great kits for $1. The Bake Sale runs through March 20th.
Now….head over to the GS Store and GO SHOPPING!
And while you are there, add a few things from the Spring Cleaning sale to your cart. After the 18th, all the items in the sale will be discontinued.
Merry Christmas everyone!! The designers have put together a few exciting things for our normal Friday fresh baked releases and some special sales. Make sure to save that spending money for Friday (great aunt Matilda really doesn’t need a new sweater anyway).
And some retiring products sales:
Remember all of these are on sale on Friday, December 25th – Christmas Day!!
I hope each and every one of you have a very Merry Christmas!
Can you believe it’s almost DSD time? Are you ready for all the fun stuff going on this week on the GS forum? Here is just a few highlights. Make sure to check in forum tomorrow for some surprises too.
How about some fun sales from our designers?
Make sure to come to the forum tomorrow to see more!!
Happy Tax Day (for our US friends). Guess it’s a good thing that it’s also Bake Sale time so you can get some new goodies while not spending much. So let’s see what our fabulous designers are offering up this month.
And don’t forget, if you spend $10, you get this awesome collab {let it rain} for free. This would be perfect for me this week as it’s rained off and on every day.
Come back and leave a comment with some of the goodies you picked up. Remember these are only on sale until April 20.
Good afternoon my friends!
I know generally I sit down and spend the morning with you, but this morning the family and I had quite a bit of running around to do. We had a great morning and now I’m here to babble to you about this and that.
I know, you’re excited.
You should always have an air of excitement around you- it keeps things interesting.
The first week of October, come and gone. Can you believe that Christmas…Christmas… is only 79 days away. SEVENTY-NINE DAYS! Crazy. I have so many projects to start, finish, print for the holidays that I’m already behind. I need something to organize all my crazy to do, and I couldn’t help but eye up the new Hybrid Plan it! Charts from Connie Prince (JenE Creations).
The more I sit here looking at it, I just know it’s going in my cart the minute I finish writing. I love that not only is there a schedule, but chore chart, work out chart AND A CREATIVE TEAM CHART! How fun is that?!
Well, now that you’ve seen the new buffet and our new challenges what do you think?
I am in super love with our October Buffet: Fall Festival. It is ridiculous, and by ridiculous I mean that in an absolutely good way.
I am really into the challenges this month too. There are some fun new twists- like the mix-it-up challenge hosted by Crystal of Inspired Designs. I’ve been wanting to do a strictly black and white page, and now I’ve got double the motivation to get started. I really like simple hybrid challenges (since I’m totally not a Hybrid chick- you ladies that do Hybrid regularly are incredible), something that is 1, 2, 3 and done, so I’m really excited about this month’s Hybrid challenge hosted by JenC Designs.
Don’t just limit your thinking to Halloween/candy tag! I’m envisioning gift tags (for Christmas!) and cute jar labels too!
Today is the LAST day of Ocean Wide Designs Grand Opening Sale!
You’ve got a few hours left to take advantage of Meg, I mean… Meg’s sale! 😉
My favorite product? Her Sea Charts templates. I just picked up this pack last night:
I have every intention of picking up a few more too! 😀
That’s all I’m going to leave you with today, I’ve got to get my tush up and to exercise class!
Have a happy scrappy Sunday evening!
Happy Sunday scrappers!
It’s the last day of the month, which means tomorrow you’ll have a BRAND NEW Buffet to look forward to- and let me tell you… it’s fah-reak-ing AWESOME! I think one of my favorites to date, for sure.
I know, I know, I’m totally a tease, but admit it, you love it!
How about those commas? I’m a bit of an overload today, eh?
So, let’s wrap up this month, before Sarah gives you all the new goodies tomorrow.
We celebrated GingerScraps birthday this month, with sales, speed scraps, chats, prizes, SO MUCH FUN! We welcomed a fabulous guest designer, Meg of Ocean Wide Designs, who you just might be seeing more of… #wink We are also, sadly, saying goodbye to one of the sweetest designers I know- Maaike of Find Your Bliss Designs. She will be missed GREATLY and I hope she’ll still visit us in the forum!
Maakie is having a SUPER sale in honor of her departure, her entire store is 60% OFF! Today is the last day, so fill your carts!
Today, being the last day of the month (just to repeat myself), is the last day to get your September challenges in! Do you have a goal every month? I try to get 14 completed each month, I’m ambitious, but it really pushes me to think creatively. One of the challenges, the scraplift, certainly aides in scrapper’s block. Tomorrow will be all new challenges, which I can’t wait to see! One of my favorite things about GingerScraps is the variety of challenges for everyone.
Have you seen our new Monthly Mix? Each month a group of designers team up and mix-up a fantastic collaboration for YOU! This month unveiled the first, Who’s Wise?
So if you haven’t seen it, now you have! You’re welcome. 😉
One last thing, some VERY exciting news! One of our GingerScraps CT’s, Trina, delivered a beautiful little boy September 22nd! We want to all say CONGRATULATIONS and many blessings to you and your family! Check out her announcement in the forum (pictures included! …because who doesn’t love brand new babies?!)
