Happy Friday! Don’t forget to check out our new releases! Everything is 25% off for the weekend!
Here is your link for today!!
Happy Friday! Don’t forget to check out our new releases! Everything is 25% off for the weekend!
Here is your link for today!!
What a great day we had yesterday! We announced our EXCLUSIVE deal with Persnickety Prints! Our Ginger Scraps fans get 10% off just by entering the coupon code on their site! Yes, you can save 10% on ANYTHING on their site!
Let’s see, what else. OH! Scrapbookizate opened her store here at Ginger Scraps! She has some incredible CU items and kits. Make sure you check out her store. Don’t forget that if you spend $10 you get the link to our New Gingerbread Ladies Collab – Good Morning for only $1.
Here is today’s Daily Download!
Are you all ready to welcome another *New GingerBread Lady*?
I am so excited to have her amazing goodies in our shop!! Please help give me a big GingerScraps welcome to Scrapbookizate!!
Here is a little bio so you can get to know her:
Hi, I’m new here!
I’m Aida Garmo, but I design using the name Scrapbookizate. In Spanish, “Scrapbookizate” means “turn into scrapbook!” so this is the reason why I pick this name LOL. I have been scrapping for a bit more than a year… I’m a baby designer! I’ve change my style a lot of times to find me more confortable with my designs and I think I’ve finally found the style that match me perfectly! I love scrapping and designing. I started as a CU designer, but then I discover that making kits is so addictive! I’m also an action-lover, and I’m now developing some actions… I really love it! You can visit my blog to stay updated and my Facebook Fan Page, where I’m now offering a RAK! But if you love freebies and you want to stay always updated, maybe you prefer to join to my newsletter; if you do so, you’ll receive a e-mail each week with the new releases and a freebie with each e-mail! Isn’t it so wonderful =P
Highlight products
You can find more products in my store, and remember that you can find freebies soon! So visit my store sometimes is the perfect way to earn free stuff! LOL I’m so happy so I decided to make a sale! From 6th to 10th all my stuff is 30% off! Hurry up and grab your favorite items! Aw! I forgot to say that I’m always looking for CT girls! If you are interested feel free to sent me a PM using the GingerScrap forum, and you can wear my blinkie, I would be glad!
May I have your attention please? Is this thing on? Hello? Can you hear me? Oh it works? Great! Since I have your attention – I have to tell you a HUGE announcement today. Well, I don’t have to but I want to. Trust me you’ll want me to tell you. This is AMAZING – Not only is it HUGE for us at Ginger Scraps, but it is HUGE for you too! Did I drag this out too long? Ok, I’ll get on with it…lol.
Ginger Scraps is pleased to announce that we have teamed up with Persnickety Prints to be the EXCLUSIVE store to sell you Persnickety Prints! Yes, you read that right. You can save 10% on your order from Persnickety just by going through our store! Click on Persnickety Prints in our store – we will give you a link to their store and a coupon code – enter the coupon code and you will automatically save 10% off on your entire purchase!!!! How awesome is that? Yes, you will place your order with Persnickety Prints and yes Persnickety Prints will mail you your order. We are just providing you with a discount for being a fan of GingerScraps!
Here is a little note form the Queen herself.. Ginger..
“So today is FINALLY the day! Chari (Queen of Persnickety Prints) and I have been talking about this since last season of Scrapping Survivor. The whole crew over at Persnickety were such great people! Generous sponsors and their kind genuine vibes came right through my computer monitor. We talked and talked for months trying to figure out how to partner up. I think it is so important to have a printing company you can trust, that use the best quality materials and handles your precious memories with care. And I know I have found this with Persnickety Prints! They are the absolute top notch! The best you can buy and customer service like no other- truly a one of a kind printing company.
So take the leap- go get all your wonderful digi creations printed!!”
Take a look at a few of the services that Persnickety Prints offers (we will be adding more soon too)
Now for today’s Daily Download!!
Happy Tuesday! I don’t think there is much for me to talk to you about today! I told you about the challenges, and the sales. We talked about how much fun we have in the forums. Tomorrow I’ll have BIG news – no seriously – HUGE news. The Biggest New’s we’ve had so far!!
Make sure you come back tomorrow to find out what we have up our sleeves!
For now here is today’s link! (image is linked)
Our random winner from last week is photom with her Memory LO Way to say just the right words. Here’s your prize:
Make sure you all head over the Gingerscraps Challenge section cause it’s a new month and there are TONS of new challenges for you to try. PLUS the more challenges you do the more cookies you get in the cookie jar which means the more % off you can get at the end of the month! Sounds like a win win situations to me!