I know it’s another short wrap-up this week, but I don’t want to overload you, what with so many new things happening right away tomorrow… which, have I mentioned, I am TOTALLY READY FOR!
…seriously, the buffet… LOVE!
Okay, done teasing you, bwahaha! Have a totally awesome rest of the day!
Hello friends!
It has been a whirlwind weekend, with speed scraps, slow scraps, sales sales sales, prizes, chats, truth or dare, and SCRAPPING!
I hope you have all had as much fun as I!
Today is your LAST CHANCE at the Birthday Bundles– a heck-of-a deal! THREE previously released kits are bundled together for one low price of $5! CRAZY!
Here are just a few of the bundles in the shop:
Definitely check ’em all out now if you haven’t yet, total STEAL! Remember the ENTIRE store is also 30% OFF through the end of today, so take advantage of that! I know I have! I’ve more now than I know what to do with! …but one can never have too much, right? 😉
We have a new addition to the Welcome Wagon. Z Pink Boudoir Designs has added a lovely little mini that looks so…refreshing and cool!
If you’re new to GingerScraps, or even new to digital scrapping altogether, the Welcome Wagon is a GREAT place to start building your stash. So many of our designers have created cute little minis and templates for you as a gift to say, “Hey, thanks for joining us here at GingerScraps. Stay awhile and happy scrapping!” All you’ve got to do is register in the forum- but I must warn you, with registration comes… a steady increasing addiction to checking it daily and making new friends, learning new tricks, earning rewards from just…scrapping! If you can handle that, then PLEASE join us! I LOVE seeing new faces introduce themselves.
I’ve seen a few new faces this weekend, during our Birthday Party! A BIG WELCOME to YOU! We do hope you stay with us, make GingerScraps your digi home.
Make sure you get your answers in by the end of today for the Birthday Scavenger Hunt! All you’ve got to do is search through the store looking for this guy:
He can be tricky, but once you’ve found him in each of our designer’s stores, you will win coupon for $5.00 in the GingerScraps Buffet!
You could also win a GingerScraps Store Gift Certificate! All you’ve got to do is match the purse to the designer in the “What’s in my purse?” game. This is such fun!
One more thing! While you’ve been filling your cart this weekend, you’ve been taking a walk… a cake walk!
Which reminds me, I’ve got more shopping to do today!
I hope everyone has had as much fun as I have this weekend. Thank you EVERYONE for celebrating our birthday with us! We enjoy having you a part of our community and appreciate all our friends!!
Have a super awesome Sunday and happy scrapping to you all!
Good morning ya’ll!
Late start for me this Sunday, woke up with a crick in the neck and while I was putting away clean dishes I suddenly needed to reorganize my Tupperware cupboard. Yup. So, now I’m here, with my fresh cup of Butter Toffee flavored coffee (just a quick splutz [that’s a word, I promise] of milk) and ready to dawdle on through what will undoubtedly be a very lazy Sunday.
Enough about me!
Let’s talk scrap!
The biggest thing happening around here is our Christmas in July celebration! Please kindly crawl out from your rock if you were unaware of this. 😉 We’ve been so excited about all the activities and PRIZES – OH THE PRIZES! – that it’s been quite difficult to contain our exuberance. Today wraps up our celebrations, so if you’ve got any last minute layouts to finish for the special challenges, or want to pop into one last chat (a story speed scrap!) with Pixels by Jen (2:00PM EST!) then now is your chance! Have you been keeping track of your event points? Got your eyes on the BIG prize?
If you earn a total of 10 points by Sunday July 29th at midnight EST, you will receive this special gift from our GingerScraps Designers!!
Check out the Christmas in July thread for all the details!
One of the challenges you can complete for our Christmas in July(CiJ) celebration is the Hybrid Ornament – which I am working on making several of for Holiday gifts! Simple, personal and, obviously, awesome.
Even after the CiJ has wrapped up there is no reason NOT to get a jump on your Holiday gifts! I know with the endless supply of goodies that GingerScraps creates for us I’m certain to actually get my gifts completed BEFORE December 24th this year. You know, like December 23rd. 😉
December will be here before you know it- yes summer is still in full swing, and I am expecting some very warm August days to come but yes, AUGUST! There are only three days left of July! HOLY MOLY! I’ve come to the conclusion that there is indeed a time thief among us. Get ready though, August is bringing some phenomenal things to GingerScraps (as if any other day doesn’t already 😉 ). However, soak up the last few days of July by shopping PsychoZoe’s Retiring Sale.
For example, the must-have Fun With Tulle Templates
Don’t miss these, get them now before they are gone! Don’t forget to browse our ENTIRE store either, so many of our Designers having many items on sale through today. If you’re new to us (HELLO!) totally take advantage of our Christmas in July extravaganza!
And remember if you spend $10 in our store you get this HUGE Grab-bag for FREE!
Speaking of new, I’ve seen so many fresh smiling faces (emoticons 😉 )in the forum that it warms my scrappy heart! WELCOME WELCOME! I hope each and every one of you gets your fluffy bunny slippers on and makes GingerScraps your cozy little corner of the web. We LOVE having you here!
With that, I’m wrapping up this wrap-up to go and get scrappy with it.
Have a scrap happy Sunday my friends!
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