To get you started lets check out my Alpha Challenge! We’re getting to the end of the alphabet and are on “W”! To play you simply make a layout inspired by the letter “W” you must have a “W” somewhere on your layout!
As a little bonus you get “X” goodies for completing you W LO!
Here’s one from my little boys 1 yr Alpha book. I’m excited to start over again with my little girl’s alpha book so watch out for that soon too!
“W”onderful don’t you think? I’m so funny. So head on over to to my W Challenge! Then come back here and post the link to your LO in the gallery and post it in a comment here. Next week I’ll randomly select one and that person will win a prize from ME! (Harmonystar).
Bonus – I will give a Brownie point to everyone who comments with their LO link.
CT & those who have already done the challenge are elligable. Let me see those comments!
Welcome to day 4 of our daily download. We are having such a great turn out from this! Please tell all your friends to come, after all who doesn’t like a free kit?
Let’s see, what do we have going on today? Did you know that we have an active forum? We talk constantly with each other and constantly learn new things. Our very own Barbara asks us a question each day and we answer, ask more and just chit chat. Please come join us! We have tons of fun and do a lot of laughing! We also play games! Don’t see a game you want to play? Then start your own! Ginger Scraps is a giant family and we love to have more people join in! This a complete drama free zone!
Don’t forget about our book club! We just started reading Her Mother’s Love by Francine Rivers. Have you ever read it? Want to? Come join in our discussions!
Now that I got you all excited about we do here at Ginger Scraps, let you give you today’s link. Remember that the past few days links will only be active for a little while longer!!
Thanks for stopping by and we’ll see you tomorrow!!!
Codys our LOTW winner this week with this beautiful LO. Who doesn’t love little baby feet? Click the image to leave her some love in the gallery.
Codys used the kit Funky Monkey by Wyld Web Designs which is available here.
You can pick outstanding gallery layouts which become the next LOTW nominee’s by posting in the “Baker’s Best” thread. Check out the rules here.
As always your vote counts so head over the the forum to vote for the next LOTW winner. You can be a LOTW winner too, all you have to do is scrap! Happy Scrapping.
We are on a roll! Today is day 3 of our daily download! We are really hoping you are loving this! Personally – I don’t think I’ve ever blogged this much in such a short time…lol. Hopefully doing this every day will get my creative juices flowing. I seem to be in a funk, just can’t seem to find the energy to scrap or blog. Have you ever had days like this? How did you get out of it? I think this daily download is going to help though – get me looking forward to seeing what comes next. Wyld Web Designs (the incredible designer that made this kit) has some incredible kits in her store. Maybe it is time for a shopping spree to help!
Now, back to business. Today is the last day of our New Release weekend. Today is the last day you can get the new release kits for 25% off. This is something you definitely don’t want to miss. Don’t forget that this month only when you spend $10 you get our new GingerBread Lady Collab for only $1!
Isn’t it cute? I just love the elements in this kit. I can see tons of different ways to make a layout from this! Hey! Maybe I’m getting out of my funk!!
Wow – talk about side tracked – you guys came here for the daily download. In case you forgot – here is a preview of the kit you are working to gather!
Don’t forget you can still get the first two links just by going back a few posts. I’m only going to be leaving them up for a little bit longer so grab them while you can!
Here is today’s link!
Thanks for stopping by! Have a great rest of your weekend and we’ll see you tomorrow!
Happy Saturday! I’m so glad the weekend is here. Are you? Well I’m back today with the second daily download link. Did you get yesterday’s link? Are you loving what you have seen so far? We would love to hear about it.
Before I can give you the link – I do have to tell you about our incredible sales this weekend. All of our new releases are on sale this weekend. Our designers have been so busy that there are TONS to pick from! Plus if you spend $10 in the store you get our new Gingerbread Lady Collab for only $1! That is a savings of $6!! You can read all about them from our blog post yesterday. Make sure you are signed up for our newsletter so you don’t miss anything! (You never know what specials you may find for our subscribers…).
The real thing I want to talk to you about are our incredible challenges in the forum. Have you seen them yet? There are a few of them that are using the daily download! Just for picking up the daily download you can participate in these challenges (Color Challenge, and the Progressive Layout Challenge to name a couple) and earn brownie points towards a full kit! I mean what is better then that!
I suppose I talked enough about our incredible site. I can promise you this has nothing to do with the fact that I hang out here or that I work here. It has to do with the fact that we are a giant family and are always looking for new friends to come join us! Would you like to join our online family? Come introduce yourself and hang out!! We’d love to have you!
Now here is your link :
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